Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 Another Day, Another Legal Disaster for Donald Trump. On Tuesday, a federal judge pushed back against Trump’s lawyers for hinting that the documents might be declassified while refusing to say whether they definitely had been. In other words, Trump’s own lawyers balked at backing up claims their boss made loudly outside the courtroom. (VICE)

Donald Trump, 3 of his children sued for business fraud by New York AG Lawsuit alleges $250 million fraud, seeks to bar the Trumps from serving as executives of any company operating in New York (Washington Post)

Here are all 29 lawsuits Trump is facing now that he’s left office He faces more than a dozen lawsuits and investigations. He’s reportedly faced an estimated 4,000 cases, plus two (unsuccessful) impeachments, two (successful) divorces, six bankruptcies, and 26 sexual misconduct allegations. (Independent) 


So, let me ask the question, and please answer this question without the use of the following words: BIGOT/RACIST/TRAITOR/TREASON/COUP/HATER/LIAR/ THUG/CON ARTIST/FASCIST/ANTI-SEMITE/MYSOGINIST/PUTIN PUPPET. Please explain why as an American concerned about HONESTY/INTEGRITY/LIBERTY/FREEDOM/DEMOCRACY/EQUALITY/RIGHTS/JUSTICE, you still are a supporter of a man who so far has demonstrated contempt toward the future of this nation via a plethora of criminally intent actions.


And, let me ask this question for the Christians who suddenly believe Trump speaks for Jesus, exactly what has Jesus told you that even sounds remotely TRUMP-like? And for the Jews, like Mariam Adelson and Bernie Marcus, what part of TRUMPS embrace of the Oath Keepers and QAnon tell you he actually cares for the Jew?


Oh yeah, for those undecided, or not certain voting matters, what part of AUTHROTIARIANISM/ and DICTATORSHIP is enticing?