Monday, August 31, 2015

Oh My Iowa!

Two T-Bagging ladies men running for the office of president are leading the polls in Iowa, Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Donald loves the ladies so much he has purchased his third bride and would love to date his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. Donald also has radar vision and knows when, how and where and how often women bleed. Dr Ben uses his physician facts and blends them into women facts by explaining that there is no war on women just a war on the fetus the woman happens to be carrying. He is a neurosurgeon and is a bit confused about how exactly that fetus IS a part of the mother. Dr Ben insists that if women realize it is not about being raped, or incest or even the chance of dying in childbirth that matters, the real war is to snuff out the life of that gosh darn separate entity in your belly the fetus, so you WOMEN are part of the war if you decide on ann abortion. 

One has to wonder, are there no T-Bagging women in Iowa? Are there no daughters, wives, girlfriends, mothers or aunts in Iowa? The Donald and Dr Ben two ladies men who have NO idea about women and who are true misogynists leading in the T-Bagging polls! Do the females in Iowa have such low self esteem, lack insight, love being demeaned? Are the men in Iowa so confused about the health and welfare regarding the ladies in their life that they prefer two men with absolutely no respect for women. Oh my Iowa!

Nothing to lose

Donald Trump has nothing to lose in his run for the presidency in America in 2015 because in America 2015 we have FOX NEWS, Limbaugh radio, Ann Coulter history, Palin abstinence, Kardashian talent, Koch democracy, Monsanto agriculture, Duggar Family values, Walkers lies, Christie’s bullying, Steve King’s immigration, police cover-ups, and a war machine still in effect from ex-president Dick Cheney to mention a few. Donald Trump has nothing to lose and everything to win because he epitomizes the current trend of hypocrisy. Kim Davis county clerk in Kentucky married 4 times refuses to permit Gays to get married because that will destroy the damned Institution of Marriage. Donald Trumps newest purchase, his third wife, models the skimpiest of no clothes but the religious right goes bonkers when Michelle Obama wears sweat pants, exercises and actually has beads of sweat on her body. About 400 married men of the Christian cloth flocked to Ashley Madison to do some schtooping but none of the born again T-Baggers running for president believe that is the cause for a demise in region in this nation, just the poor, the Gays and lose women.

Donald Trump can act like a Fascist because the Trump supporters have no idea what Fascism is anyway, even though they love themselves some Hitler comparisons when speaking about  President Obama or the Progressives. Singling out a demographic different than you for the Trump-ettes is common place as they learned it from their granddaddy’s when they was home schooled not reading the history books but the passage from the Bible where God said he created the white folk and then the colored folk to work for the white folk. The Trumpeters have no problem with Josh Duggar cause even though he molested his sisters, cheated on his wife, he is now in God’s care, and nothing says lovin’ by Jesus then praying hard and having a group of subservient gals who must have provoked those natural man yearnings anyway.

We as a nation have a whole lot to lose when Donald Trump sets the standard for immigration policy, Mike Huckabee explains the birds and the bees, Jeb Bush reinvents history, Carly Firoina 

proposes no maternity leave and Ben Carson is the expert on what goes on inside the private parts of ladies. We have a lot to lose when, if elected, any T-Bagging candidate will not only continue Corporations to be people but will issue birth certificates to them. We have a whole lot to lose when the T-Bagging presidential candidates never discuss climate change, equal pay for equal work, the growing difference in income between rich and poor and the demise of the middle class. We have a whole lot to lose when war seems to be the answer to America continuing being the exceptional nation we assume we are. Donald Trump has nothing to lose if he wins or loses, he will write his next book, market his next batch of snake oil, and retreat to some remote island while the world in which he laid the firewood and lit the match burns.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sarah and Donny!

Sitting in some cozy Ivory Tower bought and paid for originally by FOX News Sarah Palin using some kind of English language, no one else really speaks, and very few, except the ignorant, stupid and massively undereducated try to understand, with just enough enough bosom showing to prove she is a woman and enough butt of a riffle glaring in the background to prove she is a moose hunter, the reality TV generation (where nothing is real unless it is scripted),heroine under-vetted almost VP, half term Governor, (cause she just didn’t want to face her own hideous trials for corrupt service), looking comatose, almost drunk decides to interview or is it kiss the ass of Donald Trump a man whose insidious actions almost make Sarah look like an angel. Smug, for Sarah her standard comments of “lame street press”, “gotcha questions” and only if the Progressives do it it is bad, make her feel all bubbly and ballsy, and demure. A wink for the crowd if in fact some judges from her beauty pageant days are in the viewing audience, and the T-Bagging men who of course would never cheat on their wives, but might fondle Sarah cause she is a good conservative, and Jesus would look the other way if it is a Christian woman. Sarah never asks Donald trump a question but acts the like the banana in comic duo letting the lead take most of the credit feeding him the gag line so he can make the joke better. Whose hair was higher, whose fiction more fallible, whose evil more enticing to the hordes of bigots, racists and homophobes? God Bless America a land where if you are white you can entice a riot and blame it on everyone else. God Bless America a land where you can cite the Bible as the law without ever really reading it. God Bless America a land where as long as you identify a scapegoat your poor decisions, and ugly actions will go unnoticed. God Bless America because being stupid is a sign of intelligence!

