Wednesday, April 29, 2020

how he lies

When Trump projects onto others, his own misdeeds, he is often vociferous and continuous in his ranting and raving. He is a master at deferring and deflecting. Because the media had permitted him to do so during the 2016 election, by shouting “lock her up,” or “Benghazi,” or “her email’s,”  this ploy to deceive has become not only a tell-tale sign of propaganda but a tell-all signal of just how worried Trump is, regarding the size of his own criminal behaviors or dereliction of duty.

So now it is China and WHO, that Trump demands we have a witch hunt committee established to discover that it was they, and not his own inability, disconcert, and pure ineptitude, as to why America FUCKED UP in preparation for the Coronavirus.  So, one might ask, why even spend the time on the blame…and one might answer…because Trump WAS and IS the guy who could have, should have, and would have been the person to prepare us for this pandemic, and in his role as President, he DID NOT…and by NOT DOING so…placed and places ALL of us in a very precarious and position. And he IS still, with disregard, making future decisions. Meatpacking plants are to open, without any real direction or health controls for their workers, he is insisting that the country open, and we are still minus adequate, let alone appropriate tracking and testing. The Blue States and Blue Cities are being punished for placing people before profit, and as usual, Trump’s motto of QUID PRO QUO looms like a thick thundercloud dark, dangerous, and full of furious wind and hail full of destruction.

How this all ends is a mystery, but the clues to how we got here are smack dab in front of our faces. To ignore an established behavior pattern makes the rest of us even more ignorant, than Trump. We must fight as hard as we can to excuse him and enable him. ALL OF US!


“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” Oscar Wilde
Trump’s desire for his lost 15 minutes of fame, and reality show ratings which the Coronavirus had the audacity to remove and ravage, leaving his ego, scarred and singed is to be returned, immediately, no matter the consequences to others, as TRUMP is now demanding that 1000 graduating cadets from West Point, (who have been home quarantined) return to campus in one large group, so Trump can pretend that HE has conquered the virus, and is a War Time Commander-In-Chief! It matters not that these men and women will interact with the public, the airport, the flight crew, the West Point Instructors, Commissioned Officers, as well as the citizens of the town of Highlands, New York, in which West Point is located. Learning nothing, or perhaps the better phrase, is GIVING NOT ONE SHIT, from the contagious environment of the USS Theodore Roosevelt’s 3000 sailors, plight with sharing the spread of COVID-19, Trump and  his compadre of Secretaries of all of the Military are all in for letting the Troops suffer from Trump’s own inadequacies of self-esteem and narcissism. Standing by silently is the Congress, who may not be able to intervene, but should certainly making the LOUDEST NOISE they can. And joining them should be each and every group identifying themselves as a Veterans Advocacy Organization! Show and tell, for Trump to pretend he is anything but a monster, and t tell the rest of this nation, science and medicine mean nothing when it comes to Trump’s attempts to be Re-Elected!

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.
The arrogance in which Pence paraded into The Mayo Clinic, presenting himself as the EVERYMAN, walking into what America once regarded as a bastion of SCIENCE/MEDICINE/INTELLIGENCE/PRESTIGE, without wearing any PPE, was nothing but a setback for the reputation of a place where I thought truth mattered! There IS blame for this, and I AM angry, at both Pence, and the Mayo Clinic, for presenting a good case to the stupid, and those spoiled Americans who cannot go one more day trying to help abate the COVID-19, that FUCK the MASK or the SOCIAL DISTANCING, screw the CDC or NIH, just watch as one of the TRUMP SWAMP CREATURES, become the arbiter of handling a Pandemic. And no matter who the hell Pence is, the Mayo Clinic had a bigger responsibility to its patients, its staff and the public, to say THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. And Pence’s tepid response that he has been and will be tested, and that his entourage of ass lickers have also been tested and will be tested; so no mask, no matter! The visuals were everything The Trump Re-Election Team could hope for, demonstrating that the Coronavirus is just the mere flu, an idea so exaggerated by the Democrats, a hoax by the Liberals. The Mayo Clinic may have been forced into this plot this Trump propaganda scheme, but either before or immediately after the Clinic should have spoken on live TV telling American, what you will see or just witnessed is wrong, we ignored our own proactive initiatives, and were compromised by the need for a show and tell of the Trump Administration which still has no idea how to mitigate COVID-19

Selfishness is one of the more common faces of pride. 'How everything affects me' is the center of all that matters - self-conceit, self-pity, worldly self-fulfillment, self-gratification, and self-seeking. You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible! Ezra Taft Benson/ And there was Governor DeSantis sitting, Governor of Florida, never accepting the idea that the COVID-19 was anything more than the flu, telling the world his state was God’s waiting room for death, posing with Trump. Trump all smiles so encouraged that Florida can now open its flood gates to Coronavirus, but more importantly permit Trump to feel triumphant that he has killed the COVID!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Letter C

Today’s letter is C! C, as in CAPITALISM/CORPORATION/CORRUPTION, and c as in citizen! The Federal Reserve is beginning a program that will provide 100 billion of dollars as an emergency aid loan program for American Corporations involved in the Food Chain Supply System. Sounds reasonable, but unlike most other COVID -19 programs, this one COMES without any transparency or regulations on how the money will be used…(I.E. if the CORPORATION  wishes to COMPENSATE its CEO or shareholders with the use of taxpayer money…instead of paying for its employee’s salaries, insurance, the security of employment, the CORPORATION can do so, and no one, from the Federal Reserve, will bat an eyelash. And to make CERTAIN, Secretary of Treasury Stevie ( I spend TaxPayers Dollars on my wife and I because I can and am a TRUMP SWAMP THING) Mnuchin, says there is nothing to worry about because this is CONSIDERED a loan, so the only CONSEQUENCE, the CORPORATIONS  have to worry about is paying it back! UH-HUH!

The CORNONAVIRUS has laid CLAIM  not only to the lives of American CITIZENS, but has easily demonstrated the priorities of a Republican Senate, whose intent is and always has been to protect and preserve the health and welfare of its Lobbyists/ Donors, and Pay to Play Bribe Masters the People born from the CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN Supreme COURT Activist judges, the CORPORATIONS! The COUNTRY is now opening up, and one has to ask, even with the 100 Billion Dollars given to the CORPORATIONS, where are the tests the tracking, the ventilators, the masks, the PPE’s. Rhetorical question, of course, but honestly, is there no CONSCIENCE  when it COMES  to CAPITALISM, isn’t that a whole lot like COMMUNISM? 

