Monday, August 18, 2014

color of hate

By the end of the day on November 4, 2008 history had been made and for some Americans a sense of renewal, awareness, promise and perhaps the chance that racial bigotry might end. Barak Obama was elected president, the first man of color to be democratically elected as president of a nation striving for fair and equal. There was jubilant celebration from many and hidden secretive dredging of doom by others. There was cause for celebration by many but careless consternation by others. There was hope on the horizon for many but ruts in the road ahead by others. I believe the day this country, based on fair and equal democratic principles elected its first African American president, was the exact moment bigotry became more toxic, hate virulent, internal anti-Americanism rampant, and contempt a hideous disease. Permitted by entertainers calling themselves journalists supported by billionaire puppet masters more concerned with their own white welfare, presented by politicians having little respect for the Constitution by which they were elected to serve; a very contagious disease of Racism camouflaged as religion/patriotism erupted. Suddenly it was more then the American way to disagree with the president it was an American duty especially by white folk to deny, defy and destroy its democratic principles.

From the moment that Mr Obama was elected those in this nation whose inbred ignorance whose religious fanaticism which does not include God, whose self loathing triumphing over appreciation of self have dug in deep and have used hate as a rational for the form of governance to suit their spiteful tastes. Voter ID Laws, Stand Your Ground Laws, Drug tests for poor people, gerrymandered districts, all erupted like an active volcano which sadly had only been dormant and not extinct. Masked as the opposition party, pretending to be the pro and con of politics, the T-Party rose and engulfed an already angry and biased Republican Party. Words like bi-partisan were never permitted to be used because bi-partisan might mean being on the side of the black man in the oval office. From the first day Mr Obama was elected the dissent, the discussion, the demand for something else had little to do with policies but a whole hell of a lot to do with the color of the skin of the president. For enough Americans it was an outrageous, embarrassing moment that this nation could, would have indeed did elect a Kenyan, Socialist, Colored person to he highest office of the land. For many of those who see nothing but bias, speak nothing but bigotry, eat and drink from bogus, this election was never and would never be the MERICA that was their inherited right to claim!

Throughout the first term and the current second term of office by Mr Obama, we have seen more aggressive behavior, more animosity, more intolerance and less respect for the lives of people of color in this nation and in particular African-Americans. If anyone is surprised by the horrible murder in Ferguson, the corruption of evidence and true facts by the white people in power in Ferguson, the needling and needing to find fault with the victim and his family by conservative pundents regarding Ferguson, then they are fools and have kept their heads buried in a very white sand. I believe that if we look close enough as to when race relations became a major force of evil it will find its root in a racial event this nation was at first proud of, the election of Barack Obama, who by the way happened to be black. I believe there are too many white folk who refuse to this day to respect the democratic process with the election of President Obama, and have and are currently doing anything and everything to let him know his relevance and power are not respected, with the most egregious of positions the police in Ferguson took to shoot a kid the same color as the president. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Speaking in tongues

“We believe”? Wait, I thought fast food joints, hurh. Don’t you guys think that they’re like of the Devil or somethin’ I was. Liberals, you want to send those evil employees who would dare work at a fast food joint then ya just don’t believe in, thought you wanted to, I dunno, send them to Purgatory or somethin’ so they all go vegan and, uh, wages and picket lines I dunno they’re not often discussed in Purgatory, are they? I dunno why are you even worried about fast food wages because ha. Well we believe an America, where minimum wage jobs, they're not like life time gigs, they're stepping stones.”{sarah palin}, (Daily Kos)

Sarah Palin speaks in tongues. She is mostly incoherent to the average person, but her followers whose own backgrounds are deeply rooted in bias, bigotry, racism, homophobia and misogyny sadly understand every broken syllable, colloquial, non sentence gibberish she spews. Sarah Plain speaks in tongues. She is a troubled woman who finds that enemies are a necessity, and difference a disease. Her followers agree with the voodoo, she do so well and always have a white robe, tar and feathers, a noose or two and abridged versions of both the Constitution and Bible at bay. Sarah Plain speaks in tongues. Her religion relies on assault weapons, inequality, a pervasive fever of the stupid, and a longing for self declared victimhood. Her followers have elongated fingers always at the ready to point outward toward the OTHER, and a hole in their brain that disallows history, facts or common sense from penetrating any membranes left in the upper lobes. Sarah Palin speaks in tongues, and she channels the most venomous parasites available to infect her followers.

