Thursday, March 31, 2016

Guess what GALS

Guess what GALS, Donald Trump has a gift for you; he is gonna build a wall around your vagina! Donald said that if abortion becomes illegal in the US he will build a wall so you or your own doctor can not touch, or operate on your vagina. (Remember Donald also said when he is elected he will only appoint Supreme Court Justices who share his beliefs (oops my mistake as he has no beliefs, just what ever comes to mind at the moment). At first Donald was going to charge you little ladies who permitted (your father, brother Uncle Al or that insecure male who doesn’t know you but believes he knows what you want ) for violating you. The old adage of the GOP is if you don’t act like a slut you won’t get raped, so incest, abuse only happen because dames dress for act out for it, or want it! Now Donald’s handlers realizing that making you pay the fines for an abortion make the candidate look even too misogynist for him, decided that your abortion provider will pay the fine for the crime. Either way ladies, you lose but you can live your life very securely knowing he has built a wall just for you. Maybe while he is having the Mexican Government pay for the wall on the southern boarder, he can charge them for his Vagina Wall?

Wait, what, the GOP also has created its newest witch hunt committee to discuss the viability of fetal tissue research; chaired by Rep Marsha Blackburn a woman who might just hate other women. No matter that Planned Parenthood never gets money from the government for any fetal tissue research the misogynists from the GOP aren’t quite sure that is the truth. (The GOP never argues facts because they dismiss them as some kind of liberal bias, and the men and women who watch FOX News, Limbaugh radio, and believe ergonomics ‘Trickle Down Economy” has made them rich have no time for anything not make believe.) So ladies not only will you have to begin to use hangers, go to dirty back alleys, but don’t you dare even try to donate or harvest any of your fetal tissue cells, because Marsha Blackburn and her gang of goons feel that is immoral.

And then of course we have the two other Republican prospective candidates for President, and the all majority Te-Bagger State Legislatures still insisting that rape is not rape is not rape (kind of like a rose is not a rose, is not a rose…except that IT IS!) Both Kasich and Cruz are certain that women only seek assistance with their lady parts because all they either want is an abortion or those damned birth control pills. And those Republican led state Houses and Governors believe you can go to your dentist for gynecological check ups, or to the Salvation Army. Pure women, females who are not poor, Christian ladies, they don’t need physical check ups, because they are created from Adam’s rib, everyone else should suffer the consequences of being a whore!

Guess what Gals, the GOP has categorized you as much a second class citizen as the LGBTQ community, the People of Color community, the Immigrant Community, and of course those pesky Senior Adults who are goddamn living way too long! And you are a female, a man who knows and loves females and STILL you are going to vote Republican because…

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Banana Republic

By now most anyone concerned about any kind of vestige of democracy in this nation of ours has heard about the County of Maricopa in the newly formed Banana Republic commonly known as Arizona. Trying her hardest Tea Bagger Helen Purcell, Maricopa County Recorder tried to use a new play from the Tea Baggers bag of tricks, this time eliminating most places to vote and in particular eliminating almost all places to vote in neighborhoods where People of Color reside. Thinking she could use her double talk, like the current crop of Republican Presidential Candidates have done so well, when confronted by a novice reporter, Ms Purcell was upset and blamed the voters for wanting to stand in line to ACTUALLY vote. Not being pushed too hard by this second rate reporter, Ms Purcell blamed not only the voters for causing long lines, but reminisced about the days gone by when she supposed there were WAY TOO MANY polling places. Now Ms Purcell did not reinvent how not vote by herself, she was aided by the Republican majority in the legislature of this Banana Republic who relied on the failed policies of Republican’s nation-wide to limit, make exhaustive, restrict and suppress voting because if every American wanted to vote, EVERYONE knows they WOULD NOT vote for the party of NO.

The dictator of the Banana Republic of Arizona, Doug Ducy, I mean Governor, a Republican at first remained quiet about any and all discussion that his Banana Republic might have suppressed his citizens rights to vote. After all he oversees this Banana Republic and as is usual with most Republican dictators silence is golden, denial a personal triumph, and the act of ignorance a Profile in Courage. But, alas alack it seems that the dummies who identify as Tea Baggers, the ones who believe in a Constitution written by Jesus, did not have the last word, and real Americans who still believe we are a nation of democracy caught wind of this Tea Bagging plot and scheme and fought back. Governor Ducy, like most other Tea Bagging Governors has come forward, only because the blow back is so big, to voice his concern that something IS rotten (the something by which he and his fellow Fascists created). 