Monday, April 27, 2020

show me the money

Jerry Maguire: [screaming] Show me the money! Show me the money! Rod Tidwell: Do you love this black man! Jerry Maguire: I love the black man! This line is spoken by Rod Tidwell, played by Cuba Gooding, Jr., in the film Jerry Maguire, directed by Cameron Crowe (1996). Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a sports agent. He has the ability to show his clients some money—you might even say the money. The meaning. "Time is money" means that in order to earn money, one must act and therefore use one's time (which is not infinite). We also use this expression to say that there is no time to lose. (Jerry Maguire/ Screenplay-Cameron Crowe)

As it stands for the moment, (and in this day and age-when moments are either being injected with the disinfectant of a hapless, unintelligent, wanna be Prom Queen, President, or actual suggestions of disinfectant to not only kill the COVID-19, but the entire body in which it has found footing, whatever moment we find ourselves) dangles perilously on a precipice of delusion, revenge, insecurity, and a dozen tweets, which could erase, any positive movement forward, because TRUMP, is mad, or sad, or feeling bad…so as it stands now there are about 454 Billion Dollars of Money to Follow! One might think, wow, by now, some people should be a bit better off financially, but we must remember the adage of “FOLLOWING THE MONEY,” AND in this case, we have three people upon whom we might suggest to look at in doing so, Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Prince Jared Kushner Son-In-Law of TRUMP, and 24-time failure passing Top Secret Security Tests, and of course Reality TV Star, Numero Uno Fan of FOX, and disinterested in anything but his re-election (keep me out of jail) campaign TRUMP!

Chaos in messaging, management, momentum, lack of a concerted coordinated effort, the abysmal practice of political partisanship, placing political ploys above people, and the practice of profits for TRUMPS Pirates above all else, and ONLY practicing catch up, preferring to first place blame than claim responsibility, has made the total of at least 454 billion dollars seem like chump change. We are told to follow the money, but should ask first, who is actually responsible for where that money IS going and IS all that money going to its intended recipients! Looking around and listening, to the average American, one might readily respond…WHO the FUCK KNOWS?  So, now we are on to yet another iteration of financial response, knowing that the previous attempts have had poor to piss poor results, and we still HAVE no accountability, as to where the money is going, who truly is accountable for the money, and no promises by our Government, under the direction or should I say DURESS of a sociopath, named TRUMP, that any of the billions will make it to those who truly need it! WE need a LEADER, and so far if the best answers are Kushner/Pence/Mnuchin or TRUMP, we are still lost in both a VIRAL PANDEMIC and a VIRTUAL PSYCHOPATHIC BLACKHOLE!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

a religious battle

A Louisiana pastor who defied state orders against large gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic has been placed under house arrest. Tony Spell, of Life Tabernacle Church in the city of Central, has been fitted with an ankle bracelet and placed under house after he would not promise to maintain social distancing, his attorney confirmed Sunday. Spell has admitted to violating Louisiana's mandate to avoid large gatherings by hosting church services. Spell still showed up to the church's Sunday service, where he was greeted with cheers, according to a livestream posted on Facebook. The pastor showed off his ankle monitor while standing in front of his congregation, claiming, "I'm not hiding anymore." "I'm not hiding anymore." "It's a dirty, rotten, crying shame when you have to hide in America," he said. (NBC News)

The hew and cry of "I'm not hiding anymore." "It's a dirty, rotten, crying shame when you have to hide in America," to me is the most alarming bit of news spewing from this Pastor, who has decided that NO LAW, but HIS own interpretation of his own relationship with HIS own particular Lord and Savior, is relevant, and all else becomes irreverent be it of need, necessity, or acknowledgment. For me, when any leader seemingly AASERTS, that HE and only HE knows the care and welfare of his insular  society based solely on a selfish fanaticism with a hard dose of delusion of grandeur, no rational attempt to dissuade his destructive tendencies is available! And in this nation where the entire idea that we have always been a nation established on Christian principles, and SHOULD have declared this a Christian nation, is no longer a cautionary tale to unravel, but now, with QUARANTINE a long tedious, tiresome, issue in which to contend, battle lines are no longer just issued, but etched into our daily being. More and more the ignorance of science in favor of a religious dogma, a fictional belief that all will be well if you pray to the correct God, is the new normal. It might be fine to say, let them pray, let them share the virus, and let them suffer, they have asked to do so, but none of these Parishioners of a self-appointed spokesperson for Jesus, Pastor Tony Spell, live in a vacuum, and the COVID-19, along with these individuals does not want to hide in America either. The arrogance, of pastor Tony Spell, reeks of insidious, sycophantic malignant machinations. It has been proven that a cult leader enjoys playing victim, all the while acting as the protector for those too immature to own their own responsibilities.  The state of Louisiana is in a dire predicament, perilously trying to find balance for the greater good, while one man and many others like him will become LOUD VOICES, desires to ONLY care for the lesser, pretending that is a GOOD thing also! And the warning shots, if not already fired, are once again echoing loud when Pastor Spell said,  “My right to have church and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is endowed by my creator — not my district attorney, not my chief of police and not my Gov. John Bel Edwards,"  

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Birx the Enabler

En·a·bler: A person or thing that makes something possible. A person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another.("being an enabler to an addict does more harm than good")

Dr. Deborah L. Birx, 64, is a world-renowned global health official and a retired U.S. Army physician who was instrumental in HIV/AIDS vaccine research, and whose career has spanned three decades. And ever since Vice President Mike Pence appointed her as the response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force — one of two women on the team — she’s been on national TV almost daily, often alongside Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert. her body language as President Trump suggested bright-light treatments and disinfectants to fight the coronavirus on Thursday — sitting still, taking a deep breath, blinking, setting her face still and then staring at the ground — went viral on Twitter on Friday. Some criticized her for not standing up and refuting the president’s comments immediately. Dr. Birx defended Trump, promoting unfounded and harmful information coronavirus treatment by saying, “He gets new information, he likes to that throughout loud and really has that dialogue…I think he just saw that information at the time immediately before the press conference and he was digesting the information.” (MSNBC)

An enabler to an addict, let’s say a so·ci·o·path: (a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.) Whose only strength is that of a li·ar: (a person who tells lies.) Who also is a psy·cho·path: (a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. an unstable and aggressive person.)  An ENABLER acts on no one’s behalf but the addict and receives a sense as if he or, SHE, in this case, is saving the ADDICT from himself. Dr. Birx, you took the Hippocratic Oath: (The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.)… At the end of  an episode of Drag Race, two contestants are up for elimination according to the panel of judges, based on their prior performance. The two bottom contestants must perform a simultaneous lip-sync number (“lip-sync for your LIFE!”) and the winner makes it to the next round. Shantay You Stay = The queen makes it to the next round. Sashay Away = The queen has been eliminated. Buyeee. Dr. Birx,  who IS the more important contestant, TRUMP, or the rest of America!


more dangerous stupid

Just a few items for a Saturday (April 25, 2020) to be exact. (I promised myself that when this crisis becomes either a new norm, and we as a nation deal with it, as we might any blight on our society, or if, SCIENCE/MEDICINE/TECHNOLOGY, willing, there is a vaccine for it, I will record my own resistance, rant, rave and review of a maddening world, in which I find myself in the present, and hopefully will use with great wisdom and a bit of caution for the generation proceeding me, as a guideline. History used to be a helpful glance into the future, and once upon a time kept the present from falling apart! (Now it seems a generation of self-loathing loons, motivated by an even more insecure self-loathing criminal, believe that HISTORY, AND FACT AND SCIENCE, are taboo, and only hoaxes used to keep Jesus and Christianity out of Judiciary System and to maintain this nation as a DEMOCRACY, rather than cherished THEOCRACY!) But I digress.

