Sunday, September 13, 2009

family values?

Family Values. Lots of groups have risen to protect the values for families, all assuming that if anyone does not share their indoctrination, ideological propaganda, or illogical antagonistic definitions, those in disagreement have no values.

Family Values. If you place the word Christian in front of any irresponsible communication, the word Christian next to any denial of free speech, or choice, the word Christian by the lack of respect for difference, it becomes more valuable and less questionable or need to be questioned.

Family Values. Always for the children. No matter if you deem the child a "fag", or "queer" if he or she expresses a part of their personality which is homosexual, its for the children. No matter if you deem the child anti Christian or anti American because he or she asks why and how come, and does not follow like a lemming like his lemming like parents, its for the children. No matter if he or she has loving parents of any gender, or one or two of the same sex, he or she is going to hell, because how can he or she really be loved by anyone but a heterosexual man or woman, its for the children.

Family Values. Always someone else's values never yours or anyone who at least orally subscribes to your clan or group or family. Never for a Republican, no not like Mark Sanford, who quotes the Bible as he sweetly quotes the sonnets he sang for his mistress. Never for Senator Ensign who even over the objections of his adulterous coquette's husband continued to cheat and swoon and dribble. Never for Senator David Vitter, who found more solace and pleasure paying a prostitute for all the loving and snuggling he did not get from his wife.

Family Values. Seems they are lacking in anything the President of the United States even offers, to aid and assist a population which so much is in need of values. Seems they are missing in a Health Care Plan, which is designed to provide care for members of the family so they can have more time, money and health to promote a valuable life. Seems lies and fabrications are all the values needed to dissuade anyone from finding refuge and help. Lies like death squads for the elderly, abortion clinics for young girls, and sex change store fronts for any young adult.

Since when do family values, ignore the unique values each individual possess? Since when do family values only become valuable when preached to by biased, bigoted, Bible based bullies who claim to know God, but really only lay claim to knowing the devils work better? Since when do family values become valueless if not followed by a a strict script, with selected passages by a self selecting few?

Family values. Too bad those who seem to find a soapbox or ownership or possession of, never really seem to value the family at all; just their own distaste, disgruntled denial, and disregard for anyone who is a part of a family with love.

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