Way back when, when we invaded Iraq, and Afghanistan we were told by Co-Presidents Cheney and Bush that America needed to establish American style democracies in those two nations. We were preached at that the American way of elections, of voting were great standards by which the rest of the world should adhere. Amazingly, at least for me, I have to agree with Presidents Cheney and Bush, because the fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan politics looks an awful lot like the kind of politics out current brand of Tea Bagging Republicans demonstrate in this nation. Here’s to American Exceptionalism.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

So Ted Cruz

So, Ted Cruz, in order to satisfy his Evangelical Christian Patriot, NRA, White Robed, Republican base of voters has declared that we must be more vigilant in America and doing so we must monitor and patrol neighborhoods with populations of Muslims. Ted tries to make it clear that Islam is not the villain, although it is not the region of choice for most moral voters, but it is Muslims who we cannot consider good Americans. Senator Cruz is so tired of democracy failing us, that he now wants to void the Constitution and as President Obama so precisely said turn America into the kind of country Ted Cruz’s father escaped from because of their persistent denial of freedom. Like most republicans, history is a waste of time to study, and knee jerk reactions make more sense.

So, lets follow Ted Cruz’s newest plan for America and his distrust of Muslim’s even though he insists he is not anti-Islam. Perhaps if we follow Teddy’s reasoning (I am not assuming there is any but for the sake of argument will pretend there is), Should we not monitor and patrol the Christians who listen closely to their Ministers, Pastors, Priests who stand at their Christian holy places preaching to their crowds of zealots that murdering Gays is Gods will, that women should not be permitted to control their own reproductive parts so bombing Planned parenthood Clinics would be God’s plan. The Christian activist clergy who want to round up the homeless, deny food assistance to the poor, who believe that the Jews should either convert or be killed; are they not as culpable as the Imam’s? If we follow the Ted Cruz biased and bigoted and full of bull shit reasoning, then it may not be the Christian religion to blame, so it must be the Christians. 

But then Ted is a hypocrite flirting with those who need a scapegoat, who desire someone else to be lower on the ladder of success, who implode at the thought that they are victims because of their own inactions. So many arguments all based on a human emotion of fear, all fanned to eliminate the truth and only satisfied ignited lies and loathing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Once again, and again

Once again, once more under the guise that a certain God is weaker then humans a bunch of humans pretending to be God have decided that murder, mayhem and madness will provide a lesson on death. This time the innocents of Brussels have become victim to cowards who entice the naive, lonely, and dejected pawns to committee first suicide then murder. Of course the captains of propaganda, and pretend never find themselves on the battle fronts, no they understand the the only thing a martyr receives is death, so they delegate the difficult tasks to people so easily mesmerized by false prophets, false promises, and falsehoods. Once again terrorism has found its firm footing and has once again its unreasonable premise has produced a very typical response. A response which somehow never tries to find solution, but begs for confusion, conflict and chaos.

Cable news outlets always in the business of ratings and many times creating the news, jump at the opportunity to present breaking news with embellished facts, figures and flirtations with lots of perhaps and maybes. On the scene reporters with videos of injured and dead, shake their head and act as if this has never happened  before that this suffering is different than the mutilated, decapitated, bloody victims of the past. Innuendo from supposed journalists as to hiding places, neighborhoods, of the evil, inhuman soldiers of war are shared; never matters if the footage is played over and over again, it is the impact of death and destruction that never calm the fears but are used for the viewer to studs by until the next commercial is over. Talking Heads, Specialists of every shape and size, political leaning come out of the crevices like cockroaches. Each telling they knew this would happen, they knew how tom avoid this, they knew that diplomatic communication was good, or bad, they knew we needed to become for masculine and muscular in our efforts. The Talking Heads can scare the viewer when necessary, can consul the worried if needed or can continue to heat up a situation always and already at the boiling point. 