First item is the homicidal tendencies of one Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia, who has decided that the Health of the Economy, is of far more importance than his fellow Georgians. His Let’s all Party and Play Plot to excite the “south shall rise again,” KKK, MAGA Republican base, has been discussed in too many ways as a fool's errand, so I shall not expand upon that bit of sad information. But today, I listened as the Mayor of Albany, Georgia lamented that his city will follow the Governor’s order, based not on science, but on a promise, by the Governor (who only opened up his state because he really, no I mean REALLY, wanted to kiss not only Trump’s ass, but the even the hemorrhoids, only to discover, that Trump’s allegiance is to himself, and his future fourth wife, Ivanka), that testing kits, testing labs, and of course the states national Guard would ensure that everything is in working order. So, now as an accomplice to homicide, and suicide, the Mayor of Albany, Georgia is on the list of the “I was just following orders,” gang of murderers! Consider the choice, a REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS’ PROMIS,  versus, SCIENCE! (And on a personal note, I was lucky enough, eons ago to work at a camp in Cleveland Georgia, Camp Barney Medintz, and ever since maintained good friends who still reside in the state of Georgia. They are wonderful, loving, intelligent good people, so I worry for them and the direction of doom and death their Governor is taking!

The second item, at first glance, is trivial, but for me it resonates as a MUCH larger piece of HYPOCRISY, originating from the Crime Family known as TRUMP! Melania tweeted her Thoughts and Prayers regarding the 53,418 deaths of Americans (by the time I post this sadly that number may rise.) How touching, one might assume, but I am not that one, I assume, Melania had someone on her PR team write the tweet, and I assume that she has never listened to her “trick,” oops, I mean husband NEVER, EVER, mention his deeply felt remorse for the death of so many, especially, all the while insisting the COVID-19 was just a flu, a hoax, a Democratic Political Plot, and a nuisance, denying him his magic elixir of MAGA Fascist Rallies. If Melania, cared, she might try harder to convince her Donald, to say a few thoughts and prayers of his own,( But maybe the Pre-Nuptial states clearly that a wife be  used as a prop and a “babe,” only) The thing about Melania and her “Be Best,” Bull Shit, is that it is never relevant toward her own family’s behavior, but always for the rest of us. And the thing about THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS, is they have never worked to stop mass shooting, or invoke better gun laws or bring back the lives of the innocent.  And for me, all the phrase THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS tell me is, here is a GOOD excuse for doing nothing!

Friday, April 24, 2020


dis·in·fect·ant a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria. ir·rev·er·en t showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously in·jec·tion an instance of injecting or being injected. per·ver·sion the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
Chemical Suicides: The Risk To Emergency Responders A relatively new approach using toxic gases generated by the combination of consumer products or common household chemicals. The vapors, especially when entrapped in enclosed spaces, may exist in concentrations that can be hazardous to first responders and others.

So many have already expressed, with greater definition, and degree of astonishment, then I might muster up, that the actual suggestion, by some guy named Donald Trump, who even though he has the title of President, has demonstrated that insanity, is not something to laugh it, or critique as “how much lower can he go,” or to any longer IGNORE! How the professionals of the various scientific and medical agencies of the US Government, have not FINALLY come together, and quit working for Trump, and banded together, to INFORM the PUBLIC as a UNIFIED GROUP, that Trump is nothing but an unenlightened, unintelligent, inhuman, idiot, is beyond me. How much more can be said when, what was suggested, by the one person who in regard to our Constitution is supposed to be Commander-In-Chief, not only flies in the name of normalcy, but is a recommendation on how one might consider suicide, or if you plan on a DISINFECTANT PARTY, a homicide!

The entire wiring of my body jolted as if I had been struck by lightning, listening to Trump suggest yet one more HUNCH. Why is still permitted the air time by the media to hamper and destroy and effort in containing the COVID-19, is a question that drives me crazy? And when I thought about the word crazy, a fictional character came into my mind, that of Hannibal Lecter! I wondered, why was Hannibal Lector so scary in The Silence of the Lambs? Because he's so goddamn calm. He talks about his crimes (like his encounter with the census taker) without even changing the pitch or tone of his voice. He has a knack for finding and preying on people's weaknesses and secrets. Not knowing how We The People Can rid ourselves of Trump’s appearances (his MINI-ME, MAGA Rally Coronavirus Reality TV, and the more I thought about it the angrier I got. I thought I might share some quotes, from Hannibal, all written by the author Thomas Harris. 

“What do you look at while you’re making up your mind? Ours is not a reflective culture, we do no raise our eyes up to the hills. Most of the time we decide the critical things while looking at the linoleum floor of an institutional corridor or whispering hurriedly in a waiting room with a television blatting nonsense.” “We assign a moment to decision, to dignify the process as a timely result of rational and conscious thought. But decisions are made of kneaded feelings; they are more often a lump than a sum.” “The exposition of Atrocious Torture Instruments could not fail to appeal to a connoisseur of the worst in mankind. But the essence of the worst, the true asafoetida of the human spirit, is not found in the Iron Maiden or the whetted edge; Elemental Ugliness is found in the faces of the crowd.” -Thomas Harris Hannibal


dis·in·fect·ant a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria. ir·rev·er·en t showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously in·jec·tion an instance of injecting or being injected. per·ver·sion the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
Chemical Suicides: The Risk To Emergency Responders A relatively new approach using toxic gases generated by the combination of consumer products or common household chemicals. The vapors, especially when entrapped in enclosed spaces, may exist in concentrations that can be hazardous to first responders and others.

So many have already expressed, with greater definition, and degree of astonishment, then I might muster up, that the actual suggestion, by some guy named Donald Trump, who even though he has the title of President, has demonstrated that insanity, is not something to laugh it, or critique as “how much lower can he go,” or to any longer IGNORE! How the professionals of the various scientific and medical agencies of the US Government, have not FINALLY come together, and quit working for Trump, and banded together, to INFORM the PUBLIC as a UNIFIED GROUP, that Trump is nothing but an unenlightened, unintelligent, inhuman, idiot, is beyond me. How much more can be said when, what was suggested, by the one person who in regard to our Constitution is supposed to be Commander-In-Chief, not only flies in the name of normalcy, but is a recommendation on how one might consider suicide, or if you plan on a DISINFECTANT PARTY, a homicide!