Friday, August 28, 2015


Cockroaches love to invade the homes of humans feeding on all kinds of crumbs and leaving a dangerous waste product behind them. Rats will flock to the garbage bins and find food in the most disgusting places. Fly’s lay their eggs in rotting corpses hatching maggots to eat the remaining flesh of any organism. Vultures pick at the bones and sip on the dried blood of road kill or the remains of anything killed. And now we have a line up of cockroaches, rats, maggots and vultures at the ready to support the bigoted, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist views of Donald Trump the list is super charged with the most vile and villainous…Sarah Palin, David Duke, Ted Cruz, Ted Nugent, Ann Coulter. So you think Donald is a man of the people a true American, perhaps, if the people are all white, heterosexual, hypocritical Christian Crusaders, self proclaimed victims and of course haters of THOSE others! It is no longer a joke when the lowest of American values and morals all come to play in the billionaires penthouse. It is not funny when credence is given to say people of color are not true Americans, homosexuals should be slaughtered, rounding up demographics will make America greater, and of course if it ain’t Christian, it ain’t American. 


When we saw a well tailored man standing next to a ‘wanna’ be ‘player’ at a podium, lumber over to a reporter, who was asking hard questions relative to a population of people who suddenly seem to be the anti-american du jour being told told to leave an open press conference in the United States of America; being physically threatened to leave the room we witnessed a flash of Fascism finding form and function in the politics of our nation. When we then witnessed a tall white guy all dapper looking guy in his blue blazer, most likely purchased from Macy’s with an “I Love Trump’ sticker on his breast pocket, pointing his boney well manicured fingers at the reporter ejected from a free and open press conference shouting to the man “Get Out of My Country” whose name sounded way to Hispanic to be an American, we witnessed history repeating itself and flashbacks of the Salem Witch Hunt, Jim Crow, George Wallace, Japanese Internment Camps, Joe McCarthy coming to light once again!

When we finally watch Donald Trump without the laugh track that so easily plays in the background, con a group of bottom barrel bigots into thinking he is their voice for freedom all the while insisting that women, homosexuals, black lives and now immigrants (who must certainly all be from Mexico) are the main roadblock for misogynists, homophobes, religious fanatics and racists to never eat their fair share of the American apple pie we are witnessing the emptiness and void that has become the theme of T-Bagging Republican politics. When we watch Donald Trump scheme and plot, marketing fear and prejudice lacking any sensitivity or concern for his words or actions, it is like witnessing the patron at a movie theater quietly exit the theater and as he lock the door behind scream FIRE!

We know that Donald Trump seeks the applause, never really answering any sane question but deferring to just how great he is or how much money he has made, we know he is a foible of a culture where talent is not necessary, intelligence off setting, and facts just more fiction. Donald Trump may ride his wave of fame even longer then the usual 15 minutes allowed but like the tsunami wave, it is the utter destruction of anything decent that does the most damage once the wave is gone. When the KKK, White Supremacy groups beg to be in line behind this man. When the foulest of Christian crusaders decide to take up arms and beat up anyone on Trump’s enemy list. When the townsfolk suddenly become more terrifying then the monster they created, and more threatening. When all of this happens and goes unchecked history will repeat itself in a dangerous, destructive and and anti democratic way.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Here we go again

Here we go again! Another shooting and once again cries will go out for stricter gun control, better screening of gun licenses and shouts will go out, no socialist president is gonna take away my assault weapon, no liberal pussy is gonna destroy my second amendment rights to mow down anyone I want. Here we go again, with CNN highlighting breaking news forgetting the real issue of gun violence. MSNBC will try and relate to the victims pretending that the story is nothing more then innocents being murdered. FOX will insist that had the reporters hired an off duty cop once the gun fire began the shooter would have been killed. Here we go again the clowns running for president from the T-Bagging community will swear on the Bible that life is precious but owning a gun makes it even more valuable. The Dems from blue states will ring their hands and say if not now when for better gun laws, and the Dems from purple states will shy away completely from fighting the NRA saying we need to find common ground. Here we go again!

Violence in America seems to be the way of apple pie, baseball games and motherhood. It is the right of every ‘Merikan’ to have an assault weapon, a bazooka, a land to air missile in their home at least until the Kenyan is no longer in office. Arm everyone like we did in the wild, wild west, no need for a sheriff in 2015 as long as you can count on the Aryan Brotherhood, the KKK, the Gatekeepers. More reason to not question the police when they decide that any one of color is suspect, anyone who questions is armed, anyone who does not immediately respect the strong arm of the law is a criminal. Violence is what makes this country of ‘Merika’ exceptional. We are special because we permit ANYONE to own a gun. Health insurance is socialist, unions are communist, the NRA is all American, if you don’t agree lets have a duel at high noon!

Here we go again, appalled, amazed or maybe just uninterested because shootings have become so mundane, so yesterday! The T-Baggers will brag that had the reporters been carrying heat, they would have only been grazed by the bullets. The Clowns running for president from the T-Bagging Party will insist that this is an isolated action and what we need to concentrate on is keeping the rapist immigrants from Mexico from having a gun. The NRA will write the script for all of the politicians it has paid off and say because of one bad apple you are foolish to assume others are just as crazy. Here we go again a two day news cycle useless once the talking heads go through the internet files of the shooter, tell stories about the innocent victims, shake their heads in disgust. Here we go again that is until another shooting and then we start to go again!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

