Saturday, May 7, 2011

a plea to mothers

Today, I have a plea for all mothers who will be celebrated during Mother's Day, all mothers who should be celebrated for Mother's day, and any woman lucky enough to have given birth and brought a new life to this Earth. Today I have a plea for any woman who is called Mom, Madre, Ema, Mum, Mummy, Ma and who is loved and respected by those in her life. Today I have a plea for those females who went through labor, who realized that inside their bodies was a being hoping to attain equality, freedom and liberty. Today I have a plea for any women who from their children's first breath, swore that every breath after would be easier and deeper.

On Sunday, May 8, 2011 many an American will honor, respect and acknowledge their mothers. They will quietly or loudly let their mothers know just how important, invested and interested they have been in the lives of their offspring, and how the simplest to the most complicated machinations made, made a difference in the lives of their kids. And most to many a Mom will be deserving of all those accolades.

But in America of 2011, there suddenly seems to be a shift in the minds and hearts of some very loud and loose Americans that not ALL the children of the mothers to be celebrated on Mother's Day deserve the same honor and respect so stated in our Constitution. For some Americans in 2011 there seems to be a division based on gender, economics and sexual orientation that discriminates in a biased and bigoted way whose children of the mothers to be honored on Mother's Day deserve freedoms and equality and whose DON'T!

If your child is a Gay man or a Lesbian, if she is a woman raped, sexually abused, ill educated about intercourse, living in poverty, to mention a few there are many in this nation of ours who have decided that those people those kids, those offspring all born from mothers need not apply to the slogan " liberty and the pursuit of happiness". If your child happens to be of color, a non-evangelical Christian then he or she should not be considered anything but sub standard.

My plea for mothers is to, in turn on the day they are so well received by their loved ones, shout out loud and clear that this nation is based on fair and equal, that all children deserve to live under the same laws, and as mothers bringing life into this world means providing a life of justice, conscience and love for all.

Imagine how impressive it would be for ALL mothers on Mother's Day to shout hate has no place in this nation, ever. For ALL mothers to find commonality and remove doubt and fear.

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