Thursday, April 4, 2024

another look over there

 ‘Maybe Texas went too far’ with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court. (CNN)

Republican Legislators and their Banana Republic Dictatorial Republican State Governors love to play a modern-day version of ‘THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN,’ even if their state is not located in the SOUTH. Demanding autonomy when it suits their fancy, pretending that “STATES RIGHT” trump (literally and figuratively, TRUMP), Federal Law, these Republican states tear away, dig, and gnaw at the sanctity and security of the rest of the states. These same Republicans understand the valuable lessons that History has provided, and because history can be powerful, these same Republicans have attacked Critical Race Theory, hoping that their dumb as-shit flock and cultists NEVER RECALL how the Confederacy demanded the right for their states to own and operate slaves and the slave trade.


Of course, the billionaires who fund and also own and operate these Republicans,  are smart enough to know just how the declaration of Independence against the United States or declaring a Civil War against the United States could and would impact their own wealth, so at least there seemingly are some guard rails. But it does make good business sense to rile up the racist fools, keeping them too busy to understand that the real enemy is the Republicans and the ultra-wealthy.


As I see it as long as the Republicans play their well plotted game of “LOOK OVER THERE,” the racists, bigots, ignorant, xenophobic, white Christian Nationalists, will continue to find victims elsewhere, all the while being victimized by their beloved GOP.