Thursday, February 4, 2016

Governor's Balls

There is an almost scientifically proven fact that if you actually listen to too many raps from Sarah Palin, the gray matter of your brain shrinks. Scientists have proof, look closely at the people who actually listen to her rap/poetry compare their intellectual ability in areas of science (if ain’t created by God it don’t exist), the Constitution(all of the founding fathers were evangelicals) women’s rights(they are chattel and exist because of Adam's rib) and perhaps a million other otherworldly bigoted, racist ideas. And even more frightening there are actually some townsfolk walking around speaking Palin-ese and can actually translate the most gibberish of nonsense. I was always worried how close Sarah Palin came to becoming the Vice President, but forgot in my “thank God” feeling she was once a Governor and had the power of her people in her miserable, mindless hands. But Sarah was a GOP spotlight and a person who fell within the Reagan Doctrine never speak ill of Republicans, even the crazy ones.

We know that “thank goodness” Governor Palin quit her job (they say for fear of truth being found as how shifty she was) but I believe Sarah’s attention span can only go so far; listen to how she speaks! But folks we have a cadre of current Republican Governors who make the “crazy lady” of Alaska seem sane. Republican Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan prefers poisoning people in his state for financial reasons. I guess he figures the more poor people of color who die are less people who need food stamps, housing and jobs. The you got Governor Paul LaPage of Maine. This dude thinks that black rappers are waiting to sell dope to white ladies and then of course rape them. And Governor LaPage believes that his Mainer’s should take up guns and hunt down the drug dealers and then bring them to his newly created guillotine. Then you have Governor Gregg Abbot of Texas who thinks guns, guns, guns will make EVERYONE safer and if he can’t get his Texans the amount of guns he wants Texas should succeed from the Union. Then there is Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma who has no time to consider the growing amount of Earthquakes in her state that started in earnest when fracking started in earnest. Nor does Governor Fallin think that solar energy is free and cleaner then oil because her puppet masters who pay her way happen to be into the oil. You want more Governor Rick Scott of Florida insists NO ONE in his administration say the words “climate change”, or global warming. I suppose he already sold his beach front property in Miami.

Somehow American’s seem to think the past seven years have been dysfunctional because of the Kenyan Socialist sitting in the White House. You can hear the rambling answers as to why Republican politicos say their candidates are better for America blaming the Emperor in the Oval Office for all that has gone wrong. But if there is any sanity left consider the facts of a lessening of the recession, more job growth, affordable health care, same-sex marriage,and juxtapose that against the Republicans on the first day of Obama’s administration pledging to NOT LET ONE OF HIS BILLS become law. The Democrats are not always the one with the right answers, but if you look closely at the Republicans they seem to only have the wrong answers.