Sunday, May 31, 2020

and again

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”/Albert Einstein.--- “In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.”/Albert Einstein

The shame of the matter is that we shamefully understand what is at the matter, but refuse to deal with it until it is boiling over from within the cauldron by which it had been simmering for decades. We can pretend to be intelligent and have insight, and all of us acting as ‘Talking Heads,’ can pontificate, as if word salad alone, was the entire feast necessary to rid the appetite for hate. Approach-avoidance, which is a term used in Social Psychology defines as conflicts that occur when there is one goal or event that has both positive and negative effects or characteristics that make the goal appealing and unappealing simultaneously. Our immediate history as a nation from the past 100 years, till to today,  is filled with approach-avoidance showcasing, a lack of grit and gift at truly understanding Racism, bigotry based on separate interpretations of various Biblical books and superstitions, Patriotism as a divisive American concept rather than one implying consensus, and a false intention that we are a democracy thus all is fair, and that we are a Capitalistic society, so those who truly work hard shall rightfully get rewarded, and only the lazy suffer from their own inadequate enterprise.

We ask the same questions over and over, which range from how many more deaths by use of the 2nd Amendment as a guiding principle, how many more corrupt laws against people of color, and how many more deaths of yet one more person of color, how many more politicians placing self-advancement over service to the country, why do religious beliefs often triumph over the ideals established as there is a divide between church and state, and for whom and to whom does the term “We The People,” refer! In the midst of virulent strain of nature attacking the human race, the human race continues to attack itself; begging the question who will win when all of this ends, and two more frightening questions at least for me how and when will this end! 

Saturday, May 30, 2020


It is 11:27 on the East Coast, in my little town of North Truro. The quiet of the night is only interrupted by the sound of some birds in the distance, and perhaps the yelp of a coyote! And as I am safe in my little space on the Cape, all around me, in my country is chaos boiling over that has and had been brewing for decades, and especially over these past few years. I am not certain, in no uncertain terms, what this nation will actually look, or feel, or be like when dawn arises on Sunday.

The evil of Mother nature, the evil of Mankind, two virus’s grabbing hold on our nation, two diseases, able to destroy destiny, and set the demise of democracy. For Mother Nature over 100,000 deaths and for Mankind, one recent death, both with devastating dilemmas. I have been frightened and scared, now as I get ready for bed, I am also fearful as to what tomorrow will bring. All of this doom, and to top it off Trump sits as President. To whom can we turn!

Goodnight America, I do not have any idea what the next morning may bring!


Verge noun an edge or border. verb approach (something) closely; be close or similar to (something). noun. the edge, rim, or margin of something: the verge of a desert; to operate on the verge of fraud. the limit or point beyond which something begins or occurs; brink: on the verge of a nervous breakdown. How much more is the American public able to handle, especially when those in power to create a change, encourage the coexistence of consensus, and end the corrupt chasm between right and wrong…REFUSE to…OR worse ENCOURAGE, the chaos…happen to love in the White House, or work in the halls of State and Federal Legislatures.  White Nationalists, chomping at the bit to create disruption toward an already frayed community by People of Color, insecure Police Officers, using their uniforms, badges, guns, and ASSUMPTION that they are above the law, even though they are to protect and serve, and political leadership, loving the idea of divide and conquer…all placing an anxious and overwrought nation on THE VERGE! America and the World are falling to pieces, hard-edged pieces of glass or splinters of wood, but as a collective, we are cracking. A nine-minute knee on the neck of a black man, and the perpetrator is lost in nothing but his own play of power, because most likely HE lives in a world of insecurity, and somehow had to demonstrate to no one but himself, that he had power. And, PLEASE, explain why his BROTHERHOOD of BLUE, did not intervene?  

another double feature

When the white Good Nazi’s, oops, I mean the Good Warriors, ensconced with their sexual objects of AK’s and AR’s assault weapons, and I think one or two grenade launchers surrounded the Capitol steps in Minnesota and Kentucky, and when the MAGA Minions fans of both FOX News and Breibart Radio carried their Nazi paraphernalia, KKK attire, with ropes and pictures of lynching, a bit of tar and feathers adorned in their Red Caps and Confederate Bull Shit, demanded LIBERATION from the CDC, and threats to murder Dr. Anthony Fauci, because, somehow their FREEDOM to contaminate others with a Pandemic became so bothersome….when and while all of this was happening…HOW did Trump respond…why he was about to call in the troops not to arrest or stop, or lecture these potential Trump voters…nope, we were gonna call in his secret police (he thinks that any branch of the Military only works for him,) to place either the Mayors or Governors in JAIL…Yeppers, Donnie the Douche, loved the potential of a riot a Civil War by his DEPLORABLES against anyone trying to keep the entire nation from dying of COVID-19!

But then some People of Color, begin to organize and threaten a system that IS TRUE INJUSTICE, and NOW, suddenly this is anarchy, a punch in the eye of America. So THIS time, Trump says you loot I will shoot…Trump now, thinking each state's National Guard, are similar to his own Attorney, you know Willie Barr, a d Trump is gonna arrest a few people, and demonstrate to this group, who he now defines as THUGS, a thing or two… Even as I write this I get heartburn, and my skin feels like it itches, and I have palpitations…What a fucking asshole, what a dismal distraught, demented derelict, a peddler of CON, so steeped in toxic waste, even before he speaks, you can witness a green glow surrounding him, a radioactive aura of nefarious, insidious, hypocrisy and sheer HATE!

Friday, May 29, 2020


THUG: a violent person, especially a criminal. a member of a religious organization of robbers and assassins in India. Devotees of the goddess Kali, the Thugs waylaid, and strangled their victims, usually travelers, in a ritually prescribed manner. They were suppressed by the British in the 1830s.