My entire wiring of my body jolted as if I had been struck by lightning, listening to Trump suggest yet one more HUNCH. Why is still permitted the air time by the media to hamper and destroy and effort in containing the COVID-19, is a question that drives me crazy? And when I thought about the word crazy, a fictional character came into my mind, that of Hannibal Lecter! I wondered, why was Hannibal Lector so scary in The Silence of the Lambs? Because he's so goddamn calm. He talks about his crimes (like his encounter with the census taker) without even changing the pitch or tone of his voice. He has a knack for finding and preying on people's weaknesses and secrets. Not knowing how We The People Can rid ourselves of Trump’s appearances (his MINI-ME, MAGA Rally Coronavirus Reality TV, and the more I thought about it the angrier I got. I thought I might share some quotes, from Hannibal, all written by the author Thomas Harris. 

“What do you look at while you’re making up your mind? Ours is not a reflective culture, we do no raise our eyes up to the hills. Most of the time we decide the critical things while looking at the linoleum floor of an institutional corridor or whispering hurriedly in a waiting room with a television blatting nonsense.” “We assign a moment to decide, to dignify the process as a timely result of rational and conscious thought. But decisions are made of kneaded feelings; they are more often a lump than a sum.” “The exposition of Atrocious Torture Instruments could not fail to appeal to a connoisseur of the worst in mankind. But the essence of the worst, the true asafoetida of the human spirit, is not found in the Iron Maiden or the whetted edge; Elemental Ugliness is found in the faces of the crowd.” -Thomas Harris Hannibal

Thursday, April 23, 2020

for those who wonder

A top Health and Human Services official who said he was transferred from his post for pushing back on “efforts to fund potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections” felt pressured to rush access to chloroquine treatments for coronavirus after President Donald Trump had a conversation about it with a mega-rich donor, a source close to the doctor told NBC News. Dr. Rick Bright said he was instructed to implement a national program aimed at expanding access to the drug without proper controls in place and despite the lack of peer-reviewed clinical data on the drug's effectiveness following a conversation Trump had with Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison, the source said. (NBC NEWS)

For those who wonder, why, the COVID-19 issues in the United States, should ONLY pertain to what the Real Educated Scientists and Physicians and Nurses, and find it hard to believe, that by now we do not have MORE of the necessary Scientific and Medical Tools in Our Toolbox (I hate that phrase, but since it seems to be the “at the moment usage of a term,” I will share it!,) all ONE has to do is to discover with whom and for whom Trump works. QUID PRO QUO (I had been reticent in using that term, as well, but it IS NOW a rather poignant part of the politics of 2020.) It seems all we have to with Trump, in regard to all and everything IS FOLLOW THE MONEY. Make a buck, murder a life, garner more profits, gather more deaths, be rich and thrive, and remain poor and just die! We are not ALL in this together, NOPE, not if you are a multi-millionaire or billionaire. Somehow, YOU seem to feel Profit Margins are the vaccine against COVID-19! Amazing, how that works!

too bad

This blog will be a simple set of sentences. It seems a few people, some people I do not know, are very angry with me and have referred to me as a Russian Bot, because I post way too many articles and opinions, very negatively stated against Trump. Perhaps I have reached a level of fame, I never sought, or a level of truth, others have decided to ignore. My first response was to become pissed, but Joe, my husband, talked me out of that feeling, telling me, who the fuck are these people any, way, so who should give a fuck… Then someone screamed via a post, that WHAT I DON’T WORK, and have all the time to write mean blogs about Trump. Again I first grew infuriated, then thought to myself, WHAT THE FUCK, IF YOU ARE READING ALL I WRITE, DON’T YOU WORK…truth be told, I am retired, and I don’t work! Often times some people will respond and say, I suppose in a meaningful and helpful manner, haven’t you said enough, ALREADY!  My answer, if you have read more than one of my comments or blogs is that SILENCE, HAS ALWAYS EQUALLED DEATH, I am not ready to die, not am I am ready for democracy to die, (albeit, it seems to be on its last legs, standing) Finally, someone, of random douchebaginess is so concerned with my continuation of blogging, or ranting, or commenting, that he or she or it (one never knows on FB, who IS real or not) is going to see to it that I am reported to the FB Police, and have me banned! All of which at the same times irks me, makes me feel as if I am that pain in the ass of the side of evil I hoped to be, and that some people are upset, that I WILL not become a lemming, and permit Trump to lie, steal cheat, grift, and consider even one death from the COVID-19, not a big deal. I write this particular blog, because, once again, although the days seem like GROUNDHOG DAY, new evidence appears right in front of our faces, which SCREAM, a bad man, a very evil and insidious, self-serving man, has the power in this nation to let all of us, even those who consider him their Lord and Savior/those who bribe him because not paying taxes is their definition of patriotism, those who now feel empowered to hate out loud, even those unintelligent, backward, thugs, more and more truth is found, and more and more it is, with great desire trying to be buried by one of the two most dangerous politicians in this nation, Trump, and his heartless, façade of a human McConnell. 

Long opening paragraph, usually a bad idea to keep the reader's interest. But I needed to be clear, and just could not chop up my feelings into a lesser statement. Whatever power I have, I will exert, if that power comes merely in my opinions, and comments, like a tsunami, a flood, a wave, or a trickle, I will write it. If you don’t like that fact, I don’t really care. If you appreciate what I say, thank you, and join in and say what you believe needs to be done to make America safe again, and America to remain a democracy. For me, the days in which we live ARE either truth or fiction/good or evil/ right or wrong, and with Trump in power, we can never pretend to find a middle ground, because HE NEVER WILL, nor DOES HE KNOW HOW!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


