Monday, October 2, 2023

Another Day of Disarray

 Another Day of Disarray!

Chaos was temporarily avoided, kicking the can down the road for 45 days, as our Government is teetering on the brinksmanship of default, being pushed and pushed closer to the edge of the cliff, by a BAND OF TREASONISTS, many of whom have been elected from very gerrymandered districts, and many of whom pledge allegiance not to the Flag or Constitution of the US, but to the Orange Coattails of TRUMP.


Out on bail, yet one more court appearance by the indicted former President, who most likely, via the slimy tactics of Putin and the ridiculous outdated formula of counting Electoral Votes, and ignoring the Majority votes, won his 2016 election, and who now, regardless of his myriad of crimes, and accusations of crimes, is the Front Runner, of a political party within the US which might as well changes its official name to The American Fascist Party/The Christian American Nationalist Party/The Putin Party.


Books are being banned by a bunch of people who have never read those books, who are afraid of the truths those books provide, and who fear that knowledge might uncover the lies in which they thrive themselves. Minorities of Americans are selected as the villains to keep the bullies somehow safer from ever having to admit just how empty as humans they were, are, and have become.


Ethics and morals, law and order seem to be working the same as Reagan's bull shit philosophy of “trickle-down economics.” Like the old adage “do as I say, not as I do,” the Supreme Court Justices play Gods and make demands for the peasants to adhere but prefer to keep their own grifting and graft as a whole different matter and a whole set of exceptional regulations. Politicians can lie, cheat, steal, and assist in attempted Coups, but yet when it comes to any reprimand they act as their own Judge and Jury. They can remain on the job, being paid while they also carelessly decide that others may just have to bite their own bullets. The divide between Church and State is just another irrelevant fact of the US Constitution.  Women’s Reproductive Rights have become more of a it is not up to the individual, rather a it is a Religious decision, even if you are not religious, or believe in a certain kind of Christian dogma. History is now taboo, if it does not muster up to the kind of facts that are found in a Preacher's sermons, and once again God, not just any God, but a Christian Nationalistic God, is being urged to be part of the curriculum.


Another Day of Disarray!