So easy to toss the word around, when privilege is a part of your own environment. And who exactly is THE THUG? Trump, always hiding behind his fat thumbs and Tweeter Feed wrote: "These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!" So brave, when no cameras are around, or at least not the cameras belonging to his Propaganda Station FOX.  But then in the broad daylight, when his words can and do take on a different proposition, Trump remains silent regarding the murder of George Floyd. No mention to the American public of his violent response, because too many watching are not MAGA, and playing it safe, Trump pretends nothing to see here.

Then, Trump, again within the confines of his golden toilet inside his golden White House Bathroom (I am supposing, his best remarks of hate happen as he moves his bowels…) Trump, ever the bully in hiding adds an additional lack of leadership Tweet, just to make sure HIS minions are still gonna vote for him come November “I can’t stand back& watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right…” A THUG, you have to wonder, who EXACTLY IS THE THUG in this situation! A fearful, insecure, narcissist, only concerned about HIMSELF, promoting violence, from afar, and too afraid to admit to his own words! 


Today, Friday, May 29, 2020, and here is what I DO NOT GET! 103,000 deaths in the USA and the only concern I hear from the President is that he signed an Executive Order to stop Social Media (Twitter, directly) to acknowledge, that his tweets do not contain fact or are not based on evidence. Today in America we still have inadequate testing and tracing procedures and equipment to at least understand where Covid-19 is lingering and ready to contaminate, yet three police officers felt it their duty to apprehend, violently, a black man for a petty crime, using such brutal force as to watch as he breathes his last bit of oxygen, choking under the knees of people who we are to respect as a trusting authority! And NOT to provide evidence of their justice, provide a redacted video, asking more questions, and providing less rational!

Today, Friday, May 29, 2020, and here is WHAT I DO NOT GET! We have 1.76 M confirmed cases in the USA and the Senate under Republican leadership has opened a Committee to try and embarrass the FBI/the OBAMA Administration because, Michael Flynn lied to the FBI, admitted his guilt, was an unauthorized agent for Turkey and spent time sharing meetings with the Russian Government promising a Trump presidency would change the politics and economies between both nations. Instead of Trump dealing with the Pandemic and its confirmed cases and deaths, all Trump is focusing on is to “get even,” “still perseverate over Russian collusion allegations in the 2016 election,” And on top of all of that, Trump is throwing a tantrum because he may not be able to infect thousands of people in Charlotte NC in August because if it ain’t about him, nothing else counts.

Today, Friday, May 29, 2020, and here is WHAT I DO NOT GET! Paid protestors, Ignorant idiots, Selfish Sycophants, Men and Women wearing clothing from Nazi Germany a country who declared war on our nation, Men and Women adorned in images of a Confederacy, another nation who declared war because they wanted to keep People of Color as slaves, Men and Women caressing, almost in a sexually perverted manner weapons of war, intended for mass murders on the battlefield, all of them pretending that their Personal Freedoms are being restricted because saving one another’s life is inconvenient. And while all this is happening Trump and his cohort of cultists only concern is the life of the economy and of course the survival of a man whose purpose is to become not a great president, but an Emperor, a Leader, a Chairman for life, and rule this nation as if he owned it.

And today, Friday, May 29, 2020, I STILL DO NOT GET, how Donald Trump/Moscow Mitch/Mother Pence’s husband Mike, Billie I only work for Trump Barr, Prince Kushner/Barr/Let me Rip off the tax Payer, but say a Prayer Mike Pompeo, and Little Lindsey I need a Daddy Graham can still fuck up and not be held accountable! AND THEY ALL REMAIN IN POWER!

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Perestroika was the name given to the movement calling for reform of the communist party in the Soviet Union during the 1980s. The ultimate goal was to restructure the political and economic system within the Soviet Union so that it could be more effective and provide for the needs of the Soviet's citizens. Literal Meaning Restructuring
Russian Перестройка This became in hopes of reforming the Soviet Union, both socially and economically. During the 1970s, the Soviet Union...Glasnost is a policy of making a government more open and democratic. The word glasnost was originally used to describe the policies of President Gorbachev in the former Soviet Union in the 1980s.

No truth is good enough for Trump. No accusation he is liar sticks to Trump. His delusional world IS his reality, but to even find a map to even enter that apocalyptic place, is most frustrating, and perhaps a useless attempt because there is no center to his universe, it only spins and spins as his mental dysfunction, churns and churns. No science, no medicine, no education, no empathy, no civility, no evidence, that behind his orange make-up or a spray tan, an actual conscience living being exists.  There is a disaster, there is doom, there is destruction, there is deflection, there is death, all of this because THERE IS TRUMP!

History, which is a thing, and much to the chagrin of anyone Republican currently in office, or anyone wearing a white robe with red caps, caressing a weapon of war as if it was his or her lover, Good Nazi’s as well as any Nazi, the KKK, FOX Treason Entertainers, and Breitbart Radio seekers of tyranny, and those who are certain the South did not lose the war, cannot be changed (perhaps attempts at redaction, or photoshopping it, or just deleting the parts you don’t like)…it may be rearranged to fit YOUR own bias or bigotry, BUT the facts are the facts, even in a fact-less and feckless environment, provided by Trump and his enablers.  

Witnessing, all that has made America a Mad Hatter’s Delight, my mind wandered to a brilliant and poignant production of Angels in America: Perestroika (written by Tony Kushner) Perestroika is mentioned again, within the play, there is the tumult chaos and actions of Mother Nature, and HER collision with humankind, however, the play ends on a note of hope. Not in a super-cheesy everything-is-awesome-and-perfect-now kind of way, but in a yeah-things-are-tough-but-life-is-still-beautiful kind of way. As Harper (a character) says at the end of Act 5, "In this world, there is a kind of painful progress" In a final epilogue, in front of the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, the characters talk about how humanity can only progress. I am afraid, scared, but mostly appalled that intelligent life on THIS planet, permits Trump to remain in power…we must RESTRUCTURE and BECOME a DEMOCRACY AGAIN!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Her God's Grace