Sarah Plain is dangerous because she has no filters and the words she drips onto the American stage are poisonous, pompous and pathetic. Sarah Palin is a facade but sadly her followers never desire depth or insight, preferring emptiness and groundless machinations. Sarah Palin is product of a culture that has been sidetracked by selfish, insincere, hurry up and rush and a lack of respect for the the greater good. Sarah Palin is a fool who has inspired the fool hearty to dig deep into their hate and proudly promote all of that disdain into a form of religion. 

Sarah Palin is a con artist not someone to be laughed at but someone to worry about. Sarah Palin speaks in tongues and she somehow is communicating with a group of people who linger on the anarchy, terrorism, phony and anger. Sarah Palin speaks in tongues and somehow has been able to communicate clear enough to help turn this nation into a clown show.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fools on the hill

Life will continue on no matter how poisonous we create our climate, no matter how stringent and restrictive we interpret our religion, no matter how hurtful and harmful we dispose of equality and freedom. Life will continue but it will be the quality of our life that will struggle for survival and it will be the enjoyment of our life that will suffer. Some, hiding in the confines of ivory towers, the majestic pools of wealth, the indifference of fair and just, the selfish clothing of mine not yours, will always feel they can afford to look the other way because for the moment they believe they are the majority, the select, the beyond reproach, the chosen few. Some will establish rules always stringent and selective to dash the hopes of the many, but persuading themselves that in doing so they are the acting this way because after all they are the victims. They assume they are brighter, whiter, closer to God, and of course can write the checks to pay and pave their way. In America the Beautiful we have rewarded this club of monied maniacs, stupid lemmings, and hateful humans, by pretending bigotry makes sense, bias is the 11th Commandment, bogus is truth and of course hate is the part of the democratic process.

We hear about laws to dissuade Americans to vote unless they want to vote for the T-publicans. We are told fetus’s are people along with Corporations but once that fetus is born the T-publicans insist thou shalt not spend a dime on them. We are preached to that tax evasion by the poor is a crime worth punishment, but moving your corporate headquarters overseas is American as apple pie, by the same wealthy people playing puppeteers to the T-Publican politicians. We witness T-Publicans standing in front of abortion clinics protesting the value of life and watch as they either dawn white robes, AK-45 assault weapons or the Confederate flag demanding that the children from Central America are vermin, Ebola carriers or future terrorists. We watch as heterosexuals marry, divorce, perform adulterous adventures too numerous to count, marry for status, wealth and not necessarily to provide offspring, but are told by the T-Publican state legislatures that homosexuals are the cause for the destruction of the Institute of Marriage.

Life will continue of course, but what kind of living will we all have to endure? We watch as the T-publican primaries are contests to remove those politicians who are now considered the enemy just because they either called for some kind of compromise, believed that the Constitution is more legal then the Bible or did not demand the president be impeached. Wealthy families who make big bucks on polluting the Earth find T-publican lackeys to dismiss any concerns about the environment. Wealthy families who prefer a feudal system argue that the minimum wage keeps America red, white and blue and changing it will surely bring socialism or communism to our shores. Wealthy families argue that tax breaks for the 1% will make the 99 percent stronger. We watch as these same wealthy families buy and sell our Congress and pull every conceivable string to keep democracy from moving forward.