SORDID LIVES: (A movie, written by Del Shores) Sometimes it takes a death to bring a family together. The all-star casts put a comedic twist on a story of unconditional love, acceptance, and "coming out" in a Texas family. The eccentric cast of characters come together when their intertwining lives prepare for the funeral of the family matriarch. One particular character, SISSY HICKEY, played brilliantly by Beth Grant, was desperately trying to quit her cigarette habit, and would place a rubber band (in Pittsburghese we called these Gum Bands,) and snap it very hard every time she found herself in an uncomfortable and angst producing situation, the kind of emotion begging someone to take at least one drag off of a cigarette. Watching the movie, the viewer, felt for SISSY, because more often than not she was smack dab in the middle of shit, of which she had no desire to find herself walking in! Today, Wednesday, April 22, 2020, I felt the pain and the sense entrapment that poor SISSY HICKEY seemed to traverse in wittingly and unwittingly. As a form of habit, I came home from my 30-minute run and without thinking flicked the remote to MSNBC, and there before my eyes were the Donald Trump Horror Show, featuring to members of SORDID LIVES,  Donnie the King, and Pence the YES MR. PRESIDENT ASS LICKER. For what I know had to be only a mere 5 minutes of my life, I watched, as Trump congratulated himself on having fewer deaths in his nation, now calling himself the King of Ventilators, and chastising the FAKE MEDIA, for NOT giving Trump ALL THE CREDIT IN THE WORLD, for doing a HEROIC JOB regarding COVID-19! A reporter, brave enough to try and challenge Trump, lies, was, of course, put off with the typical quick tiny hand gestures, as well as his dismissal of anyone asking him why he fucked up. In the five minutes that I watched, and GOD only knows how I lasted that long. Not wanting to listen to any more words falling freely from this fraud, I somehow concentrated only on his lips, and realized something I had known, but never gave much credence; when he lies and knows he is caught in a lie, his tiny lips to match his tiny hands, which I am certain cover up another tiny part of his body with is overly long tie, hardly moved. Honestly, his lips perhaps moved milli-meters, knowing that they should not move at all because he was caught. AND he was caught, so of course, his next best effort is to call his LAP DOG MIKEY PENCE, who is owned and operated by both Donnie the Liar Trump, and Mother Pence.

And then I thought about the character from SORDID LIVES, SISSY HICKEY, and decided while my life is becoming more and more sordid, regarding the permission of suicide and homicide, by Trump, I need a rubber band, and need to snap it hard anytime I accidentally see Trump on TV producing yet another campaign rally and telling the American people, it's okay to die, as long as you are dying so I can become President again!

truth and lies

When the truth is found to be lies And all the joy within you dies Don't you want somebody to love Don't you need somebody to love Wouldn't you love somebody to love You better find somebody to love (Don’t You Want Somebody To Love/Darby Slick)

Americans must keep lots of lists, of the Pre-meditated Murderers/those complacent to both Manslaughter, Suicide, and Homicide, during this age of Denial and complete Disregard to the value of human life. Lots of lists, of course, many will contain the names of Trump and Pence and Kushner and Azar, Conway, all of these from the Trump Administration and Inner Swamp Circle, as well as the Reality Stars of TV and Radio such as Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity, and Mehmet Oz, and Phil Mc Graw, and Alex Jones. They will be a special kind of list of soldiers “JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS,” or in Trump’s case GIVING the ORDERS accused of death and dying and disregard during the Pandemic, which started out as COVID-19,  but in time just be known as Trump’s Folly! The names above are just one group of Cold-Blooded Killers, who place politics before people, profits before people, and Republican Dogma before People, and in due time I can only wish a Tribunal is established for war crimes; you know a War Against Humanity. But there is another list we must consider, when hopefully democracy and law, and morals, and freedom return to this nation.

Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend Smiling faces show no traces Of the evil that lurks within (can you dig it?) Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes They don't tell the truth Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof Oh, oh, yeah(Smiling Faces Sometimes/Norman Whitfield – Barrett Strong)

These are the Republican Governors who have decided that Trump’s HUNCHES, plus his lush financially  lobby filled PAC’S and the 1%Domestic Terrorist Donor Base, tax-free offshore accounts are more important the health and welfare of their electorate. Read these names, and remember, as each of their states sees an increase in COVID-19 suffering and death, that they too are assisting in both the suicide and homicide within their state’s borders! ASA HUTCHINSON/ARKANSAS…RON DE SANTIS/FLORIDA…BRIAN KEMP/GEORGIA…TATE REEVES/MISSISSIPPI…HENRY MCMASTER/SOUTH CAROLINA…KRISTI NOEM/SOUTH DAKOTA…BILL LEE/TENNESSEE…GREG ABBOTT/TEXAS... All of these Governors think that the COVID-19 is just a New York kind of thing, or a Liberal Hoax, or a Chip on the Shoulders of those who never ever liked Trump. And these Governors are going to ignore any CDC, NIH concerns and open up to non-essential businesses, by Friday, April 24, or Monday, April 27! “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death/ Liberation/ We Are Not a Communist Nation/just a few reasons for these Governors to avoid science and medicine. The reality is WE ARE AFRAID OF THE MAGA/ the GOOD NAZI’S/  and believe the SOUTH NEVER LOST THE CIVIL WAR…and oh yeah Trump scares us!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


There is the Fortune 500, plus another  few hundred corporations in this nation, making billions of dollars. Many of which have seized upon the non-transparency of the stimulus package, which, when designed, had a few secret codes by which these same very profitable corporations could squeeze out millions in cash, for their own bottom line----thus eliminating extra dollars for the small businesses. Had the CEO’s of Shake Shack, not come forward, not originally by their own volition, rather prompted by a report from a whistleblower---most Americans would have had no idea just how much grifting and back door bull shit and chicanery would have taken place.  So suddenly, there was “shock and awe,” that the Stimulus Plan for Small Businesses was invented to assist the large Corporations (many of whom have already delighted in the tax holidays, tax breaks, and lack of taxes paid) due to Trump and his Quid Pro Quo dirty deals of no taxes for you, but your money for me.

So, with today’s PR Mini-Me Please Re-Elect me Rally, questions were asked about why Big Corporations received so much money. And of course, Stevie (who has said because of the president more times than even Pence) Mnuchin, was astonished, chagrinned that any abuse of money could have happened. And we are now told that those Corporations need to be taken to the shed and punished. HOWEVER, TRUMP, as devious and divisive as ever had to speak up, and mention only one name of a myriad of thieves who thought they could steal money from the taxpayer and get away with it, and that name was HARVARD! You know, HARVARD as the bastion of Liberal Think Tanks, as in HARVARD, the place where Progressives are hatched, as in HARVARD, that snooty place, a place that all MAGA’s hate anyway, because they believe in science and medicine! If HARVARD took the money it shouldn’t have then fuck them and send it back… BUT come on TRUMP, you have a lot of buddies between you and Jared, and Stevie Mnuchin, and Wilbur Ross, who you know BY NAME, who thought they could get away with your planned QUID PRO QUO, but of course to defer and deflect your own administrations plan to keep the rich richer, all you could think of was HARVARD.  I amaze at the various degrees of bull shit you can deliver. So, now the talking Point for all Conservative Info Wars media will be that only HARVARD, stole money. You know, the name Ruth’s Chris, could have been mentioned, but then I guess they have provided you with enough hush money, to keep their profile less prominent! You, Trump, are CLOWN!