While I still can

So Donald Trump had a goon kick out Jorge Ramos from Univison TV because Donald does not like hard questions from competent reporters. So Donald Trump likes to single out a demographic of the population scapegoating them assuming the worst about them and planting little ugly seeds to his followers who get his gist. Some of the followers believe Donald is the truest of Americans so they rough up a particular segment of the American population. Kind of reminds me of the time a little insecure guy in Germany was afraid of the world around him, knowing his shit smelled but if he could huff and puff then no one would notice. This German guy had his goons dress in brown suits, Donald’s goon wore something from Macy’s.This German guy coalesced some henchmen who felt that the Fatherland was to be white and Aryan and went around beating up those they believed were not the purest of Germans. Somehow in Germany no one noticed that the German guy was changing all the rules of democracy until it was literally too late. The German guy played to the heart of the haters, everyone pooh poohed this stupid man, he was a con they said, a clown, pay no attention to man behind the curtain! Wonder who is driving the T-Bagging clown car in America of 2015? Who is it that is limiting the freedom of the press, scapegoating demographics, finding fault with everyone who doesn’t look or think like he does? Who is the guy riling up a base of freeloaders who just love to play the victim ignoring their own inadequacies and insisting everyone is at fault for their failures?  Can’t happen in America, some fascist fool pretending to God Bless America but instead setting traps to demolish democracy! Just thinking out loud while I still can!


Conundrum: a confusing and difficult problem or question. I am in a conundrum listening as Donald Trump begins his newest grab for attention as he insists that Megyn Kelly is a “bimbo”. This is the same Megyn Kelly who knows that single mothers hate men and want to take advantage of a very liberal government. The same woman who has provided FOX News evidence that most women of color are “welfare queens”. The same female who blames Planned Parenthood for any increase in abortions, not to mention unnecessary women’s reproductive check ups which any woman of value will seek from her own private physician to perform. I am in a conundrum because even though Megyn Kelly is as big a misogynist as Donald Trump is unfairly being attacked only because during a clown car debate Megyn had the nerve to at least attempt to ask a question of relevance to Donald Trump. 

A conundrum indeed. The Donald loves boasting of his love for women as if they were possessions. Donald loves women so much he bought, (I mean) married three of them. And Donald is such a dude that he stated had his daughter not been his daughter he would date her, cause she is so damned hot. Donald considers women toys, fixtures to be seen not heard to stand next to the real master of the plantation, the MAN. He is the kind of man so insecure of his own masculinity that he presumes having a ‘babe’ dressed in bangles and baubles makes his testosterone flow to places usually arid and dry. Sadly the losers known as the base (perfect word, BASE, as in the bottom of the barrel), who are comprised of men who own their own women and females loved to be owned by men insist that words like “bimbo’ are American exceptionalism at its best. No henpecked man is gonna rule the roast in the White House!

I am in a conundrum as FOX News pretends to care that one of its only female entertainment stars is being bullied by a deranged reality star. I look on remembering how Megyn Kelly bullied her guests who were Muslim, from the LGBT community, or immigrants. How Ms Kelly proclaimed this land is not your land if you are not white, heterosexual or Christian. I hiss and boo as she sits upon an Ivory Tower dismissing any concerns for personal freedom for women, equal pay for equal work, and paid maternity leave. But you see, I had a mother have an aunt, sisters, friends and a daughter and as Donald Trump pretends that he is full of machismo and not a misogynist I am angry. I fear that name calling, bullying, insistence that women are only a rib of Adam an after thought are suddenly the components in nominating a candidate from the T-Bagging/Republican Party. I despise Megyn Kelly but I will not tolerate anyone demeaning and denigrating WOMEN, even if they are a woman have done the same thing.

Friday, August 14, 2015


In the very beginning of the emerging Nazi Party in Germany, some very wealthy Jews of Berlin, the families of corporations, philanthropies, and dominance were certain that with their financial influence, and government favors that they might be spared the brutality afforded non-wealthy German Jews. After all these families were the at the foundation of German cultural life, and if asked they were not only Germans first but indeed Berliner’s. Sadly the families that had always been above the fray of the common Jew learned a lesson that during the time of Nazi’s a Jew, wealthy or poor was considered a very bad thing. These families discovered that difference did not matter.

Megyn Kelly is a privileged wealthy white female who had lived in a very cushy Ivory Tower insisting that even as a female she was a little less like most of the female population of the United States. Megyn was a sure footed host of a fake news show and pretended that above all else she was and is a fair and balanced journalist. Megyn would hold court on her “fair and balanced” faux news hour, telling women that she can not understand why a woman would want men to offer her the same income as her husband. Megyn would lecture the lives of women who embraced Obamacare as deadbeats who if they really cared about their health would be able to afford real capitalistic insurance. Megyn insisted that it was possible to balance work and home but REAL women were mothers who found much more happiness with an apron around their waist and a necklace around their necks. Megyn pretended that her poop did not smell the same as  many of the average women’s poop because she was special, and in reality most other women were not. And then Megyn discovered that as a female in the United States there are many people who believe she is nothing more then a subservient, submissive piece of chattel. Megyn who had embraced a very archaic political party known as the T-Bagging Christian Conservatives was no longer embraced back!

Ian Reisner and his Gay bud Mati Weiderpass own oodles of property that Gay men in particular love to visit and play hard. Hotels and bars which cater to the homosexual community are at the heart of Ian and Mati’s enterprise. These two Gay men define themselves as being a little more important then most other Gay men, and love themselves some luxury life. Ian and Mati don’t think that they are part of any Gay agenda and in fact have their own agenda one in which fair and equal is not necessarily a good thing… (it is for them of course) but not the common Gay man or woman. If you got money, you suddenly are in a different category of Gay and if you got a whole lot of money you live in a stratosphere where the difference between you and everyone else is a whole lot of difference. So Mati and Ian believed that no one would notice when they hosted  fund raising events for two men, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Ron Johnson who have stated for the record that same-sex marriage is offensive and something Jesus would scoff at. Mati and Ian think because they poop in a gold plated toilet the shit that drips out of them is beautiful. If Ted Cruz becomes president, or Mike Huckabee or for that matter any of the T-Bagging Republicans, Mati and Ian are going to find that a pink triangle can be sewn onto $7000 suits as well as clothes from Target!

