Sunday, October 9, 2016

Not so fast

Not so fast America! The GOP has not suddenly become the valiant crusaders for women, just because certain politicians, terrified that their chances for re-election may be doomed because of Trump. Nope, many of these men and women have terrible track records demanding stronger anti-abortion laws, the criminalization of doctors who perform abortion and of course the ever popular shutting down of ALL Planned Parenthood clinics. The majority of these suddenly (I AM SO OFFENDED) GOP politicians seemed delighted in government control of a woman’s body. AND actually were more offended that women had the audacity to take control of their OWN REPRODUCTIVE rights.

Not so fas America thinking that Trump should stand down and permit Pence to become the Party’s nominee. Pence is as big a misogynist as Trump, the only exception being that Trump wants to grab women’s vagina’s in public, while Pence wants to grab them in the doctor’s office and the privacy of their own bedrooms. Even if Trump loses the WOMAN CARD, Pence has a whole other deck from which he intends to play!