Ever since, at least for me, when I first received the shocking news that, Trump/Pence formally was elected into office on November 9, 2016, and then formally elected by the Electoral College, on December 19, 2016, a strange malaise, began to follow me around, and soon attached itself to my gut, my psyche, and all of the flesh and blood, and anatomy between. I could not grasp how someone like Trump, let alone Pence, be considered intelligent, trustworthy, legitimate, and empathetic human beings to lead this nation. Then truth began seeping through the papier-mâché pinata, and day by day, I realized just how insidious, sinister, and dangerous, those who hated democracy could be, and just how plain stupid and fearful many Americans, had become and how much hate for justice and freedom flowed through their veins, in the form of Bigotry, Racism, and all of other ISM’s and Phobias. And from the moment I discovered the crimes and coverup I grew sicker and angrier, and ill. I had no idea what to call all of that, for I had never EVER felt this way in my life. But, as these days of Double Speak, Do Nothing, Blame Everyone Else, and Hypocrisy grow heavier and heavier, and the prevalent odor of sulfur gases like that of rising magma, fill my nostril, as one might sense with a coming volcanic explosion, I have discovered a name for my feeling of disillusionment and deepening depression. MORAL INJURY! 

Moral injury refers to an injury to an individual's moral conscience and values resulting from an act of perceived moral transgression, which produces profound emotional guilt and shame, and in some cases also a sense of betrayal, anger, and profound "moral disorientation". What causes moral injury? There is no predictable set of causes, but there are experiences that create a risk for moral injury. They involve high stakes situations, such as life and death, a high risk for failure, no clear right, and wrong choices, and harm done. 

We as a nation, now witness wealthy Conservative Political Action Groups, funded by even wealthier Conservative Families, whose main concern is their profits, their complete control of governing this nation, their disregard for checks and balances, and their double standard on morals and values, as long as THEY are rewarded, with the greed and gluttony, the grimy fool’s gold, of Capitalistic crap, and corruption which PROVIDES A CONTINUOUS AND CONTEMPTUOUS WE VS. THEY! And they have discovered an ideal puppet, a robot, if you will who cannot think beyond his own grifting ways, Trump. And now, for no other reason than the idea that reopening this nation, will re-elect Trump, we AGAIN, will place the lives of the FRONT-LINE workers, the innocent bystander at risk, and risk of death. I know have a name for my emotional state and is called MORAL INJURY! 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Let them eat COVID

Listening to the Paid to Protest Puppets, rant, and rave, that they would rather suffer the consequences of having COVID-19, then the loss of their freedom, to get a haircut, get fucking loaded drunk at their bar, eating ice cream at Baskin’s Robins, or just farting or burping in the middle of a crowded park; should send chills to each and every American with even the most modicum of an IQ.  The PLOY by Trump has always worked since the days of “Lock Her Up,” “BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI,” PR PLOTS invented by slick sycophants, employed by a coalition of the 1%Domestic Terrorists (also tax dodgers to be exact,) a Cadre of so Called Christian leadership crapping on the Constitution’s divide between Church and State, and the egomaniacs at FOX, who know just how unintelligent they are in the real world, but almost Prophets in the Reality TV World, from which Trump was spawn, and the make-believe world more suited for BIGOTS, RACISTS, and GOOD NAZI’S,  and the CITIZENS OF THE CONFEDERACY!

Most pretend freak shows are focused on states with Democrat Governors, in hopes that a rebellion will turn the voter from Blue to Red, but some protests have erupted in the very few Red states, where perhaps, those Governors have not eaten or drunk from the vile, vat of Fascism and Autocracy, served daily by Trump and his SWAMP Creatures. So, its LIBERATION, the new outcry, and it is becoming 2nd Amendment infused LIBERTY, these anti-social animals suddenly demand. (None of whom have either felt the ravages of the COVID-19, not have lost a loved one to the virus.) WHICH of course is always the way the Trump losers turn fact into fiction…if it hasn’t happened to me, it ain’t real! And in Denver, some stupid ass, woman who could barely fit her frame outside her open window had the nerve to scream at a nurse, that HE can go to work, so why can’t she! That alone should be rewarded with someone with the virus spitting on her!

Trump has no plan for getting this nation healthy again, so, he uses his only offense, which is to let the crazy, already suffering from insecurities, fear, and loathing, and letting them set the agenda. If THESE PAID to PROTEST people, plus the gaggle of goons who pray to the Gods at FOX, were the only ones to get the virus, suffer in pain and perhaps die, I could give a sit (just as they seem to give a shit about the rest of us,) but COVID-19 just laughs at the dumb and being such an inclusive disease, includes the sane, the smart, and the safe in its wake of destruction. AND, if the lack of response to stop these so-called FREEDOM/LIBERATORS, by Trump, and INDEED encouraging them to disrupt the welfare of this nation hasn’t pissed you off enough to demand he resign or be forced out of office by the 25th Amendment, then you too deserve the ravages that COVIID -19 is waiting to bestow!

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Swab: Cotton swabs or cotton buds are handheld items that consist of one or two small wads of cotton wrapped around one or both ends of a short rod made of wood, rolled paper or plastic. One of the biggest bottlenecks in testing people for the novel coronavirus has not involved complex machines to detect genetic material or molecular biology. It’s been a shortage of swabs to take samples. A day after saying reopening the economy would be the charge of state governors, Trump used his private 2-hour MAGA RALLY Campaign bully pulpit to undermine them. He also tweeted support to protestors (many paid and positioned by the very wealthy Plutocrats and American Oligarchs, demanding an end to stay-at-home orders and blamed governors for not having the material needed to conduct testing for coronavirus! One simple piece of the testing required is a four-letter word called a SWAB. There is also one word to describe something that Trump does not give to help with the COVID-19, and word is a FUCK!

Now, if we all could use the best-known SWAB of them all the Q-Tip, one parcel of the adequate testing for COVID-19, it would be plentiful, but cotton, from which the Q-Tip is manufactured contains its own DNA, which acts almost as a contaminant, so FINALLY, the FDA also announced that US Cotton, the country’s largest manufacturer of cotton swabs, has developed a polyester-based swab fully compatible with COVID-19 testing. The firm plans to manufacture the swabs in “large quantities,” the FDA said. Right now, however, the US is struggling to test even 100,000, so getting to the scale some researchers suggest would demand a huge ramp-up incapacity. Yet, they say, it’s possible to do it. And despite the immense financial and social costs of a national testing system, it may yet be the cheapest path to reopening the economy.