When we believe that for some reason OUR life is not like others we become stupid. When we think that who we are matters differently then others we become caught. When we think that just because we have privilege we can pretend that OUR life matters and other lives don’t, we become trapped and trampled like the wealthy families of Berlin, Megyn Kelly and Mati and Ian! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

'Nothin' Like A Dame'

Suddenly Megyn Kelly is an angel the perfect woman, the lady scorned. She attacked The Donald directly but ignored any disparaging remarks by the men who insisted that rape is a gift, women should pull themselves up from their own high heels, and female reproductive rights are the purview of the government, the one in which Jesus is president. Suddenly Megyn Kelly is the victim the little lady who was chastised for chastising a bully who in turn bullied her. Megyn Kelly has ranted and raved against equal pay for equal work for women. She has insisted that any woman who demands a fair chance in the work place is really demeaning the male worker. Megan Kelly believes that if a person known as a corporation feels insulted that they must pay for female icky things and they believe Jesus would turn over in his grave,they have the right to act like God. And suddenly Megan Kelly is receiving the same kind of unequal treatment that she has bestowed upon Black Lives Matter, Same-Sex Marriage, Immigrants, and she is pissed. And suddenly Megyn Kelly is a martyr! Sadly Megan was treated with disrespect for doing her scripted job at FOX News which has taken no time to throw her under the bus. Sadly Megan Kelly was the stooge given freedom to diss the Donald while her male co-moderators didn’t! Sadly Megyn was treated just like most women in this nation with less regard, little respect and she was in turn treated like shit. I am curious, what lesson has Megyn learned from all of this, that as a woman her voice does not matter, or as a woman she needs to look a little closer at the lack of respect for everything female within the T-Bagging Republican Party?

Suddenly Planned Parenthood is the boogey man, the Mad Hatter offing the heads of fetuses.Suddenly a video intended to hold no fact and a whole lot of fiction has drawn the attention of the T-Bagging Republican party and their Christian Crusaders at the ready for another Inquisition. Suddenly women’s health is back to not being important, women’s education about choice a problem. Women planning pregnancies a fools enterprise and cancer screenings just a pain in the cervix. Suddenly the boys running for president from a T-Bagging Republican Christian Conservative Fascist party want to defund Planned Parenthood because everyone knows that the ONLY women who use Planned Parenthood are either women of color, women in poverty (and Jesus has made it clear being poor is like dating the Devil), prostitutes, non Christians (certainly not the kind of gal you would bring to your church) or ALL of the above. Suddenly another war on women is creeping into the landscape of misogynist politicians who feed off the slime of the most uneducated people in America!

Suddenly Donald Trump has changed his tune, he says he likes women, well maybe not the fat Lesbian known as Rosie O’Donnell, she is still a fat pig, and not Megan Kelly cause she is always on her menstrual cycle, but he DOES like women. He certainly likes Sarah Palin! Donald also likes women enough that he got married 3 times. He likes women so much that he even said that if daughter Ivanka were not his daughter he would date her. Suddenly the noise machine of Family Values,the propaganda of FOX Noise, the Bible thumping crusaders who love them some snake oil have become quiet…because suddenly Donald Trump may actually be the dude who gets the T-Bagging nomination. And just as suddenly women once again nothing more then the rib from Adam! ‘Nothin’ Like a Dame!’

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

so you are proud...

President Mikey Huckabee is at the ready to bring the storm troopers to any and all Planned Parenthood clinics still in existence next election year. He will bring the wrath of Jesus to the little lady who assumes she has any right to her own reproductive body parts. President Mikey Huckabee will next fire all of the activist Supreme Court Justices who agreed that equality in marriage is an American thing. He will usurp the Constitution because as he as said the real Supreme ain’t Diana Ross, but Jesus Christ, and the Jesus who speaks to Mikey in his nightmares hates the Gays. So you are proud to be a T-Bagging Republican! President Marco Rubio is at the ready to pretend that he is the holiest of holy’s and without a care in the world for the law or the dignity or the personal rights of the female will insist that if your father finds you fancy, your brother is bonkers for you or that stranger from some weird neighborhood thinks you are super groovy and rapes you, you gotta give birth to the baby. President Rubio considers women too stupid to be given equal rights. So you are proud to be a T-Bagging Republican!

President Ted Cruz is still assuming his father Raphael is in contact with Jesus on a regular basis, and on his first day will play the prophet his dad claims he is and with some super God like power and eliminate the Affordable Health Care Act. President Teddy Cruz believes that health care for  the masses is nothing short of Communism, and his doppelgänger Eugene McCarthy was correct in accusing any known enemy of being a Communist. Jesus told Teddy’s dad that fear is the only moral value you need to lead and President Teddy Cruz has a list of enemies that makes Nixon’s list look like a short story. So you are proud of being T-Bagging Republican. President Scotty Walker won’t say much about anything until his puppet masters the Koch Brothers write the script. President Scotty Walker however has made it clear the unions are the enemy of those who truly want to earn a livable wage, and that fighting unions makes him the kind Commander in Chief to take on ISIS. President Scotty Walker on his first day in office wants a Kumbyah moment knowing that all lives matter and if all lives matter then the blacks will be okay! So you are proud to be T-Bagging Republican!

