Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Charades and Facades

Charades and Facades
Lawmakers at the ready for a good camera op but never ready to provide real opportunities all gather at the WW2 Memorial. Somehow they think that the Flag is only about the service of the Vets from WW2 and never about the infants, pre schoolers and men and women who are their parents.The press is at the ready to provide some red white and blue coverage but seem to stray afield from the hungry families unable to get a decent nutritional meal. America is not just about the men and women who risked their lives for liberty, but about the future generations who will need affordable health care, food, shelter jobs to perceiver so this nation can produce Troops to keep America free.

Keeping the monuments open is a fine gesture on the part of the Tea Party/Republicans but due their own selfish political gains and needs are keeping people out of jobs, seniors without at least one hot meal, employees with out the one pay check to get them through the week. Charades, facades, shenanigans are being played just for a handful of ignorant bigoted gerrymandered constituents who still think the President is  Kenyan, the UN has black cars at the ready, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are as poor and uneducated as they and that this is Christian only nation.

Michelle Bachmann, Steve King, Ted Cruz are terrorists but since the God they worship is named Jesus instead of Allah the folks back home sitting in front of FOX News listening to Glenn Beck on the radio, purchasing Sarah Palin’s ghost written works of fiction could care less. Affordable Health Care is not ruinous and a stake in the heart of democracy, acting as hostage takers, blackmailers and sadist is. When will the people who really love America for its potential begin to take back this nation from the lemmings and loser who just want to hate?

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