Sunday, August 30, 2009

find peace if you can...

We said goodbye to Ted Kennedy. It was an extraordinarily touching and relevant tribute to a man who did take the cause and course of the common man to heart.

His family truly expressed their love, gratitude and care for the Senator, and his friends shed, I believe, real tears of compassion and condolence for him.

I will now listen closer to the words of the song "Danny Boy", and reflect on the deeds and follow through of a great American, Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy.

And the Senator's deeds were mentioned by many during the "celebration" of his life. One in particular standing at the podium, recanting tales of the Senate and Senator, was Senator Orin Hatch (R), of Utah. Seems Senator Hatch went way back with his old pal Ted, as both men have served in the Senate each for over 30 years.

30 years in the Senate for Hatch and 30 years of receiving Government paid for health care. 30 years of not paying for insurance, for not having to worry about pre-existing conditions, 30 years of getting any test necessary for any illness or ailment, 30 years of great prescription coverage, 30 years of "socialized" medicine. Senator Hatch and Senator Kennedy each a recipient of free health care.

Senator Hatch spoke about his pal "Ted", fighting for the rights of the common man, and for Teddy's compassion efforts and energies to make honest and sincere change: change from the heart.

And all those years of the two men serving in the Senate, not once has Senator Hatch voted in favor of Senator Kennedy's health care bills or reforms. Not once while accepting free Government run health care has Senator Hatch voted to allow the average citizen the same services he receives. Not once while selecting any specialist or second or third opinion regarding his health status, has Senator Hatch tried to pass a health care bill which helps the average American and not aids the bottom line of the big businesses of the Health Care Industry and Pharma-Conglomerate.

Senator Hatch spoke at Senator Kennedy's funeral eloquently and effusively. Senator Hatch spoke with clear conscience and recalled a history of the good deeds the two men performed on behalf of the public. Senator Hatch placed himself in the same league as Senator Kennedy and with a smirk so slimy and insincere was sure many of us believed his every word.

In current politics it seems what you say is what matters and not what you do or really did.

How do you live with yourself Senator Hatch?

Rest in peace Senator Kennedy, try and find peace if you can Senator Hatch.

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