President Carly Fiorina will eliminate any laws that provide for maternity leave. She is woman and she knows that you gotta make a decision between work and family, Prez Fiorina believes that Corporations are People and as people they can decide what is right for the lives of their workers. Prez Carly Florin on her first day also plans to fire most of the government workers replacing them with the lobbyists who have paid for her campaign. So you are proud to be a T-Bagging Republican! President Jeb Bush will immediately hire the Neo-cons from his big brothers administration who not only HAD deferments to serve in the military but who also created two wars in which thousands of American died and ten of thousands came home disabled. Jeb Bush will use his big brother Georgie as a role model for foreign policy and economic decisions, promising at least 2 more wars, of course not paid for and perhaps a depression like the 1920’s. So you are proud to be a T-Bagging Republican. President Donald Trump will select Sarah Palin as a member of his cabinet, will tell women they are bleeding and are ugly, but will keep everything else secret until he decides as king he can invoke any and all laws. So you are proud to be a T-Bagging Republican!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

no way in Hell!

You have to ask yourself WHY, SUDDENLY , the men and one woman running for the office of president from the T-Bagging Republican Party are all a mess about Donald Trumps’ assumption that Megyn Kelly was on her menstrual cycle while finally scrutinizing Mr Trump and his misogynist ways. These same men and one woman are the architects of the 20 month abortion limit. They love them selves some fetus are people so a mother has NO right to decide its life. They linger in  letting us know that if elected president they will MOST certainly nominate the most Christian conservative Justices who will declare ALL abortions illegal. These men and one woman are still not sure if the mothers life should be saved if it is a pregnancy gone wrong. These men and one woman don’t believe that women need the education and medical attention that Planned parenthood provides. Mammograms, pap exams are for pussy’s and cervical cancer and breast cancer only happen to the poor women who deserve it because they are poor. You have to wonder how Megyn Kelly a spokesperson for unequal pay for equal work by women, lifting yourselves up from your own bootstrap is better then grabbing a man’s status in the work place has become some kind of heroine to the men and one woman running for the office of president  from the T-Bagging Republican party.

You have to ask yourself WHY, SUDDENLY, the men and one woman running for the office of president from the T-Bagging Republican party can honestly look all chagrined and pretend angry at Donald Trumps crass and stupid remarks when in fact they are chomping at the bit to tell you that rape can be a surprise package from God. It doesn’t matter to these men and one woman if your father, brother or some perverted stranger raped you, there is a life in your belly and God, Jesus to be exact, is smiling down at you! You have to think how do these same men and one woman who have fought the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, who have said the government should stay out of deciding maternity leave. Who believe that once you have that gift from God you had better be able to feed it, house it and educate it cause God is not on the government pay sheet. You have to wonder why NOW these men and one woman SUDDENLY can’t talk fast enough about women’s rights?

If you are wondering WHY then you either watch too much FOX News, believe there is a war on Christians and Christmas, and or are anticipating the Rapture. The real reason that SUDDENLY these men and one woman actually have said anything positive about women is due to the fact that none of them want Donald Trump to win the nomination for president from their misogynist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic party. These men and one woman in collusion with the Koch Brothers, Carl Rove, and Rupert Murdoch think they have found an achilles heal on The Donald and only care about disabling his campaign. As these men and one woman delight in saying Donald Trump has gone to far in offending Megyn Kelly a woman’s woman (GAG) and certainly does not represent OUR party of anti abortion, anti Planned Parenthood, anti pre school education, anti food stamps, and equal pay for females anti maternity leave…no way in Hell!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Isn't It Queer

Queer (adjective); strange, odd. Some synonyms: unusual, funny, peculiar, bizarre, weird, unnatural. Used in a sentence-Isn’t kind of queer how often the T-Bagging Republicans already elected to office and or trying to become the next Presidential candidate from the T-Bagging Republican Party insist on talking about the sexual practices, the love life, the actual citizenship of the homosexual community in this nation? Isn’t it strange how so many male T-Bagging Christian Crusaders obsess about anal sex? Isn’t odd, that the self proclaimed demigods, the soldiers of Christ the T-Bagging sort of supposedly straight male love to write esoteric comments so homo-eroticism? Isn’t it unusual that for the “In Jesus We Trust” band of brothers always seem to imply that their God is putty in hands of the Gays? Isn’t it funny when Pat Robertson perseverates for at least 20 minutes how the love of two men will knock Jesus from his throne in heaven? Isn’t it peculiar how Mike Huckabee is so sure that the Gays molest little boys, but insists that the Duggar molestation was just a bunch of hooey because it was done to little girls and mainly sisters? Isn’t it bizarre how Ted Cruz can meet and greet Gay donors place the cash in his pants and swear he had no idea how Gay they were? Isn’t it weird how the first thing Scott Walker, is gonna do when he becomes president is take those same-sex marriage licenses and build a bonfire? Isn’t it unnatural how to be a good T-Bagging Republican you gotta state just how fearful Jesus Christ is of the homosexuals? Now tell me again who is QUEER?

