Thursday, August 10, 2017


The Scariest Thing about Trump is NOT the fact that he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million, or that he just eked out a narrow victory with the Electoral College, in states which until the day of the election leaned positively toward Hillary suggesting that not only did the Russians hack into the polling stations but must have had some collusion with the GOP politicos in those states…the Scariest Thing about Trump is NOT that he lies, hear’s voices in his head, is a narcissist and paranoid…The Scariest Thing about Trump is NOT that Comrade Mitch McConnell and his GOP leadership understood that a true democracy would never permit men such as McConnell and Ryan to lead a country, with their only concerns themselves and the 1%. All of that is of course SCARY…BUT THE SCARIEST THING about Trump sitting in the Oval Office, especially NOW is that Trump has never EVER had to pay any consequence for his actions, words or deeds. He has NEVER been held accountable for his stupid, insincere, self serving behavior. Trump believes that his actions will never really affect him and so far in his life he has gotten away with almost anything…and maybe as it relates to North Korea…MURDER. Trump even bragged, that if he shot someone in Times Square he would be considered a hero by his insecure bigots, racists, homophobes, white supremacists, misogynist lemmings. The SCARIEST THING right now about Trump is he is still the Commander in Chief, and no one, no one at all has stopped him.