“Ex-lesbian” Rosaria Butterfield is calling on Christians to thank God for coronavirus.  Giving thanks to God including COVID-19 humble us-deeply, she wrote it reminds us that God’s providence is perfect and our point of view flawed because God is good, just and wise all the time and in every circumstance, then, COVID-19, must be for our good and God’s glory. ”Have you considered the ramifications that this June will be the first in decades without a public gay pride march? Why is this big news? First, sexual identity depends on an affirming audience who can sway others to its side, using an ideology of personal freedom and victimhood. A virtual platform draws only the faithful, denying them the oxygen that this particular fire needs.” “Second, without an audience, sexual identity cannot be normalized. (LGBTQ Nation/Alex Bollinger/5/23/20) 

TODAY MAY 23, 2020, the DEATH TOLL FROM COVID-19 IN THE UNITED STATES has climbed above the 100,000 count. I am not certain which Christian God, this Ex-Lesbian (nature honey, it’s about nature and not your own self-loathing, so you ain’t fooling anyone but yourself and perhaps you Pastor Husband so he too can sell some more snake oil, so call it EX, but the ABC’s of it is as Lady Gaga sang, you were born this way) WORSHIPS, damned if I would trust this kind of Demon to be called God! 100,000 people have died, and your GOD is wise and just and good, and the rest of human flesh flawed. And you have children, (please, someone nearby call Child Protective Services.) I knew the eventuality would appear that the QUEER was the cause for COVID-19…I mean the morons have run out of every scapegoat from the Chinese to George Soros 5G and Bill Gates, the Progressive Liberals, Nancy Pelosi…but of course when there is desperation in an already desperate and distraught life, BRING ON THE GAYS!

So here is the DEAL to all my Christian friends, who the fuck is this EX-LESBIAN referring to as a Christian God who has the hots to kill a few million…Gay Pride Parades now cause you to TURN into a homosexual, our oxygen breathes LGBTQ air into the lungs of anyone participating (By The Way, if you have ever been to a Gay Pride Parade, you will notice a GAGGLE of PROTESTORS, (usually the same in each city who carry signs against Gays, Ya’ gotta wonder, are they wearing Gay Proof masks) I am not surprised, that this woman, who is in denial might write this junk, and with all that is happening I might have ignored her. BUT WHAT THE FUCK…one more self-appointed Christian Crusader speaking as if Jesus was nothing but a murderer, OR the DEVIL INCARNATE!


In his inaugural address Jan. 20, 2017, President Donald Trump painted an unrecognizably dark picture of our country culminating with the bizarre declaration, "This American carnage stops right here and stops right now." Trump's dark inaugural assertion of "American carnage," it seems, was less an evidence-free indictment of his predecessor than a portentous claim about his own presidency. We are only now experiencing the American carnage Trump once grimly accused former President Barack Obama of overseeing — and it could have been avoided with preparation and leadership. (Opinion Piece on THINK, by Halie Soifer)

The Navajo Nation located in Arizona now has the highest totals of COVID-19 in this country. They lack water, electricity, no real fresh food outlet, like something as simple as a Super Market, let alone a Grocery Store, Internet has not been invented yet for the Navajo Nation, and the Indigenous People, whose ancestors DID NOT arrive by boat, even the Mayflower, who are the original proprietors of this nation are not only dying in Arizona. Due to the Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem’s refusal to respect, honor or obey the tribal lands of those Indigenous People of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, the Sioux tribe, (who understand the grandeur of Mother Nature and her power), to remain in strict QUARANTINE, she too is carelessly squandering the lives of innocents for pure politics! And then today, we read that a police officer in Louisiana made the statement on FB that not enough blacks have died of the COVID-19.

Trump belittles Biden for wearing a mask, Trumps tells a reporter that the reporter is only being Politically Correct for wearing a mask, and Trump declares he won’t give the Fake News the gloating rights to catch him in an unflattering wearing of the mask. On the day in which we close in on 100,000 deaths from COVID, Trump brags that we have reached the peak (his hunches), and says nothing else in the form of condolences, or sympathy, he pats himself on his Twitter Back for doing a good job (Kind of like “good job Brownie,” spoken by George W. during the inadequate and death filled FEMA response to Katrina) We now are to forget about the Trump Virus, because, well, it’s too consuming and too had for his administration to handle. And GOD  knows an election is coming up, so it is the alive people who count, who actually Trump is counting on to vote for his AUTHORITARIAN REGIME! Trump remains in power, because, the GOP Senate permits his every mistake to go unnoticed, and unanswered. American Carnage, Trump predicted, would end (it hadn’t even begun!) And like all things Trump says, it IS always a prediction of the future, because, Trump loves to brag about the insidious behavior he and himself have concocted during those times when he admits the only person he EVER needs to confer with is himself!


CULTURE: is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.
the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. War is a situation or a period of fighting between countries or groups of people. A war generally involves the use of weapons, a military organization, and soldiers. War is a situation in which a nation enforces its rights by using force. Not every armed conflict is a war.

Common sense, Community, Core-values, Conscience, Care, Concern I as an American, I as a human, because that is who I am, I will listen to the concepts of science, medicine, as well as those who are educated in both of those areas of Academia, I will Communicate Comprehend, Coalesce, and not consider doing all of the above anything but a practical matter of sharing my life with others. Doing so, Creates a form of Culture, that is one more wonderful aptitude about being alive, but by doing all of the above, I have not declared a war, on anyone else…who has decided that Ignorance is Bliss, Bias is the Basis for Being, Belligerence, Bullying, and the most Basic of standards, are somehow a Political estrangement and a cause for Battle!