I waited to write my blog, knowing that by the time I awoke, and placed finger to keyboard, a whole lot of Trump Turd would have fallen, making my original rant irrelevant. So I waited, and what did I get for my erstwhile hesitation, was more of the same, but in larger doses. Not one SHIT (another four-letter word like SWAB and FUCK) about getting free testing to the states. But instead, a mini-documentary about TRUMP, and how if you take anything out of context, even he can be made to sound HUMAN, CARRYING, EMPATHIC, AND PRESIDENTIAL.  We still have no testing on a wide nation scale, but Trump, today even more than many other days, did have PLENTY of good, tremendous and perfect words to recite about himself. A SWAB, one piece of a puzzle, so easy to manufacture, and provide, but instead, of science, we have science fiction, and tons of wanna be Zombies gathering in clusters demanding we on suicide and homicide so we can save both the economy and of course Trump’s RE-ELECTION chance in November!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

bat shit

And, of course, at the heart of any solution is a vastly expanded system of testing, along with everything that comes with it: expanded availability of supplies, far more testing facilities, an army of qualified lab technicians, etc. "Testing for the coronavirus would have to be at least doubled or tripled from its current levels to allow for even a partial reopening of America's economy, public health experts say, but it is unclear how soon such an ambitious goal could be reached amid persistent shortages of testing supplies and a lack of coordination from the Trump administration." It was against this backdrop that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, in just her second week on the job, declared on Twitter yesterday, "Under President [Donald Trump's] leadership we have quickly developed the most expansive and accurate testing system in the world." (MSNBC)

And of course, Trump now is undermining the Governor’s, whose response to the TRUMP VIRUS, is to actually try their best to mitigate this disease, by Tweeting LIBERATION, creating just the right amount of gasoline to light a very dangerous fire, which either could cause a Revolutionary War or a Civil War. And of course, Trump is focused on his base, and without an inch of his obtuse body situated in reality, continues to ignore the fact that the Federal Government has the power to use the Wartime Act, increasing the Supply Chain, preferring to sow discontent and rebellion.  There have been some epic battles since Trump was hacked into office, (then ANNOUNCED as a DIETY, by the Bigoted, the Racist, and THEORCRATS,  and of course, OLIGARCHY  known as the 1%.) But this matter of life and death, AND, HIS indifference to promote suicide for the ignorant Americans, who swear its tyranny to save a life, or worse homicide, by enabling Americans to play and party and pass on the virus to innocents must be kept on record, and all should pay the price of murder, directly or indirectly. Just when you think CRAZY  has reached its limit, it morphs, as may have the COVID-19 into an uglier and more CRAZY disease!


THEN: Boogaloo or bugalú (also: shing-a-ling, Latin boogaloo, Latin R&B) is a genre of Latin music and dance which was popular in the United States in the 1960s. ... The style was a fusion of popular African American rhythm and blues (R&B) and soul music with mambo and son montuno, with songs in both English and Spanish. NOW: 'Boogaloo' Is The New Far-Right Slang For Civil War The word "boogaloo" once represented a fusion of people and cultures. It was both a musical sound and a dance. Now, it's favored on the far right as shorthand for an uprising against the government.

Trump is a nasty, gritty grifter, whose winning only comes to fruition at the loss of the dignity of any democratic principles, and the of the those who cherish a coexistence of community, full of values and morals. Trump, has never wanted anything more than to remain a King, and require all of his subjects to ignore the civilities, that morals and values provide, and to continuously confuse, the already comatose into remaining stupid, stupid enough as to commit crimes not only against humanity but punishment which in the end, only ends up as a self-punishment to the insecure idiots, whose lifeblood is bigotry, hate, and fear!

A President of the United States, remaining in office because he has kept the 1% Domestic Terrorist Donor Class wealthy, the Theocrats, hopes high, that this nation will become a Christian ONLY country, an American Christian Taliban version of Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and has given rise to those in this nation who would rather identify as the Confederate States of America, or become the Fourth Reich of America! He has created a consortium of the traitors, treasonous, despots, and authoritarians whose one desire is to create havoc, evoke chaos, and eliminate any set of laws that are inclusive, preferring a set of penalties, to incite malice and harm to anyone considered the OTHER. Trump can do nothing with GOOD intention but is a sophisticated savant when it comes to EVIL intent. Trump has renewed his MAGA cultist call to arms, this time by Tweeting LIBERATE, hoping to incite violence and ignorance, against science, democracy, intelligence, and the idea that the COVID-19 IS the true enemy, not the people whose one desire is to rid the nation of that disease. A call to arms, by the President of the United States, he fired the first shot of the Second Civil War, and remains in power, and has not been removed by the Congress. Amazing!

Friday, April 17, 2020

No Brave New World

It is not a Brave New World, in which have discovered our selves DESCENTING, into in a spiral, a swirl of debris, but an intentional dimension caused and created by a sociopath, and his insidious, insecure, and well-paid SWAMP things, for two causes only; the FRIST and foremost, the supposed RE-ELECTION opportunity that Trump can finally claim the title of MEIN FUHRER, and a greater divide between the  wealthy and the poor, enabling the 1% to remain the Royal Class. It is not a Brave New World, in which today, Friday, April 17, 2020, has initiated, but one where, there are now two beliefs: The Earth is Flat, or the Earth is Round. Drs. Oz or Phil is smart and Drs Birx and Fauci are stupid…and Trump’s lies, trump any or all truth!

Be afraid those foolish Americans who don’t want to be LIBERATED from you intelligent Governors, who actually care for your health and welfare, because, it is now fair game, to circumvent any progress under the guise of words like SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, and if all else fails, for the foolish, who hated this nation ever since the North won the Civil War, and the Nazi’s were defeated in WWII, think that carrying their Assault Weapons will indeed not only scare the Progressive Evil Democrats but will make the bacteria from which the COVID-19 thrive, cower and die. If only the stupid could be placed on their own island on their own beaches, drinking from their own bars, lavishing in their own parties, no one would miss them as they succumb to their own suicide…but the COVID-19 could give a shit, and once it attaches itself to even the most SELF CONCEIVED MACHO, and PATRIOTIC AMERICANS, it can and will infect those of us who really have empathy and concern for life, and were indeed nurtured by parents with love! No Brave New World here, just a blighted, belligerent, and bloated universe, of mentally incapacitated cultists, who have already drunk the poison Kool-Aid!

shots fired

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America? A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict. A key issue was states' rights./… Even as Lincoln took office in March 1861, Confederate forces threatened the federal-held Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. On April 12, after Lincoln ordered a fleet to resupply Sumter, Confederate artillery fired the first shots of the Civil War.

Friday, April 17, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo calls out Trump for his lies, his gaslighting of the truth, his arrogance, ignorance and complete lack any due diligence; almost asking how many deaths must it take before Trump actually becomes the leader of this nation, placing all self-interests aside, and placing the interests of this nation as a priority! Friday, April 17, 2020, never one to admit to fault, always one to cry and whine at any suggestion of inadequacy, inability, irresponsibility, and ALWAYS eager to sow the discord of dissent and divide, Trump Tweets out words like LIBERATION, Second Amendment Rights, listening to two Reality TV doctors/ coconspirators of pre-meditated murderers from the Pig Sty FOX News, ignoring any professional or scientific advice from people in the medical field, and ONLY concerned about his RE-ELECTION, the first shots of the Second Civil War for this once the United States, called America were fired! 

