Tuesday, October 15, 2013

shameful sham

We the people of a great nation who think that democracy matters who believed that one person one vote is the core of a sane nation, who insist that fair and balanced be the mantra are only spectators to an ill conceived torment initiated by a group of bigoted, uneducated, angry men and women who refuse to govern. We can blog, opt ed, comment, post and ponder and all the while maniacs seeing no further then the spite in front of their nose continue to repress freedom and fair. Gamesmanship is the goal, denial the ploy with obstructionism the purpose of a small contingency of elected officials  who consider this nation their homogeneous fiefdom. The USA has moved from the ideal of democracy as the dog wagging the tail to hypocrisy as the tail crashing the dog into barriers that will eventually kill the dog. Ideologues have somehow risen to the top of a political food chain and while eating their own are devouring the sad sack of onlookers who do nothing but stare at the carnage before them. The sham is a shame.

In the past five years we have counted down to disaster, rung our hands and sweated bullets of fear wondering what else could possibly happen. Greatness has been replaced with greed. Goodness with gluttony. Democracy has been redefined as blackmail, bogus and bigotry. Even those, the humongous corporations, bankers and billionaires who have created the monster called the Tea Party, are now fearful of their creation and worried that their invention may soon become the master. Secession, divide, theocracy, are bandied about as solutions to issues invented and created by demigods and delusionalists. We the people seem to be bystanders who can only ooh and ahh as the mass murder of freedoms, equality become the victims. The sham is a shame.

Is there time to stem the tide of hate? Is there a will of the people, the persons who have read the entire Constitution (not the abridged version told to us by Limbaugh, Beck or Palin) to take control? Is there purpose from those who witness the lame, insane, and idiots, to stop the erosion of democratic principles? We have an election on the horizon and one might hope, wish even pray that the silent become vocal, the passive become active and the smart finally step forward from the stupid. If we the people permit the racists, homophobes, xenophobic, misogynist to continue a head on assault on this nation then every day forward will become darker, drearier and full of dread. Why must we permit the sham to become such a shame?

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