Freedom, and the Bill of Rights, and Liberation might sound like fluffy words in a Patriotic song about a country, which on paper seems the ideal, but ever since the inception of this nation we have inadvertently or by choice, permitted Bigotry, Bias, Buffoonery, Bull shit, and Blatant restrictions on freedom, liberty, and justice thrive and survive! So, I DO NOT understand, how making every attempt to stay healthy, keep your friends, and family and even strangers healthy, is anything but BEING HUMAN. So, please MEDIA TYPES, and those for whom your choice is just to be selfish and desire privilege, STOP with inane, and insane, rant and catchphrase, we are in Culture War, regarding our will or lack of will to first stop the spread of the COVID-19, and hopefully find a vaccine for the CORONAVIRUS. I am a CULTURED person, intelligent, educated, self-aware, have the power of empathy and ability for sympathy. I am JUST that way. If you wish to use the word WAR, Media types, then just use it in the sentence, of a WAR against yet one more virus Mother Nature, has unleashed. And Media Types, for those, refuse to seek the truth or the answers to save even their own lives, be honest and say they are uneducated, or dumb or selfish, self-serving, foolish, or has Hillary Clinton profoundly stated DEPLORABLES. How the fuck is this a Culture War. You are either smart enough to Care or Dumb enough to follow blindly an insipid, idiot whose only concern is the HEALTH of his Political future, so he will not find himself in prison! 

Monday, May 25, 2020

but I am a cheerleader

‘BUT I’M A CHEERLEADER’: Megan (Natasha Lyonne) considers herself a typical American girl. She excels in school and cheerleading, and she has a handsome football-playing boyfriend, even though she isn't that crazy about him. So she's stunned when her parents decide she's gay and send her to True Directions, a boot camp meant to alter her sexual orientation.

When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went on a diplomatic trip to Latin America earlier this year, he quietly tacked on a stop in Florida to a retirement enclave populated by prominent Republican donors. When he went to London late last year on official business, Pompeo added another quiet meeting with Republican donors. It came on the heels of an official trip to Kansas, at which point the cabinet secretary huddled with billionaire donor Charles Koch. (MSNBC) “In each of those instances, Mr. Pompeo did not put the visits on his public schedule. He and his aides avoided telling the reporters traveling with them about the meetings, though some news organizations reported them afterward... Mr. Pompeo, President Trump's most loyal and powerful aide, has not tried to hide his political ambitions. But he has chosen not to disclose certain meetings that appeared to be linked to those plans while on taxpayer-funded trips.”(Steve Benen)… U.S. diplomats have quietly voiced concerns for many months about Susan Pompeo’s role at the State Department. They note, for instance, that she occasionally travels with the secretary, requiring State Department staffers to assist her. Her decision to travel with her husband on an eight-day swing through the Middle East in early 2019, in particular, upset some within the State Department because the trip took place during a lengthy government shutdown when many federal employees were going unpaid. (Politico)

BUT I AM A CHRISTIAN: "We will continue to fight these battles. It is a never-ending struggle ... until the Rapture." he has made references to Christianity during speeches and reports at the CIA, and some within the agency are bristling at this increasingly overt religiosity. Pompeo, flanked by an American flag and a Christian flag, declared that “to worship our Lord and celebrate our nation at the same place is not only our right, but it is our duty.” He later added that politics is “a never-ending struggle ... until the rapture." “I want to use my time today to think about what it means to be a Christian leader, a Christian leader in three areas,” he said. “First is disposition. How is it that one carries oneself in the world? The second is dialogue, talking. How is it that we engage with others around the world? And third is decisions, decisions that we make.” (Mike Pompeo)


Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. I have to wonder, given the current positivity and respect to the GOOD NAZI’s. the ones wearing as much of a variety of Nazi paraphernalia as possible as they parade in support of Trump. I have to wonder, exactly who will they be honoring, on this Memorial Day, the American Troops who the European enemies, or for the German soldiers who fought and killed Americans? And then there are the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, ablaze with emblems of the Confederate Flag, some with white hoods, will they be celebrating the soldier who died fighting for the UNION, retain our nation as a whole or the enemy who decided that slavery was a God-given state right? And then I have to wonder who will the GOOD Warriors fight for, the usually men but too often times women, who parade around State Capitols, Michigan and Kentucky, or circle the peaceful protests of people of Color, will they be memorializing the Troops who have fought in wars way too many to mention, who lost their lives in an attempt to keep democracy alive. And finally, I wonder, how the GOOD EVANGELICALS honor the Troops, the men and women who died in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, fighting against terrorists who demand, allegiance to one God and only one BOOK of Laws (SHARIA) misinterpreting the Quran as nothing but a political piece of propaganda! Only to wage a Christian version of SHARIA Law in this nation, ignoring both the divide between church and state and our own Constitution!

Memorial Day 2020, I have to wonder, how the GOP, how the Pay to Pray Religious Snake Oil Salesmen, the purveyors of the Life of the Economy is Greater than the Lives of American People, the grifters, like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Graham, Senators Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham, Governors like Kim Reynolds, Gregg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and of course Donald Trump, will honor the dead who have lost their innocence in a war against a Pandemic, claiming more lives than any other WAR! I have to wonder, how those who decide science and medicine are fake, run by a foreign legion of marauders who ONLY want to diminish the Highjacked Trump win, the, selfishness that Freedom for One usurps the health and welfare for all. Most wars are created by the insecurities, greed, and self-promotion of power, humans have a history of both being victor and victim. Now Nature has declared war, and THIS has lost almost 100,000, and on this MEMORIAL DAY, it seems there is little honor for those dead, other than, remaining selfish, pretending your bill of rights have been broken, or just playing golf, and turning your back on a grieving nation!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Vietnam Song

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting FOUR ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die. (Country Joe and the Fish/Viet Nam Song)

So, now we have ourselves a Trump Regime and his PR-Putin Puppets, FOX News/Breibart Radio invented war against science, medicine, facts, and the people who are intelligent enough to relay that information and the Americans smart enough to take heed. We had the War on Drugs, War on Terrorism, even the War Against Religious Freedom, but this WAR, the newest of the contrived ploys to keep America divided, and dumb, and actually a danger to one another is titled…A CULTURE WAR! The WARRIORS in this convoluted crossfire, are of course those who love the Hype of HYPOCRISY, the Histrionics of HYPERBOLE, and the Heinous HARM, established by selfish and self-serving sycophants! 

