Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Eat Our Own

We eat our own. Yep, the thing about Democrats/Progressives/Liberals et al is that we eat our own and almost delight in doing so for some greater cause, that never sees fruition simply because as we raise our bar higher so no one seems to be able to jump over it. Bernie is too Progressive, Hilary is too Moderate. Bernie once was on the NRA’s favorable list, Hillary starts too many wars. Bernie will destroy ObamaCare, Hillary will be a lackey of the drug companies. Hillary thinks she is a feminist because she has a vagina, Bernie could never be a feminist because he has no vagina. Hillary supported her husband when he cheated she has no morals, Bernie is a Socialist and made friends with Fidel Castro. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals always berate the Republicans for their purity test, but somehow this election cycle we too have been giving litmus tests that never prove how true we are but love to find how false we might be.  And the biggest saddest laugh is that either President Sanders or President Clinton with an all Republican/Tea Bagging majority in the House and Senate will be just like President Obama stuck and stumped by men and women who only serve the greater good of their puppet masters and their own selfish self interests. 

Why must we always search for the differences and not try to find the similarities. If Bernie is too Progressive and Hillary is too Moderate , why not push them find something closer to compromise. No matter their polices or positions if the Republican/Tea Baggers remain in control of Congress it a’ain’t gonna matter”. Yeah lets stand on ceremony and show ourselves that we are pissed by not voting for Bernie or for Hillary. By not voting we can induct the newest Republican/Tea bagger in the White House who will cut of affordable health cafe, will try to define the rights of same-sex couples to be legally married. Will take control of women’s vagina’s, will build walls and carpet bomb. By not voting for Bernie or Hillary we will certainly agree that “Black Lives Don’t Matter, that social security is just easy way for old people to rob the government, that this IS not a nation of immigrants, and that the South had indeed won the Civil War. Let Bernie and Hillary debate, but push both to agree their point and then insist they both find common ground.

Lets be clear, Barack Obama won with impressive numbers but the day of his Inauguration the Republican/Tea Baggers met and decided to just say NO, to anything and everything Obama. So when Hillary and Bernie are vying for attention, we had better ask them to also pay attention to the men and women who can and will permit government to function in a democratic fashion. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals usually try and take a higher road, but with all of the stuff hanging on their bodies and minds they somehow never seem to make it to the peak. Bernie and Hillary debate your asses off, but find time to then say this is how we can work together, cause President Cruz, Trump or Rubio will have the final say!