The great divide has now become as wide and dangerous as if tectonic plates have finally clashed together, heaving great earthquakes, lava, and magma onto the land, and creating an immense bottomless hole so hot and fiery that no bridge could be erected to join one side together with the other side.  In states where the Governors are Democrats, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia, Trump’s so-called Populist call to Arms, will find the Militias roaming the cities and towns thinking if they carry enough weaponry they cannot only wipe out the law but kill the Virus…in states where only idiots are permitted to run for office and be elected, like Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Florida, malls, stores, bars, and entertainment centers, will permit crowds to gather, eat drink and eventually suffer from COVID-19 or die!

Only 1% of our population has been tested for the COVID-19. Trump wants to be re-elected, so he can then become KING, and not go to jail. The already low life of non-social sociopaths, who hate law, order, authority, and dignity and respect for anyone but themselves, have found a real reason to NOW assault the foundation of LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, for the rest of America. Friday, April 17, 2020, the first shot of the Second Civil War for the United States was shot, via a dozen Tweets from a Russian Asset/Anarchist/Fascist/Fool…so be afraid America, very afraid!

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Another Mess, a MISH-MUSH of morons, making decisions based on if Profits should take priority over People, plans for the future, all the while the present is in disarray, having paid NO attention to the past. Selfish uncertainty struggling to surpass science, along with the right amount of doublespeak as in hypocrisy in the form I do what I want but you will do as I say, and oh YEAH, one more attempt to create a government of DYSTOPIAN and AUTHORITARIAN Delight, at the demise of Democracy. A week that was, that currently is, and if Trump has his way, in consideration of nothing but becoming a re-elected Second Term President, an immediate concoction of more deaths, less intervention in combating the COVID-19, and delight to any Despot of division, diversion, and dangerous denial!
So, for show and tell purposes, the wannabe King, is preparing the following: Regions that can be the first to renew economic activity should have "limited transmission, ample public health and health system capacity," and they should be prepared to monitor the situation closely for a resurgence of infections, according to the 10-page document circulated to a new task force and shared with NBC News. The plan stopped short of giving specific metrics for how communities would know whether or when they fall into that category. BUT at the same time: CDC, FEMA plans for reopening the economy note significant risk of COVID-19 resurgence in every scenario. All the while, a group of citizens, with huge political agenda and arsenals of 2nd Amendment Remedies in Michigan having watched too much FOX News, and spending 2-hours of their time attending a virtual MAGA Rally: “A lot of people feeling like their liberty has been infringed upon, say protestors in Lansing, Michigan are out in full force after Governor Whitmer extended and expanded social distancing rules. It is once again a mentality of what is good for me and fuck you. It is well summed up by the Governor of South Dakota: She compared her approach to "draconian" measures taken in China and elsewhere, said those who want a one-size-fits-all approach are falling prey to a "herd mentality, not leadership" and she encouraged South Dakotans to ignore the crises they're seeing on their TVs from pandemic-stricken areas in the U.S. and elsewhere. "South Dakota is not New York City," she said. "Our sense of personal responsibility, our resiliency and our already sparse population density put us in a great position to manage the spread of this virus without needing to resort to some of the measures we've seen in some of these major cities, coastal cities, and other countries."

But then again this Governor, who also praised her chat with the NON-SCIENTIST/NON-MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL/NEVER ABLE TO PASS A SECURITY CLEARANCE CHECK, Jared Kushner, as enlightening and intelligent thinking. But once again, speaking of the Prince and Princess Jared and Ivanka, they too could give a shit about the OTHER people, and as most Jewish Family’s obeyed the social distancing stay in shelter advice: Ivanka Trump and her family traveled to the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey last week to celebrate Passover despite federal guidelines that advise against nonessential travel and a stay-at-home order is in effect in Washington, D.C., according to The New York Times. The president's eldest daughter went with her husband, Trump adviser Jared Kushner, and their three young children, to the Trump golf club in Bedminster. (Their travels also included the taxpayer's money, of which most taxpayers have none left to spend on themselves, to pay for the jets, the helicopters, luxury sedans, the Secret Service, the drivers, pilots, and the service people to make certain the Royals were pampered properly!)
And last but never least, Trump threatened Wednesday to adjourn Congress so he can unilaterally install nominees to federal positions that he said are pertinent to the coronavirus crisis. A few things of note. There is a very tiny asterisk in the Constitution permitting this, but the limitations and conditions to do so, are NOT at all relevant to our current state of affairs. The BIGGER question, we all should ask IS if the appointee's Trump wants to place in power are of any professional intelligence and proper, why not go through regular channels we used to call “checks and balances?” And the scary answer to that question IS, this is just one more POWER PLAY to become a DICTATOR! Are you scared yet, those in the 40% to 43% who still think Trump is doing a good job? If not, are you still alive?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


America has an Amendment Crisis Looming, looming so LARGE, that the COVID-19, the inspiration, and malicious virus, is just the pretext for a dangerous and delusional direction that Trump and his minions of MAGA MAGGOTS wish to push this nation into not only a Constitutional Crisis but perhaps a combination of both a Civil and Revolutionary War and a direct assault against DEMOCRACY and an immediate alignment towards AUTHORITARIANISM!  America pay attention to three Amendments of our Constitution, and how they all interact and abut one another! The state of Michigan at the moment is the precursor to a history lesson with either dire consequences, or a line in the sand, where reason and knowledge, science, and fact finally usurp STUPID and SELFISH!

Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. This amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the States and the people.The Tenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of 1787 largely because of the intellectual influence and personal persistence of the Anti-Federalists and their allies. It's quite clear that the Tenth Amendment was written to emphasize the limited nature of the powers delegated to the federal government. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope. As part of its ruling, the court wrote, "The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home." The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do their job, the Vice President becomes the President. This can happen for just a little while if the President is just sick or disabled for a short time.

The Democrat Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer has issued a stay at home order. Protest organizers called it "Operation Gridlock," their response to what they see as the governor unnecessarily placing a gridlock on Michigan's economy in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus. During the PR Mini-Me MAGA Rally Trump tried his bully pulpit tactic of scaring Governors to not attempt Mutiny and disobey his orders to open the COUNTRY as he sees fits, screaming (or just so bloated his speech sound likes that of a Banshee in heat,) threatening in his veiled ways that HE is KING and HE will demand allegiance from all or ELSE. Many an intelligent Governor has demonstrated that people, come before profit, and all of this SCIENCE AND EMPATHY STUFF is too much for Trump (worrying about his re-election chances, and of course NOW a rallying cry that America will become a SOCIALIST STATE!)  So we have in place, a President, who knows nothing about the Constitution, a group of his supporters who only know there is a second Amendment to the Constitution, and Congress who if they DID have any concern about the government or this nation could and should invoke the 25th Amendment. When all three merge and collide, We The People will be in harm’s way, like we have never witnessed before!