Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Onward Christian Soldiers…

The Riverside County of the California chapter of We the People---Citizens in Action Tea Party, have planned a demonstration of a proposed new mosque in Temecula California by holding a rally outside the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley during Friday prayers. Included as a part of the demonstration during the holy Friday prayers, the Tea Party protesters are encouraged to bring their dogs---considered an insult to Muslims.

On the website this We the People---Citizens in Action, (but a rose with thorns called by any other name is still a rose with thorns, Tea Party chapter), states that the Islamic faith is “a radically intolerant belief system that is incompatible with the freedoms granted by the U.S. Constitution.”

The Tea Bag Brigade all spokespeople for the foibles and fractured fiction of the New Testament, confusing its fables for law in a country supposedly with a division of church and state, are apparently the last word on which religion fits into the freedoms of the Constitution and which are just radical and intolerant. I suppose the best judge for intolerance is someone who takes home first prize regarding intolerance.

Onward Mormon Soldiers…

The original Latter –Day Saint, Joseph Smith acquired at least twenty-eight and perhaps sixty wives, some of them in their early teens, before he was lynched. Brigham Young, Smith’s immediate successor, was a bridegroom twenty times over as was much of male Mormon elite who kept up the mass marrying until the 1930’s when as inclusion to the admission to the Union, polygamy had to end. Not because God said so.

The Church of Later-Day Saints, the Mormons contributed at least $20 million dollars in helping assure the passage of Prop 8 in California, an amendment for the first time which would revoke existing rights for gays and lesbians.

The Elders, an all male fraternity, the ones who will admonish their own children if they stray even a foot from the man made doctrine of the Mormon Church, wanted to rewrite, redefine, rework the Constitution of this nation and recreate it in their own selfish male image. And with the drones of dollars and lemmings who ask nothing but do whatever their self appointed leadership proclaim managed to deny equal rights to a segment of the American population; all under the cozy guise of religion helped deny marriage made from love. I suppose with the history of the Mormon church never using the term love in its original form, excluding it now makes sense.

Onward Moron Soldiers…

Sister Sarah Palin maven and grand pooh bah of less is more, useless is useful and from an Ivory Tower I can pontificate, tweeted recently, “…peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero Mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing…” “…Peaceful New Yorkers pls refute (yes her word, and when challenged as to its legitimacy as a word, Sister Sarah compared herself to Shakespeare saying he invented words for special meanings and so can she),the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Tower site is too raw…” “Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn’t it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims pls refudiate…” (again a bit of Shakespeare)

According to the Constitutional scholar, world renowned Bard and wordsmith, Sister Sarah, there are two kinds of Muslims peaceful and terrorists. There are also peaceful New Yorkers and New York terrorists. The horrible, horrendous calamity which happened in New York, according to Sister Sarah, hurt the hearts of the citizens of the heartland, not necessarily the callous empty souls of New Yorkers. She has the power to divide and conquer project right from wrong and classify the demographics of this great nation into good and evil.

In her self righteous zeal to reestablish the priority of which religion is the one of peace, the one of value the one true American religion, Sister Sarah and her minion of “if it ain’t lookin’ like me, smellin’ like me, soundin’ like me’ it ain’t right” are judge and jury of who has the ownership of peace, history and heart. She never leads by example but is the first one to point a crooked finger at those who just don’t understand the Sarah way of thinkin'!

Onward soldiers…

It seems that this country has done an about face in reaching for better and more. Since the election of a black man to the office of President, the uncovering of the greed and gluttony from the Bush/Cheney dictatorship, the need to place regulations, rules on the wealthiest individuals and corporations, the sense that the common man can and should have equal access, the soldiers dressed in uniforms of religious dogma, racial hatred, gender ignorance have amassed their troops fighting any opportunity for change and chance. Their war play book is based on assertions, innuendo, bias and bigotry. They each recite passages from a Bible that only exists for those who want God to be in their image and never in his/her liking.

Seems the soldiers are gaining ground. We hear about the victories they claim each and every day. They win, I believe because there is little offense by those they attack. There is futile defense by those they blame, and there is no push back by the majority of Americans who know better.

The mid term elections are looming large on the horizon, do we really want the storm troopers, the Brown Shirts, the lynching mob to win? Do we? Onward soldiers, rape the land and those living in it.

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