Then we have the politicians and their point of views, never a point of view of resolve but usually of fear, loathing and of course blame. Build more walls, nuke them, deny freedoms, and ignore the Constitution. Blame a whole religion, blame a wimpy president,forget our failures of the past as if history has nothing to teach us, blame us for not staying in Iraq long enough or having a decade of the surge. Spend more money on bombs, kill more lives, Make America Better. Once again something that at one time was unimaginable happened and AGAIN, instead trying to find consensus, we prefer to establish confusion. Instead of working together we aid and abed the monster by arguing among ourselves. Instead of working a one we prefer to alienate and misalign. Once again we play into the hands of the madmen and madwomen who understand their power is in our lack of understanding how powerful we can be.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Food Glorious Food

A Shake Shack opened this weekend in WEHO, I had never heard of this newest fast food joint, but it entered the LA market with great marketing and apparently reputation. The lines to get a shake, some fries, perhaps a burger and maybe a hot dog were a block long, and seemed to be ceaseless. For me a bit mind boggling that people would stand in line for fast food, but then this IS America and anything with bling and shiny does collect people like a light bulb collects moths. (Just look at those who want to go to a Trump rally). The sidewalks were filled with people, making it difficult to maneuver and of course (many of the people on line were on their phones, so God forbid they step aside as you try to pass.) But I had to wonder about the juxtaposition of the masses standing on line for over priced carnival fare while at the same time I saw many homeless sharing the sidewalks of Santa Monica Boulevard.  I had to think about the two direct opposite attractions on the Boulevard; I knew that none of the people standing on line for junk food had any responsibility for the hungry and homeless sharing that same sidewalk, but then I thought again, who DOES have that responsibility. Should I be just as pissed at the silliness of those who can’t resist to be the first to try something, no matter how irrelevant that something might be, as the homeless who dare come to my neighborhood. My answer was no, standing on line for a Shake Shack snack is a choice of many but being hungry and homeless not necessarily so the choice of the ill, elderly or poor. So who has the responsibility to assist with those who can’t afford their boots let alone boot straps to pull themselves up, who have mental illness issues, so even if they wanted to correct their situation may not be able to or those who are left to cling to the urban terrain like rust clings to old metal?

We can blame (as Republicans always do) that these shiftless people are takers, all they need to do is get off of their drugs, and get a job, (you know the kind that supposedly on Mexican rapists want). The German’s had signs over their concentration camps, Work Makes You Free, but as we all know being free and freedom are two separate issues. We are told by the Republicans that only useless people are homeless and hungry, never taking into account the returning Vets who never received their fair share of government support, the white folk living in Appalachia who have their Planned Parenthood Clinics closed and their antiquated schools, and the millions who have a job but need at least another to pay all of their bills (and maybe a third). So, who should take carer of the hungry and homeless? it seems that in the politics of blame, bias and bigotry no one should take care of them because to truly be a patriotic American if you can’t do it for yourself then you do n to deserve it. (Of not if you are an Oil Company, the Big Banks, the NFL, Mega Churches, or the 1%; cause THEN the government should come to reduce…again because that is what makes America great.

Long lines Friday through Sunday at the Shake Shack, Mazol Tov to that company they will take in big dollars, and this is a part of capitalism that works well. But I still have to wonder, with all the wealth, all the success, all the celebrations who should take care of the hungry and homeless. Better yet, why in a nation where we can send satellites to outer reaches of space, can build sky scrapers to the heavens, can pay our athletic gladiators and movie stars millions of dollars, why do we still have homelessness , hunger and poverty? Food Glorious Food!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just think

Just to think about and fret just a little bit more: What do Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Governor Rick Scott, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Bill O’Reilly, and Ann Coulter have in common? All have sworn allegiance to Herr Trump. They are racist, homophobes, misogynists, narcissists, who actually imagine they will have a place in Herr Trumps’ dictatorship. Palin the Secretary of Energy, Christie, Attorney General, Scott, head of the EPA,Huckabee, Secretary Health and Human Services, Carson VP, O’Reilly Press Secretary and Coulter UN Ambassador. Palin will drill baby drill, Christie will create his own version of the Nixon Enemies List, Scott will let the oceans rise, Huckabee will deny any loose women, and unmarried women, and woman older then 50 to die, Carson will discover a third tablet Moses left for George Washington, and O’Reilly will hold swear he fair and balanced as he kicks out most of the press. Just think about it, and no it is not even a scenario from the Twilight Zone.

