Sunday, September 3, 2023

More than age

 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's alarming health episode this week has just added to a debate over age already dominating the campaign trail. Although it's not clear why the 81-year-old McConnell's appeared to freeze during a news conference -- it nevertheless prompted both candidates and voters to again ask: How old is too old to serve as an elected official -- let alone to serve in the White House? (abc News) 

I am a Baby Boomer, at 73, I fit right smack dab in the upper end of the so-called “Baby Boomer Generation.” I understand the worry and concern younger voters, who happen to NOT BE “BABY BOOMERS,” have expressed, regarding the awareness, realities, and sensitivities of younger generations. Whatever is relevant, now, meaningful now, of importance now, may not actually be on the priority list of a generation once, twice, or three times removed from people the ages of 21 and beyond. 


BUT, if I may, let me disagree that AGE, is not necessarily the culprit in having a discourse regarding Politicians. DeSantis is 44, and he has demonstrated contempt for the LGBTQ community and people of color. Nikki Haley is 51 years old and has demonstrated an aversion to Women’s Reproductive Rights, and Immigrants. Matt Gaetz is 44 years old, and he has demonstrated a disregard for Law and Order. Jim Jordan is 59 years old, and he has demonstrated that if you are not TRUMP then fuck you. Tim Scott is 57 years old, and he has demonstrated his lack of morals by acting on the fringe of Politics.


AGE, should be addressed, but if it is a VITAL question for younger voters, how come issues like Bigotry/Racism/Homophobia/Xenophobia/Misogyny seem to be excused just because those Politicians happen to NOT BE BABY BOOMERS?