Life will continue, but in what form? The mid-term elections are closing in on us and much to my disbelief the rumor mill has a potential for the T-Publicans to become the majority in the Senate, and to continue running the House. How in the world have we become a nation of the stupid, the folks who love to shoot themselves in the foot, the fool on the hill? Imagine life continuing in this nation when Sarah Palin, the Koch Brothers, Donald Trump, anyone of FOX News, Ted Cruz or Ann Coulter are the deciders of the life we live?

Friday, August 8, 2014

hate, murder and God

A Fire Mountain restaurant patron calls a gay man a "fucking faggot," and threatens that he should be "put to death." He later says his "religious principles" motivated him. (Huff Post) Some people, when they look at the worst Ebola outbreak in history, hope for its quick end and for the safety of those in the communities affected.  But others, like Christian Radio Host Rick Wiles hope it spreads to the US and wipes out every last atheist and gay person in the country. (
Religious principles, to hate, to reject, to segregate, to ostracize to murder. More and more those who say they are soldiers of God those who hear God whisper to them, those who want to act like God are at the ready to justify their humanness by citing religious principles. God now is used to justify the Second Amendment. God’s name is called upon to interfere with women’s reproductive rights while at the same time ignoring the basic needs of being alive.  God is suddenly a white’s only entity who has disdain for people of color and certainly must have looked the other way when brown and black hues found footing on Earth. God never liked difference we are told and HIS image can only be the face we see in the mirror; as long as that face is white, heterosexual, Evangelical and stupid.
We can read the words of homophobic, racist bigots and laugh, but the laughter is drown by the venom that those words retain. If we say God told us so, and that it is God’s religious principles I adhere to then supposedly the bile spewed makes hate okay. The stupid are not going away, no they are bolted by entertainers on FOX News paid not to think but to demonstrate ignorance. They are supported by pseudo- politicians who understand that as long as they quote falsehoods they are relevant, as long as they play puppet for self serving billionaires they can survive. They are supported by men and women who insist God ordained them to fight the Devil, the Devil they define.

Where and when did a loving God demand people be put to death? And if that is the God you prefer why would you choose a God who seems to suffer the same failings and fault as mere mortals? And exactly what religious principles are you extolling; mob rule, mayhem, murder? In America of 2014, it seems those who call themselves Patriots are the first to want segregation, restriction on freedoms, and a disdain for democracy. In America 2014 those who call themselves Christian are the first demand retaliation, and murder. I want so much for those who are not self loathing, insecure, stupid to take back the agenda for this nation and create real principles of humanity by which we all should live equally!

your lips tell me no, no

Rick Wiles, I must admit I have never listened to your radio talk show nor had I ever heard of you before you said “this is the "attitude adjustment" America so desperately needs: the Ebola virus.”  You added “this pandemic could be an instrument of God used to destroy everyone that He deems immoral and unfit, such as queer people, atheists and those who've had an abortion.” You are quite the communicator Mr. Wiles. Suddenly your Jesus saves rhetoric has found footing in main stream America and those of us who didn’t know you or who just mistook you for a fool are alert and listening. But Mr Wiles I have a few concerns of my own regarding you and your flock of sheep at the ready to cheer for suffering and death.

I am a Gay man Mr Wiles, now I know you don’t know me but I am one of those Americans you believe your God finds unfit. And by the way Mr Wiles I am Jewish so I am really sure you are sore at me. Now, Mr Wiles I have to wonder, how does any man who is so secure in his religion, so certain of his God, so defiant about his masculinity find the time to worry about other peoples religion or lack of, other peoples God or lack of and other people’s masculinity or lack of? I do believe Mr Wiles that I have met many men like you who are a bit afraid they just might be a homosexual. It seems the men and for that sake women who scream and holler about that pesky homosexual thing are usually in denial of their own feelings toward same sex humans. I can hear you saying not me, but as the song goes ‘your lips tell no, no but there is yes, yes in your eyes’. Now don’t get me wrong even though I am a Gay man I find people like you who hide from reality a turn off, but I wonder Mr Wiles just how much you might lust after me after all because you are a man and so am I?