Just think about it, the KKK and White Supremacists who support Herr Trump hate them selves those Christ Killer, Jews and of course those rapist/terrorist immigrants and will punch them, send them back to to where they belong, enslave them or maybe murder them; BUT you have to wonder if these unintelligent minions even know thatHerr Trump’s daughter not only married an Orthodox Jew but converted to Judaism, not just any Judaism but orthodox Judaism. And of course Herr Trump’s wife is an immigrant and speaks with an accent.

Just think about it, as angry as the GOP pretends to be about Herr Trump’s rise to power, most to none of them are willing to admit out loud that even though Herr Trump calls for violence hates minorities has blamed the Jews for anything financial, find ugly fat women repulsive, is more concerned about the size of his penis then most anything else WILL NOT come forward and say they, under no circumstances would vote for this repulsive narcissist. Makes you wonder who really has a back bone, who really cares more about politics then the future of this nation. think about this as you bash Hillary or Bernie and swear to God if your democrat candidate doesn’t win you’ll show the world and NOT VOTE.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It matters, not

It matters not, not at all how appalled we become watching anything Trump, Like the ragged tip of a tornado, he and his minions manage to rip, tear, dispose of and set on fire anything and anyone it touches.  He is magical to a myriad of people whose wishes of hate, divide, blame and victimization, materialize with the emptiness of promises and loudest shouts of bravado. Some believe as he lies, feigns any knowledge of things he has said or done that Trump is the man because he is better, bigger and most (just ask him). How can you argue facts with people who consider opinion all you need to prove the truth. Reality TV is the news, sound bytes an encyclopedia, venom and vile the perfect American way, and violence the answer to it all. It matters not what we say about Trump, because win or lose, the contagious virus of bigotry, ignorance, and bias has infected just enough people to begin a pandemic. He has reached the people who have always felt the other, and now with his voice they can claim the rewards so often believed they were owed.

Republican leadership pretend to be taken aback by Trump, but so far the majority still recite some made up 11th Commandment by an actor named Ronald Reagan to support (no matter how evil or sinister) the Republican candidate. The media never stops with their breaking news of his Brown Shirts breaking bones. The media at the ready for a soap opera drama, love to pretend how amazing it is that Trump has gotten so popular. Very few in the media will make an attempt to say he is lying, tell him he has lied or even calling him a liar. Trump is so good at the con, so eager for the sucker punch and ever \so elusive enough to NEVER get caught in a trap; a trap that so terribly lacks with most of the media.

It matters not, not at all if Trump wins his party’s nomination because nothing in this nation will be the same for a long time. The Zombies raise their right hands to his allegiance, the religious compare him to a Godly man, the white folk have found a savior, the bigot a best bud, the selfish a hero, and the flood gates of anti democracy have been opened and it seems no one is strong enough or willingly enough to close them. If Trump wins, more divide and conquer will arise. If he loses the well armed militia’s, the self proclaimed Patriots, the seekers of hateful religion, the purveyors of pain and punishment will rampage this nation burning the Constitution as they try to burn down the American way. It is time to be afraid, and stop this civil war which will take down our nation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

what is next

We sigh and simmer, we are perplexed and pissed, we are beyond belief and act as we have no clue; and still more racism, bigotry, are exercised and freedoms reduced as we permit Trump to pander to the most angry, simple minded, uneducated members of our population. Suddenly the media is a bit skeptical regarding the Trump campaign but not wary enough to prohibit him to call in, call a faux news conference, really challenge him on any thing of substance. Trump is a savvy master of mind games and he is a sophisticated marketer of slime, because his slime is always made bigger, better and most. He brings in the ratings and for the most part most so called news outlets prefer the bottom line to the real truth.  The media’s motto seems to be make up the news cause its better.

