Monday, September 12, 2022


 I am so over the fact that the obvious is just SO OBVIOUS, and when Politicians or Journalists, pretend they just had a EUREKA MOMENT, thinking that their answer to THE OBVIOUS, is suddenly GENIUS, when in fact, it is so OBVIOUS, I want to scream!!!!! 


“If I were to be asked what the highest price tag or highest value might be on what kind of classified US government information, certainly among the top of my answers would be nuclear-related information.” (Vanity Fair) ME: “LIKE DUH”


The shirt-loving Trump ally [Steve Banon] declared at a Manhattan courthouse Thursday: “They will never shut me up, they’ll have to kill me first.” (Vanity Fair) ME: “OKAY”


Trump and DOJ Clash Over Special Master Picks, Process, and Payment

The two sides will “advise the Court about their respective positions on the other party’s proposed candidates” on Monday. (Vanity Fair) ME: “A case of Avoidance. A case of, of course”


Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas presented Dr. Simone Gold with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol, which she stormed during the 2021 insurrection. (HUFF POST) ME: “A mess from Texas, “The caller is inside the house”


Many Student Borrowers Played By The Rules, But Their Debts Only Grew (HUFF POST) ME: “Give me Capitalism or give me debt”


Cobb, who represented Trump during his first impeachment, said he's "incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest, or for revenge." (HUFF POST) ME: “Suddenly your eyes are wide open.”


Democrats Determined Not To Let Republicans Downplay Their MAGA Extremism (HUFF POST) ME: As if this is Rocket Science”