The ENEMY is the First Responders/Grocery Store Workers/Meat Packing Laborers/Empathetic Family Members/and of course the “Commie Lovin’ Bill of Rights Denyin’/Trump Hatin’/ Nancy Pelosi Progressive Liberals. It seems, if you desire to keep those you love safe, yourself healthy, take responsibility for the Village in which not only you live, but also your neighbors…it seems if science or fact-based information is a priority in decision making, and you DON’T prioritize that the Life of the Economy is more valuable than human life…BUT if you laugh at those (Trump & His Enablers) who say I have a HUNCH, OR Talking to MYSELF is how I make decisions, you somehow HATE AMERICA! As with most slogans inspired to encourage or in this incident DISCOURAGE, adherence to sanity, the Media is having a field day, once again playing the GOP Game of “look over there, cause if you look right here, you actually will witness CRAZY!  I am not going to war; I am not a soldier in the CULTURE WAR. And like all the other Right-Wing initiated wars, this one is dangerous because only the innocent will perish, NEVER the INVENTORS or INVESTORS of that war!  

1, 2, 3, FOUR

1: That is all Trump told us, just one person suffering from what most likely was just the flu, and if not the flu, a sinister plot by the Chinese to infect our nation. Or he added perhaps it was just a Democrat Hoax to undermine his administration, because he really won the election fair and square without any Russian interference or hacking, and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are just wah-wah babies. Nothing to see here, said Trump, just ONE case of perhaps that Chinese flu!

2: Two months of denial, refusal, ignorance, and lack of any empathy or leadership to acknowledge that maybe this Chinese Virus was becoming so great as to NOT let the MAGA minions believe Trump WAS in fact Making America Great Again! He was warned, but those were Trump “haters,” even from within his own  SWAMP, who wanted to see him fail. Plus it’s about the Economy Baby, and Re-Election!

3: Years into office, and with each day, week month, science, medicine, technology, education facts have slowly been removed from his list of priorities, replaced with a dumbing down of truth and reliance on fiction. The facts were replaced with his hunches, as were the Panels/Committees/Task Forces/ Health and Scientific Experts, who not only cared about the welfare of this nation ahead of Trump’s narcissistic dreams and desires but also came across as smarter more educated people. Always wanting the spotlight, always figuring out a con, Trump let lapse, any predesigned or foresight into fighting any Pandemic…because any Pandemic, would make Trump look weak. And the only strength, Trump could count upon was the economy…one by the way handed to him in a healthier condition by Barack Obama.

FOUR: On Saturday, May 23rd of Memorial Day, the day when the death toll from the Chinese/George Soros/Democrat Hoax/Nancy Pelosi/Fake News FLU, is close to 100,000, Trump’s celebration of opening up America begins as he plays a few rounds of golf at his Trump National Golf Club located in Potomac Falls, Virginia. Also, on Sunday, May 24th of Memorial Day, as the New York Times, lists the obituaries of the 100,000 innocent victims of the CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19, providing a brief story behind these Americans, Trump memorialized his enemies, his vindictive behavior, his jealousy for those by TWEETING, childish, vengeful, foul, and derogatory remarks. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences is an American game show originally hosted on NBC radio by Ralph Edwards and later on television from 1940- 1988.Truth or Consequences was the long-running wild & wacky game show where contestants that were selected from the studio audience could either tell the truth (answer a question) or be forced to pay the consequences (perform a stunt). If the contestant could not complete the "Truth" portion, there would be "Consequences," usually a zany and embarrassing stunt. From the start, most contestants preferred to answer the question wrong in order to perform the stunt. Said Edwards, "Most of the American people are darned good sports.

‘In fact, most of the arguments the coronavirus deniers use are very similar to those anti-vaxxers have been pushing for decades. They suggest that scientists and scientific institutions are hopelessly corrupt, that these institutions and individuals are lying to you and only folks like Mikovits (a scientist whose art of deception were discovered, and she is now on a vengeance vindication of vitriol) are willing to risk it all to tell you "the truth": that the government and specifically public health institutions should have no influence over how ordinary Americans live their lives and protect themselves and their communities from disease, and that natural immunity to infection is preferable to vaccines (even though with COVID-19, we are only beginning to learn about immunity and have no idea how long it will last, and how vaccine-induced immunity will compare to that. (THINK/Opinion Article by Tara C. Smith)
Donald Trump kicked off his Memorial Day weekend by visiting his club in Virginia, marking the president's first time back at one of his private golf courses in 75 days, the longest stretch of his administration without spending time at one. He was seen leaving the White House on Saturday morning wearing a white hat, white shirt, and no mask as his motorcade made its way to the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia. On Friday, making an entrance via the secretive room behind the Press Corp Briefing, as if he was Charlton Heston, playing Moses, as the waters of the Red Sea parted, in a most bombastic maneuver shoved aside, his Press Secretary and announced that “HE COMMANDED” all Houses of Worship to be opened no matter wherever THOUSEST, THINE  (the COVID-19) may seek refuge may goest! Adding that places of worship are "essential" and should open this weekend, threatening to override governors who have ordered churches, synagogues, and mosques not to reopen in the coming days. The Trump administration is not requiring nursing homes to provide data on COVID-19 deaths and cases that occurred prior to May 6.

After a private gathering with Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill, a reporter asked the president, "36 million Americans out of work. Half of those jobs aren't coming back. Do you have a policy to help them get back to work?" Trump’s response, "Oh, I think -- I think we've announced a plan. We're opening up our country. Just a rude person you are. We're opening up our country. We're opening it up very fast. The plan is that each state is opening and its opening up very effectively."  A Quiz show, Truth or Consequences had a long run, starting out on the radio and ending up on the TV. And now in the year 2020, it has made a resurgence, this time ALL of America is its CONTESTANTS!