The GOP acting like innocent victims is not sure of Donald Trump, they are trying their best to derail him, but listen closely hoe no one of any authority in the GOP has really called him out for his fascist anti-free speech approach at his rallies. Listen clearly how angry the GOP pretend to be when the Klansmen support him but never really take to the airwaves to tell all of America what kind of racists this hate group. And when the GOP complains about the mere chance that there is bigotry seeping like a virus from the Trump campaign, they still consider anti homosexual laws to be hunky dory. The pay close attention to how NOT one candidate running for president from the republican party has found the backbone to say I WILL NOT SUPPORT TRUMP if he wins the nomination. Hardly any elected Republican political has said out loud even thought I am a republican, I CAN NOT OR WILL NOT back Donald Trump’s candidacy.

Donald Trump may go away (not in a quiet manner by any means), but his virus will remain. Do we really think his followers will be happy with anyone else, even the villainous Ted Cruz. Trump has the villagers armed and ready, he has his storm troopers eager to fight, he has misinformed those already without a clue as to the meaning of democracy. Most of us know all of this, and yet Trump’s march to the sea continues. We wonder often times what does the United States do with the files of chemical weapons it develops or the kind of contagious it creates. We assume they are kept in a safe place, but what if just one Patriot working for the government decides they don’t like the way thing are run and become spiteful. We must wonder the same thing about the weapons Donald Trump has cultivated and created. What happens next?

Friday, March 11, 2016

An empty vessel

Donald Trump is an empty vessel who still manages to find various ports of call from which he sells his incendiary cargo. He is the captain of his own ship and he understands the distress calls from men and women who believe it is the other guy who has made life miserable, so he sails up to the next port creates images of racism and bigotry is hailed a hero then heads toward the next self victimizing fool. If you ask him to repeat what he just said, he will honestly look you in the eye and mumble, “I said nothing, that hadn’t already been spoken.” Donald Trump is not scary for his in-depth lack of ability to understand a problem but is frightening because he knows exactly how to make a problem worse. His remedy is to place more poison ivy on the skin providing one to scratch even harder causing blisters and open sores. He is genius at marketing to those who rely on here-say, shies away from anyone who begins to question motive or reason, and prefers to be in the lobby after he has locked the theater doors behind as he screams “FIRE.” Like a tornado Donald Trump swirls into a neighborhood, breaks, destroys, huff and puffs then leaves the scene, leaving behind him a madness of mayhem. He will never be asked to be responsible for his activities as most news entertainers care more about their ratings then they do seeking the truth. We should fear Donald Trump not because how dumb he is, but just how savvy he has become in avoiding owning up to destruction he deliberately as created. Donald Trump represents our current pop culture where everything is immediate (no time to reason), everything is a sound byte, better to attract the viewers, everything never requires fact, just opinion, and everything is shiny with bling. Donald is listened to because he said better, bigger, more and most. He is never questioned how or why. Donald Trump is an empty vessel and thrives on those around him who thrive on emptiness. 

Another vessel truly empty but running on inflated ego and lots of chameleons is little Marco Rubio who thinks because he says so he will become president. Little Marco had spoke to the press saying he regrets possibly embarrassing his children for his remarks regarding Donald Trump’s schlong, and Trumps ability to wet his pants. Like most current Republican’s Marco took no direct responsibility for his toilet mouth but said, that Donald Trump had pushed him and needed to be bullied back. I amaze at this empty vessel who thinks that talking about the size of Donald’s penis (and reflecting on his own penis by doing so,) wants to apologize for his behavior for ALL of that, while not really recognizing ALL the other things Rubio said, which if you raised your kids with morals and ethics and that good ole’ religion should really make them angry. Rubio has no remorse in letting his kids hear about how inferior the LGBT community is, how women are not mature enough to ever understand their own reproductive systems and of course how todays immigrants are so much different then Rubio’s, grandparent and parents. This vessel is floating on vapors and an ego which will soon implode sinking the ship.

