Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Life Death and Profits

 How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits

A vaccine against tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest infectious disease, has never been closer to reality, with the potential to save millions of lives. But its development slowed after its corporate owner focused on more profitable vaccines. (PRO PUBLICA)


I honestly must beg the question, do CEOs and Board Members of Corporations, think that they will never succumb to diseases, the devastation of climate change, or Fascism? Do they honestly think that somehow having way too much money will stop death, dying, and doom from finding them? Do they think that with their wealth, they can BUY their way out of trauma, infection, irreparable damage, or danger? Do these people think that because they are wealthier than most that somehow being a member of the Upper Class is some kind of Teflon Shield, to ward away the evils, way too many of them HAVE ACTUALLY CREATED?


The Tobacco Cartel hid information regarding Nicotine, because selling more and more products filled with Nicotine, filled their bank accounts. The Oil Cartel has polluted the environment, knowing just how bad Carbon Products made a negative impact on Earth, but how good selling Carbon products was for their Wallets. And now, and even way back when, before right now, the Pharma Cartel, places the quality of our lives below their profit and loss line.


I understand that Capitalism is about making money, and I understand that supposedly Free Enterprise is considered a golden egg of Democracies, BUT what I do not understand, is how either concept, is placed as a priority above Living, Thriving, and Health.