Friday, May 22, 2020

I Am The Walrus

I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly
I'm crying/(‘I am The Walrus’/Lennon/McCartney/Lage)

It’s been more than six months since President Donald Trump claimed to have started his physical exam at Walter Reed hospital but the White House is declining to explain why he has yet to complete the yearly doctor’s examination. Senior administration officials did not immediately respond to NBC News’ request for comment about the delay — despite Trump announcing this week he was taking an unproven and potentially dangerous drug after being exposed to an aide who tested positive for coronavirus. Asked in early March about when he would complete his physical, the president told reporters, “I’m going probably over the next 90 days. I’m so busy, I can’t do it. A president’s annual physical typically occurs at the beginning of a new year. Trump’s 2019 exam was conducted in February, and his 2018 physical was conducted in January. It is uncommon for a president to complete a routine physical exam months apart and in multiple stages.
“As a part of granting a president as much power as we do, he has the obligation to demonstrate that he is well or, if he is not, to let us know exactly what is amiss,” said presidential historian Michael Beschloss. “From the time in the 1950s when Dwight Eisenhower released unprecedented information about the heart attack, ileitis and stroke he suffered in office, most presidents have fulfilled that demand, including releasing the results of regular physicals,” Beschloss said. “Too often in history have presidents concealed secret illnesses and medicine routines that had the potential to undermine their leadership, and the wellbeing of all of us.” (Geoff Bennett and Monica Alba)
The Snake Oil Kickback and Pay Off Shyster in Chief, demeaning medicine and the science behind it, at the ready for a few more dollars at the risk of the moron and idiot’s who assume Trump’s hunches are much more potent than SCIENCE…have bee following his lead. (The Witch in Hansel and Gretel had a more difficult time getting her abducted children into her oven for her feast,) than an accused Rapist/ Felony/Russian Asset Agent hacked into office President. I sometimes wonder, should I just look the other way as the stupid die…I might, but then the COVID-19 has no political ties and in fact is BI-PARTISAN in its quest for murder…so I must demonstrate sympathy! 

I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob /(‘I am The Walrus’/Lennon/McCartney/Lage)

Lack of Probity

Probity in governance is basic requirement for successful operation of governance and for socio-economic growth of country. It is defined as a risk management approach ensuring procedural integrity. ... The term probity entails integrity, uprightness, and honesty. LACK of PROBITY is just NOT giving a fuck!

Ambling into the Press Briefing Room, like BIGFOOT, or, a CHUPACABRA, or GODZILLA, and maybe even THE SWAMP THING, Trump ascended to the Podium and, in a matter of mini-seconds, declared that ALL places of worship WILL BE OPEN over Memorial Day, and HE, the KING/SLUM LORD/CHAIRMAN/ or plainly stated DICTATOR of this here USA, will override any religious hating Governor who tries to defy HIS mass murder orders, and try to maintain the health welfare of the lives of those who think to go to their RELIGIOUS COVID-19 Petri-Dish, is more intelligent than science and medicine.

Now that the Good Nazi’s/ the Good Warriors have been empowered, Trump has his trifecta and has pleased the Christian Evangelical Pay to Pray minions and will permit mass slaughter in the eyes of their God to take place! RE-ELECTION, the only way forward in this PANDEMIC…and Trump believes he has found his footing once again to remain out of jail, and in the White House for four more years. An AMEN anyone

it was a time

“Time it was, and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, A time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories; They're all that's left you.” (‘Bookends Theme’/Paul Simon)

“…A time of innocence…a time of confidences…”The soothing slurpy, sloppy, sticky, sugar-coated, satisfaction of being content, the simplest existence of living, the satisfaction of being, of being content! My son Adam, my daughter Dani, in the back yard, during a summer where heat, humidity, and sweat, were no match for the sweet drip, drop of the moment, when a soothing treat, beat any of the tedious trials or tribulations that youth could possibly conceive. The naive naturalness of a nakedness, not just of lack of clothing, but the embrace of what is around us and not on us.

Another maddening day fell to the pages of the history books, on Thursday, May 21, 2020, when Trump paraded around the Ford plant in Michigan, sans a mask, proclaiming he would not provide the Fake News with the satisfaction of HE, being seen wearing a mask; acquiescing to the courtesies of the countless workers complying as would a village; to protect as best they could their co-workers, their co-inhabitants! Lurching around, now, even more, top-heavy because he wears a girdle a corset for a more descriptive term, a binding piece of clothing which for me symbolizes just how this man must be kept held together by whatever means, because soon, his largesse (not for the bestowing of money for others) /but rather his hate, vile, vicious malevolence, will no longer be contained, and an explosion will pollute us all! I feel that time is running faster, than reality permits, and I worry, who will make it to the finish, the EVIL, or the INNOCENT!

“Time, time, time, see what's become of me
While I looked around for my possibilities
I was so hard to please
Don't look around
The leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.” (‘A Hazy Shade of Winter’/Paul Simon)

Thursday, May 21, 2020


“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!” ― 
Lewis Carroll, ― Jaberwocky and Other Poems 

“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.”- Lewis Carroll-Jaberwocky and Other Poems

“We’ll let you know if it’s necessary. You’ll be finding out. They’ll be finding out very soon if it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s going to be necessary —“…(Donald Trump) AHHH, you may ask what is the reference to this non-answer, answer… OHHH, I might add, it matters not the subject begging this answer, but it is more about of the web of words, which say nothing, spin like a tilt-a-whirl gone bonkers, define no direction of purpose, and stain the ecosystem of communication as might the wet drippy uncontrolled bowel movement on a pair of linen underpants, worn beneath a white linen suit on a very hot and humid afternoon! (This conversation, in case you might be interested, was the Jabberwock gibberish of congealed incontinence formed by Trump’s brain, fed to his mouth, rushed to his lips as he demonstrated his disdain for voting by mail in Michigan.) But ONCE again, the purpose of the non-answer, answer, does not need to relate to one particular topic, BUT rather to any and all topics from which and by which, Trump is LYING, HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DISCUSSING, or just trying to seek REVENGE, or engage in a VENDETTA! All of this what the fuck did you just say, is usually accompanied Trump’s physical machinations of small hands flying left to right, hands firmly across his man breast, the wrinkles seeping through his orange makeup due to a frown, looking away immediately, and forming an oval with his lips (seeming a desperate momentum to inhale whatever remaining white chemical substance on his lips…just for that extra OMPH! 