One really HUGE useless vessel, empty, ignorant, aloof, and full of lies is the national Republican Committee. They like to pretend they are a floating armada, using race, bias and bigotry to steam their engines. It seems however with this years Republican selections for president, the RNC has run amok, and has fallen prey to some icebergs they had seeded in the first place. Listen closely how no one from the RNC comments on Donald Trumps lack of use of free speech at his rally’s. Watch how all the RNC candidates speak about awe and they and how no one from the RNC says being inclusive is correct. The RNC vessel thought they could roll with the waves but have been grounded by their own captains. Truly, if the RNC wanted to stop Trump or Cruz they could. They could by using the same dirty, lying tactics they put in place regarding Benghazi, Hilary’s emails,Planned Parenthood and of course Obama-Care.  This ship does not mind being tossed around because somehow they believe it will eventually find its way to shore. maybe the shores of Hell.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


In Republic-Can't's parlance any question that is asked based on facts and requiring facts to answer it is considered a ‘gotcha’ question or as Donald Trump replied to Cokie Roberts of NPR, a nasty question. When a real journalist more interested in truth than ratings, questions a Republic-Can't candidate who will not answer that question, said journalist should repeat the question again, as Cokie Roberts had, and a real journalist whose job it should be to discern fact from fiction should immediately, after the third try tell the Republic-Can’t this interview is over. It seems that the media which we have discovered in the 20-teens, no longer hire journalists to report the news but entertainers to invent the news. Imagine if real journalists took to the airwaves, trying two or three times to get the one question answered and the Republic-Can't refuses, and the journalist says this interview is over, IMAGINE how lies could be squelched! 

With Republic-Can’t double speak it is so interesting to watch how hypocrisy has become the norm and actually no intent ion is made to hide the fact that they are phonies.The Republic-Cant’s will hold their Bible a few inches higher than the Constitution and quote selective verses and chapters which seem to in dictate that he God they choose to believe in is as much a bigot and racist as the mere mortals he supposedly created. There are so many examples to recite where the Republic-Cant’s refuse to acknowledge the truth, but the one that is currently a fee of the Republic-Cant’s is the one that goes honor thy father and mother. All Republic-cant’s running for office state wide or federal government consider Social Security an evil poison of socialism. No honor of they parents is necessary when all they do is take money from the pockets of the government, good money that is necessary to balance a budget so Corporations and the 2% don’t have to pay their fare share of taxes. Oh yeah and in the view of Republic-Cant’s to honor they father and mother is to let them work until they die on the job,or maybe lose their shelter and forget those three times a day meals.

The top three nominees of the Republic-Cant party have this fixation with Jesus. Ted Cruz has been told by his dad and now wife (a Goldman Sachs banker) that Jesus has spoken to both of them anointing dishonest Ted as the next Prophet. Donald Trump sees it differently this thrice married adulterous having a child out of wedlock guy has told Jesus he is the next Prophet, and little flip/flop, chameleon Marco Rubio will be a Prophet for pay id a wealthy donor tells him so.The Republic-Can’t Party has demonstrated clearly and concisely just much they hate democracy, equality and freedoms. To think, that this election year millions of people are permitting the wool to be pulled over their eyes, because they now think it is cool to hate is scarily sad and potently pathetic. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Good Job Brownie

The GOP held another Infomercial on Thursday, this time in Michigan. The Salesmen on stage this time around included a Senator whose professional claim to fame is his ability to shut down the government and conveniently blame on someone else when it backfires. His personal claim is that his and dad and his wife are visited by Jesus Christ and Jesus has told dad and wife that Ted Cruz, is a prophet and will show the face of God to America. There was another Senator whose professional claim is being Numero Uno as the Senator who has not shown up to work more days than another Senator and who also ranks number one is missing important committee meetings never really casting a vote. His personal claim is story telling. Marco Rubio likes to tell the story of how his family had to flee Cuba because of that evil man named Fidel. The true story however is the the Cruz family left Cuba  while Fidel was still living in Mexico, and the Cruz family came to America like most immigrants wanting a better life. Then there was a Governor whose professional claim is to shut down those pesky Planned Parenthood Clinics. His personal claim is that housewives love him, why they actually left their kitchens, some even with their aprons on them, to vote for him. John Katich loves himself the women but only those who stay at hime and cook. And the final salesman was a dude who claims his professional achievement is being the best, better, most best-us business man ever. All you have to do is take his word. he needs to tax returns to prove this just look at the shiny building with the name TRUMP on them. His personal claim of best-us is marrying three women, boggling his daughter, and how swell his genitals work. He also likes to set fires in theaters, then as he exits locking the door behind him he shouts “Fire”.

