A few days ago (or in this time of TRUMP, maybe it was eons ago), a photo was floated around of four Douchebags sitting inside a plane, all eating MacDonalds and seated at a table with what seemed to be a cornucopia of MacDonald manufactured food products. It almost seemed like some PR firm’s best idea for how to make a fool of yourselves at the dinner table.
The four Douchebags were an Old Orange Turd, a Junior Turd, a Brain Worm Turd, and The Ideal Evil Immigrant Turd, aka DonOLD, his son Junior, Musk, and RFK. There they were, smiling, a bunch of bozos and all kinds of Macdonald's malnutrition meals, I suppose celebrating the end of Democracy and the beginning of the new adage “Let Them Eat Cake,” except this time it sounds more like “Let Them Eat Crap.”
Of course, along with his bad taste in everything and disgusting habits, there was no shock in watching DonOLD chomp down chemically induced food. Junior, hoping this time around he will receive billions from the Saudis rather than his Brother-In-Law, Jarrod, who has eaten shit from his father, was there, and Bad Immigrant Musk will do anything for 15 minutes of fame…but the kicker for me was the proposed Secretary of HHS, RFK; which made me ponder, in the whacko conspiracy world of RFK, VACCINES ARE BAD FOR YOU, BUT EATING PROCESSED HIGHLY SALTED, FULL OF CHEMICAL ADDITITVES IS GREAT FOR YOU, JUST GREAT!