“Scarce was the verdict spoken,
When that still calm was broken,
A childish form hath burst into the throng;
With tears and looks of sadness,
That bring no news of gladness,
But tell too surely something hath gone wrong!” ― 
Lewis Carroll, Jabberwocky, and Other Poems

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I woke up extra early today, it was just as the sun was rising. I had been jolted from a dream, one of those mystery moments when, a person questions which reality in which they find themselves, dreamland, or here and now land. I had to open my eyes but was hesitant to do so, wondering, what might I be staring at, or exactly who would be watching me. The details of the dream faded fast, but the drama of the dream lingered; not really wanting to vacate my conscience, but to lazily lounge a bit more, as might an animal pressing its body on furniture and flooring to make certain its scent, remained, and this territory was claimed as its own! As I sat up, touching Joe’s still slumbering body, using that sense of his being, as a sort of anchor, I immediately knew all was well, and albeit, my mind was still racing to dust the cobwebs, rearrange the filing cabinets, and sanitizing the germs of a sick intruder into my psyche, my gut took over, and all intelligence began communication from the pit of my stomach. My brain was now taking a breather, and the knots and gnarled of the unknown, settled elsewhere, permitting clearer vision, but just as murky an insight! And has been the case, ever since Trump was hacked into office, my ADD kicked in and in one deep, guttural moan, said, “I don’t think I can do it.” IT being discovering any overnight news, lies, deflection, fecklessness, and just purposeful insidious behavior from Trump and hi Handlers!

I know I have become OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviors,) more so now with the politics of this nation than ever before in my life, because IN MY LIFE, (all 70 years of it,) I cannot recall just how afraid and fearful I have become, due to the madness, sheer narcissist and sociopathic behavior or a President and those who delightfully enable him. And just how dangerous each delay in stopping this Enemy of the State from continuing to devour anything related to decency and democracy. We watch our freedoms ripped apart, we witness transparency torn to shreds and wonder what could possibly happen next to make all of the nastiness before, seem like child’s play.

I tried, honestly, I tried, to NOT look at my News Icon on my phone, I tried to prepare my protein shake for breakfast and not turn on the Cable News, but my gut, doing the management of my daily routine now, insisted I perform both tasks, reminding me with pangs that felt like electrical shock waves, to follow the instructions or double over in angst! So I obeyed, knowing that my motto of SILENCE EQUALS DEATH, resonated with truth and meaning and this is the JUMBLE MUMBLE MADNESS I heard. Trump believes it is a Badge of Honor for our country to have more cases of COVID-19, then anyone in the world. Trump wants to pull out completely from the WHO. Trump is still blaming China entirely for his own inadequate and pure lack of concern to handle the Pandemic. MODERNA has run some trials on a vaccine but hadn’t followed a true protocol, leaving lots of questions for the public, but its shareholders more money. The CDC, Guide to opening was released, without any fanfare from the government. Some states, two in particular, that we are even aware of, Florida and Georgia, have either started lying about their COVID-19 statistics or hiding the facts. Trump’s Re-election team I trying to strong-arm doctors and people in the medical field to shun the CDC guidelines and comply with the unscientific method of states opening up. We now have made the COVID-19, a case of the health of the economy versus the health of the people, the word of scientists and medical experts versus the hunches and ego of Trump. I lasted 15 minutes staring at the TV, felt as if I had just done ACID (never had but many friends described some of their bad trips,) and fighting what I considered a soon to be complete comatose state, flicked the remote, and inhaled the silence, just to be able to take a deep enough breath, for my gut to let go and permit my brain to function once again!  

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Whether Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine or NOT is truly not the priority regarding the lack of our government’s response to the Pandemic, which is The coronavirus! Nope, the question should become what has been the exact priority, toward the response of COVID-19 of the Executive branch of this nation? We, then, should be asking, the question of  WHY Trump may or may not be taking hydroxychloroquine, and WHY is he so concerned that we all know about it. (Remember, there have never been any other medical records released explaining his physical (let alone mental) conditions, nor his pharmaceuticals prescribed (either by a snake oil salesman or some guy who received a Medical degree from Trump University,) prior to this.

For me, cynical as always, and always looking for the CON, which constitutes anything Trump says, does, or will do, I believe Trump is pouty and moody and angry that the science behind finding a way forward is usurping, the usual “I have hunches, and my hunches are pretty good,” OR “All I need to do is just talk to myself and I am smart enough to figure things out,” OR his entire demeanor that Dr. Fauci, or the quasi, kiss ass/or tell the truth Dr. Birx, are receiving too much attention, and seem smarter than Trump on national television. So in his usual petty performance of the OPERA, titled ‘ME, ME, ME,’ Trump’s sad-sack group of sycophants, plus one of the personalities floating around Trump’s empty brain, Trump decided to sing the song of, SCIENCE SUCKS…those who practice SCIENCE SUCK…and for good riddance sake, any Department of the United States supporting SCIENCE, also sucks. Thus, the FDA/CDC/NIH/and WHO are the bad guys, the kind of evil non-patriots who lurk in the shadows to deny freedom and liberation.

Trump, craves the attention, loves to insinuate that facts are fiction, and followers of facts Fascists! So, now we move away from saving lives, dive deep into the DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY THEORIES, which not only rile up is base, but provide Trump with a renewed spirit, to Make Trump Great Again! 