I am tired Mr Wiles of people like you always insisting your shit don’t smell and trying to prove it because you think you are using Gods bathroom.  Here is the thing Mr Wiles, thou dost protest too much and thou uses God as a scapegoat for your human frailties way too much. Real men have no fear of other men, real Christians actually lend a hand to other men, real spokespeople for God let their actions of good speak for  HIM (or HER, God forbid!) We do live in a nation filled with false prophets, (I am sure you can name about a dozen of your cronies); so words as inane and actions as insane as yours do fit in the pocket of the idiots who carry the Bible but never read it. You must hope and pray the foolish remain stupid or Mr Wiles you just be found out to be nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

But I digress Mr Wiles. Perhaps your last trip to a gay bar left you angry, (cruising has become a fine art.) Maybe your profile picture of you on Grinder dressed as a Roman Gladiator was a bit too risqué. Perhaps your jeans are not tight enough. Or maybe you have been rejected by the men you so wish to have kiss you, hold you, touch you. Am I throwing aspersions Mr Wile, can those kind of actions only come from a Evangelical Christian Crusader to be viable? Maybe Mr Wile your self loathing is so great that you do wish you as a closeted homosexual want to contract the Ebola Virus because you are too weak to really, really express your own sexuality. There is a ton of help you can seek Mr Wile regarding what seems to me as your sexual identity confusion. I am a Gay man Mr Wiles, you do not know me but you have made quite a few assumption about me. I don’t know you but my assumptions are you hate yourself, feel trapped and love to use your own love/hate relationship with God as an excuse to never find out the truth.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

invisible but never

Ann Coulter refers to Africa as “disease-ridden cesspool” in victim-blaming Ebola rant, She condemns Dr. Ken Brantly, one of the two Americans who has been diagnosed with Ebola, the missionary for making Christian charities Samaritan’s Purse and SIM USA pay for him to fly in a private jet back to the U.S. and receive care at “one of America’s premier hospitals.” (Salon)

Ann Coulter knows she can fade into irrelevance instantly so to keep from sliding into her own cesspool of crass, corse, and cheapness she fires off irreverent comments just to keep her from turning invisible. Buoyed by baseless bastards of bigotry at the ready to fend off truth for fiction, Ann Coulter sniffs out the slime hoping to offer her inbred shit herders a chance to gather their evil intended infections and spread a series of insults toward anyone with a conscience, a clear view of honor and a true sense of fair play. It is a sickness on Ann’s part, a debilitating douchery of sad commentary just so she never goes unnoticed. Never at the ready for honesty, integrity, intelligence or truth, Ann Coulter prefers the venom understanding that a rattler attracts more attention then a garter snake.  Ann Coulter is welcomed by FOX News, Christian Conservative talk radio, minions of Evangelicals and American terrorists calling themselves Tea Partiers so she quite never does fade away. The more inane remarks uttered by her the higher her goal of being noticed, and when there is nothing else in your life this matters. Situated in her own ivory tower one might think she has enough fame and fortune to fade into her homemade miserable world; but Ann is insecure and realizes that she must act as insane as the self loathing cretans who need enemies to survive.

When Ann talks no one on the right tells her to shut up. Grasping at her gargled garbage of insults, innuendo and out right prejudice the fools on the right whom proclaim Jesus hates anyone without a gun, despises anyone without white skin, and of course was the first president of the US, the flock of fools follow her closely. Sadly the need to be the most stupid person in world is a competition of the right side of politics and the gamesmanship never ends. Once Ann speaks then you hear Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly, Ted Cruz, Louie Gomhert, Michelle Bachmann and the bozo’s who only count on the ignorance, bigotry and hate of sad sacks to listen. One has to wonder where are the smart people, the sensitive folk, the people who were taught right from wrong, good from bad truth from lies? But fearful of being invisible, Ann Coulter goes on and on and on demanding that dumb be the spoken language of this nation.