Saturday, February 3, 2024

Nikki, what a Drag

RuPaul’s Drag Race is quite a bit of a Reality Show entertainment. Heterosexual or Homosexual, Bi-Sexual, or Asexual, it matters not because no matter your preference, or disgust, there are people who do DRAG. They will admit, if you actually take the time to talk to them rather than, balk at them, that they are performers, often time expressing their inner selves, and just as often showcasing their inner talents. RuPaul has become quite the PERSONA and SPOKESPERSON for Drag and proudly showcases people who oftentimes are mispresented as the villains. THEY ARE NOT. But I digress, because this BLOG is NOT about Drag Queens, but more about Nikki Haley, who it seems has also become quite the entertainer. Fake and Phony, Nikki is a person who will do and say whatever it is that IS necessary to get a vote. For any fool who pretends that Nikki is the savior for the Republican Party, I say, get yourself a fucking life! 


“If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else! Can I get an amen?” (RuPaul)….

Haley says states have the right to secede. Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley defended the rights of states to secede from the country if they chose to do so, though stressed it was unlikely to happen. “I think states have the right to make the decisions that their people want to make. I mean, they do,” Haley said. “If Texas decides they want to do that. They can do that. But I don’t think that — if that whole state says we don’t want to be part of America anymore. I mean, that’s their decision to make.” (POLITICO)


'She already done had herses'. (RuPaul)….

In addition to her previous remarks on slavery, Haley also expanded on why she'd pardon former President Trump if he's convicted of federal crimes and she's elected president. One Iowa voter asked her to explain why she'd pardon Trump, even though he's associated with chaos in the country. Haley, noting that he'd have to be found guilty first, said it would be better for the country. "It's about what's in the best interest for the country, and I don't think our country will move forward with an 80-year-old president sitting in jail," she said. "That allows our country to continue to be divided." She went on to say the country has to move on past that in order to "get out of the chaos."


At the end of an episode of Drag Race, two contestants are up for elimination according to the panel of judges, based on their prior performance. The two bottom contestants must perform a simultaneous lip-sync number (“lip-sync for your LIFE!”) and the winner makes it to the next round. Shantay You Stay = The queen makes it to the next round. Sashay Away. The queen has been eliminated. Byeee. (RuPaul)….

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley left out slavery when asked what caused the Civil War. Then she backtracked. Asked during a Wednesday night town hall in Berlin, New Hampshire, what she believed had caused the war — the first shots of which were fired in her home state of South Carolina — Haley talked about the role of government, replying that it involved “the freedoms of what people could and couldn’t do.” “What do you want me to say about slavery?” Haley retorted before abruptly moving on to the next question. But 12 hours later, Haley walked back her comments, with her campaign disseminating a Thursday morning radio interview in which she said, “Of course the Civil War was about slavery,” something she called “a stain on America.” She went on to reiterate that “freedom matters. And individual rights and liberties matter for all people.” (PBS NewsHour)


NIKKI is a PUPPET, a PLAYER, a POLITICIAN, a PATHETIC PUTZ, a PERSON who will say and do, and deny, ANYTHING just to WIN!