If you have seen an Infomercial you know that even with the best of conmen  “hucking” their wares you need a phony audience. Most of the Infomercial audience members usually have some kind of affinity with the “huckster” who is talking about the flim/flam or they are individuals who know how to smile brightly, boo on cue, nod their heads in disbelief, laugh at just the right time and always seemed amazed at the brilliance of the salesman. The Infomercial audience did not let down expectations. They hated President Obama, sneered at the name of Hilary, agreed that it was only the presidents fault that Congress has done nothing, and of course had their tomatoes and cream pies at the ready to throw at the perceived creep of the moment. A perfect production of a very imperfect evening.

There was a GOP Informercial last night in Michigan, and all we heard about from the four salesmen on stage was about hand size, penis size, the use of said penis’s….how horrible of a president, President Obama is, how even more horrible of a president Secretary Clinton will be…how we might have to start four or fives wars to demonstrate how democracy works (somehow these four guys using democracy in a sentence is mind blowing), Obamacare sucks, who is the biggest liar(don’t you love it when a lying liar calls out another lying liar), and of the obligatory un-factual malarky about Planned Parenthood and their scheme to devalue Jesus’s creations. There was an Informercial last night in Michigan, and the only comment made about the Republican Governor, Snyder, and his majority led Republican Legislature who purposely and intentionally poised Flint Michigan’s water supply to save money, THE ONLY COMMENT WAS, Marco Rubio, declaring that Governor Snyder was doing a GOOD JOB in handling this man made horror show. Kind of reminds me of the time Georgie W flew above New Orleans retuned from his little ‘look-see’, and his comment was “Good Job Brownie”.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


If you are a Christian and believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, the next time you pray before him you, before you get to the AMEN part of that prayer you may want to ask him the following questions:A) Are you the same Jesus Christ who as of yesterday spoke directly to Ted Cruz telling him that you preferred all other Republican candidates running for president to drop out and support Cuz? B) Are you the same Jesus Christ who has found time in your busy schedule of being the Son of God to whisper in the sleeping ears of Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann to run for president? C) Are you that God who still hasn’t finalized your conversation with Sarah Palin to run or not to run for president? D) Are you the same Jesus who gets a commission from Pat Robertson every time he takes money from really poor people suggesting that money talks and that money will get Jesus to talk to you? E) Are you the same Jesus Christ who thinks that Duck Dynasty Grandpa is cool because he likes his women underage and he is so cool you take fishing trips with him?

If you are Republican, but not a Christian and for that matter not religious at all do you EVER wonder about the candidates running for president from the GOP who insist that why they run for office is because of Jesus? Do you not worry that they swear to uphold the New Testament before the they consider the Constitution? If you are a Republican and lets say you are not of color, not a member to the LGBTQ community, not an immigrant, and certainly not a female who will ever need medical assistance, do you not wonder EVER that once all of the above mentioned demographics are either banned, sent to far away islands, used as slave labor or killed, WHEN once they are ALL gone, who MIGHT be next; because nothing says Republican politics like a good victim to fear. If you are a wealthy Republican EVEN a person like any of the mentioned minorities and you still believe any of the presidential candidates from your Republican should be president, do you actually think that YOUR income and finances will keep you safe from ALSO being discriminated?

If you are an American and you still want to vote for anyone but Hillary, how long do you think, you will have the right to vote for anyone but her, if ANY of the GOP presidential candidates win the office of President? If you are NOT afraid of you Republican party, then perhaps you should start being afraid NOW!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

In Fact

The Republican dominated state legislature of Oklahoma has demonstrated once again that what they fear the most are FACTS. FACTS for most Republican politicians evokes the same disdain as sunlight does for most Vampires; once faced with the facts the bead of truth burn their very shallow insincere white skin. It seems the latest bunch of facts that need to be gone with lie in the curriculum of AP History. It seems if you study AP History you will find that it was George, Benjamin, and Alexander who wrote the Constitution not Paul, Mathew or Peter, you will discover that the South lost the Civil War, and that slavery was very key to the attempted tyranny against the union and was not in fact a good try at Capitalism. 