Monday, May 18, 2020

did it my way

Cases, death rise as Trump says ‘vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back. Trump weighed in the ‘tiny percentage of Americans getting the Coronavirus as our country now has over 90,000 deaths! The CDC estimates more than 100,000 deaths by June 1. "I take a slightly different view in terms of what [inspectors general] should be independent of. They need to retain their independence within the agencies, so they can do inspections and investigations and provide that to their leadership, but primarily to the president. And so they serve at the president's will

“And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll make it clear
I'll state my case, of which I am certain
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
And through it all, whenever there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall And did it, did it my way (I Did It My Way/Paul Anka)

When you wanna win your re-election, cause the alternative to sitting in the Oval Office is rotting in a prison, you consider over 90,000 deaths on your watch as protector and provider, just a bunch of chump change! When you want to grease one hand with another, and receive bribes, dirty money, and love a good bribe, you fire an Inspector General. When it comes to owning the Republican Party and telling anyone from the DOJ to the EPA to the Supreme Court, to just obey or else…you are DONNIE (THE CON) TRUMP, and not only do you do it your way but you get away with it!

individual brats

The catchphrase is now a term defined as “INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES,” cool, huh, no masks, no social distancing, no concern for anyone else’s health or welfare, because if you abided by common decency and of course correct medical advice, you might ACTUALLY  have to compromise your own selfish desires, for the sake of others! They used to be called LIBERTARIANS, (Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power, but they diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing economic and political systems.) Then, the privileged self -serving, we ain’t gonna pay taxes, we can hate and discriminate against whomever we want to, this land is MY land, not your land, group of misfits and maleficent ( the act of committing harm or evil. b: a harmful or evil act. 2: the quality or state of being maleficent,) identified as the Tea Party (Tea Party as a movement of principles over politics. Having three "core principles" of American constitutional law that bind the decentralized, wide-ranging movement: limited government, unapologetic U.S. sovereignty, and constitutional originalism. They, in other words, decided any law they could not be bothered with or infringed on their right to bigotry, racism, hate, and intimidation were too weighty and should be ignored. Hypocrisy reigned like the acid from clean coal mines as coal producers permitted the runoff of ash into the air and the rivers and all the Tea Party stood for, was for a definition between US and THEM!

The anti-Vaxxers, the anti-integrationists, the anti-immigrant, the anti-science, the anti-medicine, the anti-checks and balances the anti-pro-choice, the anti-division between church and state, the anti-LGBTQ rights, the ANTI-ANYTHING laws that did not suit their own agenda’s to keep a select demographic above and beyond a law, THEN morphed into a coalition called MAGA, and pretending that xenophobia was health and NEVER misconstruing the political term of POPULISM (Populism refers to a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often juxtapose this group against "the elite!”… with AUTHORITARIANISM (Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Political scientists have created many typologies describing variations of authoritarian forms of government. ... Ill-defined executive powers, often vague and shifting, which extends the power of the executive. Seizing on the sheer lunacy, and stupidity, of folks who still believed the world was flat, and in accordance with the 1% Wealthy Elite, with the assistance of a Foreign Government, a new Reality TV show was produced and we called the TRUMP SHOW!

So, now, with absolutely no plan to fight the COVID-19 virus, (but plenty of scapegoats for its rise and death rate), no more interest in keeping most of America healthy, and with the greatest of motivation from CONSPIRACY THEORY entertainers of FOX News, Limbaugh Radio, and those whose IQ’s are only treated to information if they can PARTY HEARTY, the time has come to fight the CDC, NIH, WHO, and the GEEKS (virologists) who understand such Hoaxes as Chinese/Democrat/George Soros-Bill Gates/Fake Media Coronavirus, by demanding we forget about testing/ tracking/safety regulations and let THE HOME OF THE FREE AND THE LAND OF THE BRAVE, become the WARRIORS our manifest destiny assured us of, and regain our “INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES!” As the most fervent of the feckless fools insist, you’re gonna die anyway! (but usually, these thugs think the YOU as in YOU'RE gonna die is never any one of them!)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A patsy!

RE·TAL·I·A·TION: Punishment of an employee by an employer for engaging in legally protected activity such as making a complaint of harassment or participating in workplace investigations. Retaliation can include any negative job action, such as demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment. AR·RO·GANCE: arrogant is someone who is full of self-worth or self-importance and who tells and shows that they have a feeling of superiority over others.

On Friday night, President Trump fired the inspector general of the State Department, Steve Linick, on the recommendation of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in what may have been an act of political retaliation over Linick investigating potential misconduct by Pompeo. A White House official confirmed to multiple reporters on Saturday that Pompeo had recommended firing Linick to Trump, and that the president agreed. Secretary of State Pompeo, meanwhile, has already repeatedly faced scrutiny for possible misuse of State Department personnel and resources, like having his wife accompany him on trips abroad (he calls her a “force multiplier”); he and his wife allegedly directing diplomatic security personnel to run personal errands for them, and Pompeo’s State Department-funded travel to and from his home state of Kansas — where many GOP leaders have been trying to convince the hyper-partisan former CIA director to run for a U.S. Senate seat. According to Politico, Susan Pompeo has no official role at the State Department, which has not responded to records requests regarding whether or not the Pompeos has reimbursed the agency for personal costs. (Intelligencer)

PATSY: (informal, derogatory) A person who is taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something. Slang. a person who is easily swindled, deceived, coerced, persuaded, etc.; sucker. a person upon whom the blame for something falls; scapegoat; fall guy. a person who is the object of a joke, ridicule, or the like. Almost every American English speaker recognizes the word “patsy” as an unflattering moniker for a fool, a fall guy; one who is easily duped. ... One simply makes “patsy” an alteration of an Italian word “pazzo,” meaning madman or fool. 

Are we paying any attention to the rearrangement of the structure of law and order, checks and balances, DYING, as the realignment of TOTAL AUTHORITARIAN POWER, starts THRIVING at the instruction and demand by Donald Trump. Are we, as Americans to just assume, that ANYONE with the title of President of the United States, and his select cadre of cultists and co-conspirators of crime, CAN RETALIATE, demonstrating the utmost ARROGANCE against the people of this nation, knowing that because we all are one huge PATSY, the destruction of our CONSTITUTION, is no big deal, OR simply point the ART OF THE DEAL, is to INDEED deconstruct our CONSTITUTION?  YA’AIN’T PISSED ENOUGH ALREADY, and now this!