Monday, September 14, 2009


I get worried. I worry when a bully can beat up and batter boldly without anyone stopping his actions or making him accountable for his behavior. Only for the bully to find yet another victim without any remorse.

I get worried and I worry when someone yells fire in the theater right before he/she stands up and heads for the exit. Awaiting amusingly for the panic stricken crowds to push, pull and pulverize each other to try and flee for safety. Only to laugh at his foibles and smugly smirk at how those crazy people react to a mere suggestion.

I get worried and I worry when a truth is turned into a lie through suggestion or innuendo. When fact is shoved aside for something with more drama or disgust. When fiction suits the moment as too much honesty might make some thinking people wonder why and ask why not.

I get worried and I worry when Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh, or Sarah Palin, or Senator Demint lay claim to bigotry and bias and base it on the American way, and never get questioned by their Republican followers. When they indirectly encourage their lemming like followers to carry signs proclaiming President Obama like Hitler, or Stalin or like an African animal in the White House.

I get worried and I worry when protesters carry signs bragging about how lucky we are that this time they did not bring their guns or ammo to the rally.

I get worried and I worry when those who disagree with anything different than they, decide that militias, anarchy, intimidation are better causes for change than democracy.

I get worried and I worry when Liberals educated intellectuals, the average American thinks that the charades and scripted dramas shown on television by Evangelical right wing radicals are humorous and silly, non threatening and harmless, done only by a bunch of buffoons; and that all their actions mean little to the landscape in which we live.

I get worried and I worry that we have let the dumb decide out future, we have allowed the angry to set the agenda, we have decided the lowest common denominator in their demented way can push all limits of freedom, democracy and fairness.

I have gotten worried and have worried for 8 years with Bush/Cheney, thinking with Obama/Change the worry would end.

I am so worried we have so much more to worry about now. Now that the hate has been released, the bigotry unbridled, and the poison pulsating in perpetual lies.

It worries me and worries me.

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