Tuesday, August 4, 2009

republican rumination

Amazing, come to think of it how the marketing machine of the Republican Party, can take a false idea, say it about ten thousand times and the unwitting, unthinking, lemmings of the U.S. swear it is truth.

Never based on fact, mainly fiction, the Republicans are so good at misinformation that they make the Soviet propaganda of the 60's look like fairy tales. And the sad part is, that usually the lowest common denominators of our citizenry fall for every line hook and sinker of lies, nonsense and fabrication humanly possible.

The Republican Party never tells the truth but if you want a fish of a tale like "willie horton", "swift boat", "weapons of mass destruction", "axis of evil", "regan's explanation of the iran contra", "watergate", "obama's birth certificate", then listen to the Republican spin machine. And in doing so you will be riding the rails to fantasy land and land of NO TRUTH told here.

And it seems the Republicans are once again in the outer limits of truth as they scare the Christian community with falsehoods about the Government Option for Health care making all doctors suggest and then have the system pay for abortions, to the middle class being told they will have to give up their free choice of doctors, to the bigots being lectured on the fact that anybody who does not currently have health care DOES NOT have it because they chose to spend their money on "hootch", or drugs.

But the one lampoon the Republicans are using that makes "most red blooded Americans cringe, seems to be the fact that if we allow a Government run option for health care, IT will turn us in the U.S. into socialists, because the medicine we receive will be socialized. And anything socialized according to the Republicans will once again allow the communists to lay claim to America. And no longer will Sarah Palin just see Russia from her backyard, the Russians will become her neighbor.

Curious that some of the most outspoken of Republican Senators are so anti the boggy man of socialized medicine. Curious, because they have been receiving so called socialized medicine ever since they became a ward of the taxpayer and have had their "cadillac" of care covered by tax payer expense.

This is just a partial list of republican Senator's who have received free medical coverage since either their days as Congressmen, or just being in the Senate eons and eons.

Senator Mitch Mc Connell (R) Kentucky in the Senate from 1984 to 2009. 25 years.
Senator Jon Kyl (R) Arizona in the Senate from 1994 to 2009. 15 years.
Senator John Thune (R) South Dakota as Representative and Senate 1996 to 2009. 13 years
Senator Sam Brownback (R) Kansas in the Senate from 1995 to 2009. 14 years
Senator Thom Coburn (R) Oklahoma as Representative and in the Senate from 1995 to 2009. 14 years
Senator David Vitter (R) Louisiana as Representative and in the Senate from 1999 to 2009. 10 years
Senator James DeMint (R) South Carolina in the Senate from 1999 to 2009. 10 years
SENATOR ORIN HATCH (R) Utah in the Senate from 1977 to 2009 32 YEARS!

All of the mentioned Senators are anti socialistic medicine, the kind they prophesize will come the way of America if we allow a Public Option to medical coverage. Any system according to these gentlemen, which has the Government running a medical plan will result in turmoil mismanagement and cost overruns.

Interesting isn't it that all of these people have received Government run, Government paid health coverage for at least 10 years or more and NONE of them has declined, stopped, refused receiving any or all of the perks that come with a so called socialist run program.

Yet these individuals are ramping up the Republican rhetoric, ruminating about the ruination of health care in this country if we provide what seems the same kind of care THEY receive to average Americans.

And even scarier, no one has questioned these Senators on why they have not stopped their medical coverage if it is supposedly so evil and incompetently run. Wonder which plan they would choose if they had to pay for medical coverage all of these past years? Better yet, wonder if we would even be having this debate over a Government Run Option if, say they had to pay for their own coverage?

P.T. Barnum said "a sucker is born every minute". I hate being slurped and dribbled, and spit upon by a bunch of hypocritical lobbyist owned self righteous men. This sucker is tired of being licked.

When do we all wise up and stop this marketing scheme gone mad? When do we ask our elected officials if it is good enough for you, why can't we have it?

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