Pro-Life (adjective)-Advocating the legal protection human embryos and fetuses by favoring the outlawing of abortion on the grounds that it is the taking of a life. Pro-Lifer (noun). So Pro-Life for some T-Bagging Republicans is kind of sorta, more about the fine print of just whose life you care about. For Scott Walker self proclaimed ladies man and Pro-Lifer it ain’t the momma, nope she is the seed pod so  she can be eliminated, so if the cards are dealt with a bad hand the carrier dies but the seed lives. Pro-Lifer Mikey Huckabee insists that rape is the responsibility of the women who often times dressed less then modest. He will however permit the Momma to live if she is raped but wants a whole lot counseling before she aborts the baby of her father, brother or some guy who likes loose women. Teddy Cruz and Marco Rubio believe good women with straight husbands will talk about pregnancy and know the economics of giving lots of births, these two Pro-Lifers conclude that only single ladies (the kind Beyonce sings about, and you know what kind of lady she IS) are the ones who need a good God lesson; thus husband no money for that kid. Pro-Life for these two goons is only for the little lady with her big husband living in a heterosexual household. Pro-Lifer Carly Fiorina ain’t having none of this crap about the government implementing maternity leave, she wants to leave it up to the corporations who are people and let them decide if having that darn baby is a net or loss to the bottom-line. Good ole’ Carly insists that maternity leave is a democrat means to enslave women. And  Pro-Lifer Little Pyush Bobby Jindal is sticking to his Pro-Life stance, you have the baby and Jesus does the rest! You gotta love the Pro-Life choices!

Isn’t it Queer just how much the men of the T-Bagging Republican party say they hate the Gays but continue to embrace the Gays. And ain’t it so religiously warm and fuzzy the lengths these same T-Bagging Republicans go to  to pretend they are Pro-Life!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Dear Megan Kelly

Dear Megyn Kelly,
Whether it was really an issue you take to heart or a scripted piece of propaganda against The Donald, you at least tried to ask a relevant question in regards to the T-Publicans “War on Women”. Now I know Megan you DO NOT believe there is an actual declaration of war on women by ANY T-Publicans but you contorted your face enough, raised your voice a little, deepened your speaking tone a degree and actually made some viewers think you cared. Problem is Megyn is that you JUST asked Donald Trump about his disparaging remarks toward anyone female and did not even quote the heinous remarks all the other dudes on stage had made to the baseless group of bigots known as the T-Publican base.I give a one clap for that and not really an applause. But you at least spoke aloud one of the more pressing issues that face this nation, so clap, clap (two claps…still no standing ovation)!

But Megyn I digress. I am not a fan of yours I can not actually like people who are liars for a salary, but I am intrigued at the amount of negative responses you supposedly have received because in this one teeny, tiny incidence you tried to be honest with the facts. (Again if FOX News is involved or its celebrities pretending to be anything but fair and balanced, tell the truth there usually has an ugly reason why attached to it.) So Megyn, how does it feel to stand up for a cause you might even think is about respect, equality and freedom just to have the same lemmings who usually send you bouquets for your big mouth, shout you down and consider you a traitor, a commie or worse a liberal? How does it feel to be listen to the hecklers the loudmouths and in this case the misogynists who would rather support a chauvinistic pig then embrace respect for women? So Megyn when you insist that black lives do not matter, that the LGBT community is a bunch of radicals, that the poor deserve to live in poverty, that immigrants don’t deserve any of the American dream (because, Megan to be honest you have experienced none of that, and never intend to understand the facts) HOW does it feel to be a female a woman and hear the protests from the idiots who don’t realize as women their rights and respect are denied or the female family members of the male jerks who will never obtain equality? Kind of scary Megan that the same monsters you raised and trained are now turning on you!

Donald Trump is a very calculated insecure man, so he is very dangerous. FOX News placed the electrodes to his brain charging electricity each and every time your corporation let him speak the stupid, so in a way you all are Dr. Frankenstein. Donald Trump now needs no more FOX News charge for his insidious actions but instead feeds off the bigotry and bias of the audiences Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch and their hired gang of propagandists like you who have encouraged and entertained and fed the townsfolk. Megan I truly wonder how it feels to receive the disingenuous, dangerous, un democratic derogatory responses to something that seems so wrong, treating women as second class citizens. But Megan you started a joke and now you ain’t laughing! One sad clap!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Scarier then...

Scarier then the crowd on the stage of buffoons believing that America is a male oriented, Christian army of misogynist slave owners at the ready to bomb, mutilate the Arab world and perhaps anyone else in the way, insisting that the 5th and 14th amendment only covers the fetus and not the woman raped or unable to carry her pregnancy to term WERE the goon squad who jeered, cheered, screamed, hollered, hooted and howled as every Fascist, theocratic anti-democracy unintelligent, bigoted word was spoken. The Bible trumps the Constitution, the Supreme Being trumps the Supreme Court,the man trumps the wife, the rich trump the poor and Donald Trump will kick your ass if you even consider disagreeing with anything his ego decides is the way of the world! AND scarier then all of that WERE the sub-human beings in the audience who believe that America is white, male, Christian and a land where no immigrant EVER set foot, and that any fool as long as HE hates the correct way Jesus wrote in the Bible should or could be president.