Republican Representative Pete Neilson of Idaho said the following standing in the Idaho Legislative Chamber, “Now, I’m of the understanding that in many cases of rape it does not involve any pregnancy because of the trauma of the incident. That may be true with incest a little bit.” The State rep added, for good measure of course, “trauma makes pregnancies less likely.” No need for doctors or biology lessons, nope this Republican politician relied on his own life’s lesson taught from his good book so the only facts are his fantasies. Rep Neilson has no time for Planned Parenthood because he knows that women really don’t go their for cancer screenings, health checkups, nope they go to that PLACE because most of them have the wrong ideas about rape and incest.

The Republican dominated legislature of Iowa, the guys and gals who are against abortion because they pretend they are pro life, has no time or money to help the homeless raise their kids, no extra cash for pre-school meals and certainly no way they want to pay a living wage for a family to survive, but they do have time to plan a vote on permitting kids to own and handle guns. Facts be damned, kids are people and the 2nd Amendment makes it ‘purty’ clear people have the right to bear arms.

Whether it IS Bernie or Hillary in the White House (which either honestly will make a difference),  come on America when we have dozens of Republican led state legislatures and Governors who still think the Earth is 6000 years old, pro life ends once the fetus is born, a flat Earth, Jesus would never destroy the place his Dad built, and slavery was the first legit form of Capitalism, it doesn’t matter who the boss of America will be. Whether it is Bernie or Hillary running this nation, if we still have a Republican group of anarchists as Senators who love to pick and choose pieces of the Constitution as they do their Bible, or Congress People who believe in freedom of religion as long as it is Christianity, usurping freedom from religion, as long as we have a Supreme Court who believes Corporations are people, and money can buy elections, it DOES NOT MATTER if it Bernie or Hillary. The thing is as I see it, this might our last chance at saving even a small speck of democracy before we implode upon ourselves as a nation.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stop Feeding Him

Donald Trump’s two sons recurrently making the media rounds and are not putting their to shame when it comes to insincerity, phoniness, glib articulation of the facts and just general douchery. What they say most often must be ignored because both brothers have no idea of a real world, nor do care to or have to. But recently the Trump Boys said something that is so true and honestly something ALL of know but many of us ignore. To paraphrase the Donald clones, the boys said, the more negative comments said about their dad, the more Donald’s population grows. As long as Donald is perceived the victim, the more those who ALSO believe they are victims support him. We ALL know that, we can see that overtime someone comments that Donald Trump went too far, was rude, was just being an ignorant SOB, the more he gains in popularity. It is a known fact that somehow the media pretends not to know about.

A fe months ago and as recent as a few days ago yet another reporter was attacked by Donald’s brown shirt’ed Macy suited gangsters. Nothing says America like limiting free access of the press to any and all potential politicians. We are shocked, worried, flummoxed to say the least and in unison we scream HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN. But then those with the true power to stop the madness of Trump do very little. Donald Trump thrives on notoriety. One might imagine if the media really cared about reporters becoming a piñata for the Trump goons, they might actually tell him, one more attack and no coverage. Imagine how Donald Trump would begin to disappear if a majority of news coverage ended. But  the news at least in this decade is not so interested in the facts but more so in the ratings, so we sigh, holler and give the face of shock wondering what Donald will do next and ignore all he has already done.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC a Trump pal, who assisted Mr Trump with debate questions and had one of the softest interviews with a man who spews Racist, Misogynist, Homophobic and, paranoia, believed that Donald in spite of all his hate was Da’Man. That was until Donald lied once again (or if not lying has demonstrated just how out of touch a billionaire living in an Ivory Tower can be) and complained he had no idea who David Duke was, and exactly the true mean ing of the KKK, so how could disavow something he has no idea exists. Now Morning Joe and his side kick Mika have to demonstrate a change of heart, and chastise their favorite candidate. They didn’t care about the ugliness of Trump but now with his tidal wave of bigots supporting him suddenly they have become aware. The point is this, if the media is really applied by the nature of hate speeches Donald Trump delivers, then bleep out all of the nasty derogatory parts of that speech, just like the networks do when some uses a SWEAR word. Or whenever anyone, from the media or not is jumped on or beat up showcasing Donald Trump’s fear of free speech, punish his campaign and DO NOT COVER him. The media pretends they are powerless when in fact they have more power then they are willing to use. The Trump Boys are right; Donald is like a cancer that survives by eating good cells, STOP FEEDING HIM!