It IS always the villager who is the scariest person, the one who spreads rumors about someone they are jealous of, know nothing about, believes in a less angry God. It IS always the sly sinister snake oil salesmen with hands in your pockets who speaks hate in all kinds of tongues who takes advantage of the ignorance of the fool, who slides next to the villager and whispers ugly, vile words. It IS the combination of the drifter and the dumb who together are so afraid of truth and justice that they invent a world in which a select few deserve to survive. Fear the truth, find the fiction point fingers and create an enemy just so no one looks at you. Play the foolish for all they got pretend you actually care about their pitiful life and know once you sold the snake oil you will out of town never to darken their doorstep again. Last night the drifters and the dumb met in Cleveland and the for anyone else with a clear mind a clean conscience, a love of a nation supposedly full of freedom and equality it was a scary night.

Be afraid if you have women in your life. Be afraid if you have LGBT people in your life. Be afraid if you are poor, or black or old. Be afraid if the God you pray to is not Jesus, not just any Jesus but the one with NRA membership assault weapons, and a banker. Be afraid if you speak a foreign language your skin is too brown. Be afraid if you actually think the Constitution protects you. Be afraid because the moron, the stupid, the insecure are already with pitch fork and fire to burn you and your house down. Last night in Cleveland we saw some evil men talk about an America that will be anything but free, but EVEN more terrifying we heard raucous laughter, applause, cheers and jeers from the people who want your freedom, your rights to disappear!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ladies Who Tea

One might wonder if T-Bagging Republican women never ever need mammograms, pap smears physicals or regular visits to the obstetrician, as they follow like sheep their mostly male captains for whom they voted into office, the ones that insist women really don’t know their own bodies. One might wonder if the T-Bagging Republican females elected to office, don’t care about their legions of sisters as they preoccupy themselves with trying to defund Planned Parenthood insisting that girls know what to do when their beaus penetrate them sans condoms  their breasts feel a little tender, or their periods are irregular. Heck, their mothers didn’t need NO Obama inspired socialist medical service like Planned Parenthood. One might wonder exactly how women in poverty under the strict regulation of their owners, their husbands, survive when in fact they have unprotected sex, have no food stamps for their unintended children, are beaten and abused because they might ask for respect, OR just want to experience pride in their own bodies. One might wonder but never ever the T-Bagging Republican gerrymandered Voter ID restricted  politicians who think that women were and are the rib of Adam. Jesus will take care of them and if he DON”T then those women were sinners to begin with, and Jesus has no patience with women gone bad!

One might wonder just how popular the T-Bagging Republican politicians are, when they want to limit women the right to choose, women’s rights to seek contraceptive protection, women’s rights to receive equal pay for equal work, women’s rights to not marry, women’s rights to be independent of anything male. One might wonder how much longer the T-Bagging Republican Christian Crusaders can deny there is a war on women when in the past year there have been at least five bills to undermine any advances females have made in this country. One might wonder just how stupid are the women who wear T-bags or tin foil on their heads, believing that the Bible, the one written by men says a woman is JUST chattel should be seen and not heard, that God made Adam and then Eve. One might wonder, but the evidence is there, T-Bagging women are as ignorant, biased, and bigoted as their bread winning hubbies, but even more stupid because they support laws that demonstrate that women are second class.

One might wonder, but in America 2015, it seems that as long as you insist that Obamacare is a socialist plot, this is a Christian nation, black lives DO NOT matter, same-sex marriage causes opposite-sex divorces, this is not a nation built by immigrants, God would never pollute the planet, corporations are people, FOX News is built on journalistic standards, Sarah Palin is one of the brightest females in the nation, men are the hunter and gatherers, you have NO problem telling that little lady she is NO more then a piece of property like that pick up truck, RV or assault weapon. Too many little ladies sip the tea as if it was cool aid!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

4 Times a Lady

Attorneys for Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who has been married four times yet refuses to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, citing religious objections, have issued a rather offensive court filing. Davis of course is the anti-gay apostolic Christian who, as her attorneys claim, is so religious she "attends church '[e]very time the doors are open.'" Apparently, four times the church doors were open, Davis managed to walk in and walk out a newly-married woman-4 TIMES. (The New Civil Rights Movement)

Dear Kim, can I can I call you Hon, Hon please don’t use Jesus Christ as an excuse to be either dumb, full of bull shit and even worse a homophobe! We all know that marriage ain’t so Christ-like if in fact you gone and done it 4-TIMES. Pa-leeze Hon, do you think the world around you is as stupid as you are? Just be honest Hon you hate the Gays! Just say it, but don’t say it because Jesus told you to say it, cause he ain’t talking to you Hon! Tell the truth girl, you are a bigoted blow hard. If you wanted to save the sanctity of marriage then you would have stayed with the first man with whom you said “I do.” But instead you told him and three other Crusaders for Christ “I don’t!” Now ain’t that like havin’ Christmas dinner without the fixins’ Now I am not sure if you WAS home schooled, or maybe edu-maca-ted in Evangelical Christian dogma school, but if in fact you took time to understand the American way and NOT the ‘Merican’ way you would understand that working for the government means you gotta work for ALL of us, you know the Jews, the Muslims, the colored, the Mexicans, and even the LGBT’s. Our Constitution the one written by men who wanted a divide between church and state (not General J Christ), is still the law of the land Hon, even if your Liberty Counsel bigoted lawyers disagree. 

Now maybe you have been O’Reilly-ed, or Limbaugh-ed, or Palin-ed, or Huckabee-ed but Hon none of them snake oil salesmen are the LAW. They just shovel crap and apparently have delivered a whole ton of it on your doorstep. You want to hate, as you praise Jesus, do so at that church from you you said “I do” 4-TIMES. Sadly there are a whole bunch of bigots sitting in the pews of that church who love them some hypocrisy (not stoning you to death for marrying 4-TIMES) who just love to pretend that Jesus Christ hates a big as they do. Your attorney's say this has left a scar on your conscience, but how scarred were you when you divorced 3-TIMES. What a phony-baloney you are Hon, thinking one marriage between one man and another man or one woman and another woman will ruin the Institution of marriage when all you have done is made that Jesus like marriage be shot to Hell 4-TIMES over. Kim Davis, Hon, you are quite the FOOL!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Circle of Jerks

“Let’s put four Gay men on a desert island and see what happens. I imagine a lot of sick things will take place. I CAN PICTURE IT AND OFTEN DO. What I don’t picture is any children. Thank God for that.” Texas Representative Louie Gohmert, 7/29/15. Oh Louie, Louie, Louie, I bet you picture a whole lot of gross things going on when a bunch of Gay men are together. I imagine you really, really, really do spend A LOT OF TIME thinking about the kind of things Gay men do together. The funny thing is Louie, you seem to spend a whole lot more time picturing the kind of sex Gay men have then I do and I am a Gay man. You and Mikey Huckabee, Pat Robertson, Teddy Cruz and Rick Santorum spend endless hours describing how horrendous homosexual sex must be, but NEVER ever seem to be satisfied yourself about NOT talking about it. Homo-erotic sex is habit forming Louie the social scientists say especially for those who desire its pleasure but never seem to participate. When you and your Christian moral crusaders spend time together chastising Gay men’s sex I imagine you all must look a bunch of jerks in a circle.

Louie, Louie, Louie why is it that the self proclaimed Christian Evangelical moral police spend so much time “talking about sex baby?” Now I am not saying all of you hypocrites are into man on man sex, (you Steve King, Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee and Franklin Graham do most the penis/anal talk) but some of your boys from the backwoods like them some juicy lady talk. You got some old dudes who probably have not seen a vagina for at least 100 years all oozing with pointed fingers and who the hell knows what else insisting that women have no right over their “girly parts like Mitch McConnell, Jim Inhofe and Lindsey Graham (I wonder if, directly asked Lindsey could tell you where the vagina is located?) Louie, baby, you thinking of placing him on that island? When these sex obsessed dudes all stand together next to you and your boys all about anal intercourse, I bet the two groups look like a bunch of jerks in two circles.

Oh Louie, Lou-Eye, thou dost protest way too much about the kind of male on male sex, the amount of sex, the places where that sex might happen, for a person who is pleased with his own intimate sexual practices. ( Just wondering aloud Louie). Louie, you love to invoke God’s will, but if indeed you actually read the Bible from which you cast aspersions you will find the issue of sex is hardly a speck on the whole thou shalt not sheet. Being a voyeur seems to be safer then the actual participation Louie my man, but urges can get the better of you Louie, and the not so dumb people who believe you are anything but an honest heterosexual Christian man are beginning to have their doubts. Louie you and your cadre of jerks standing in that circle, write some very arousing comments about men having sex together. If one did not see the author of some of the speeches proclaiming Gay sex one might think he or she was reading from the text of a steamy homo-erotic novel. If it feels good Louie gather your circle of jerks, but know this my man, lust is a hard thing to overcome!

Monday, August 3, 2015


“Toe toe. Dancing very close. Barely breathing, almost comatose. Wall to wall. People hypnotized, and they’re stepping lightly. Hang each night in RAPTURE.” (Blondie-Rapture lyrics)

The rapture is a Christian belief that forms a major part of the current teaching and expectations of fundamentalist and other evangelical denominations. In its most popular current form, the doctrine involves Jesus Christ returning from Heaven towards earth. In violation of the law of gravity, saved individuals -- both dead and alive -- will rise up in the air and join Jesus in the sky:
Evangelical Christians believe that: The establishment--and continuation--of the State of Israel is essential to set the stage for the imminent return of Jesus. At the time of the Second Coming, these Christians believe, Jesus will descend from heaven, subdue all of Israel's enemies and take believers to heaven in what is known as the Rapture--literally, they will ascend to the clouds to be in heaven. This series of events ushers in the end-times. According to conservative Christians' reading of the Book of Revelation, this won't happen unless Israel exists in the Holy Land. (beliefnet, The Rapture Effect)

Pastor Mikey Huckabee always one who dreams that Jesus has chosen him to be his agent on Earth and wanna be presidential candidate from the Theocratic Fascist Evangelical T-Bagging Party pretends that he has a special place in his Christian heart for the State of Israel. He never really speaks clearly about his affinity with the Jews of that nation nor the Jews of this nation (after all Pastor Mikey has made it clear ‘Merica IS a Christian nation) but pretends he is an ally of Israel. He loves him some Nazi glamorization (as do most Evangelicals who have never read too much real history about the Nazi’s) and recently was sure that President Obama is opening the oven doors once again with his Nuclear agreement with Iran. Sadly if you just take Mikey at his word, the words he just speaks publicly and refuse to listen to ALL the other words he has spoken in the company of his Christian Crusaders you will find that the Pastor has other plans for the Jews and the State of Israel; it is called Rapture! The Pastor is all flummoxed that unless ALL of the Jews, as the Good Book insists are not gathered in Israel then Jesus will be pissed and will spite us all with no Rapture. If there is peace in the Middle East and ALL the world’s Jews don’t flock to Israel then his Lord and Savior will not kill all the non believers to save the real believers (Christians of course) and make not only the USA a Christian homeland but the entire Earth. It ain’t about ovens for the Jews it’s about Rapture!