Sunday, August 9, 2009

mrs. palin

Dear Mrs. Palin,

Now that you have declared yourself a common, just down the street from you neighbor, the "everywoman" for the modern age, you feel you have the right as all Americans to express your feelings and thoughts about the politics and culture of this great country.

And once again Mrs Palin, you have made some rash statements without really backing up your point, your issues your reasons. You have accused the Obama administration's Health Care package of being "downright evil", for it will, according to your assumption, judge the level of productivity for children like your son Trig who were born with Down Syndrome, or for your elderly parents.

You insist with no substantial fact except your own heresy, that the Obama Administration's Plan will have all old people be a part of a plot to commit euthanasia because old people are not productive.

Mrs. Palin, you have said so many things in the short tenure of your national star status. You have complained and talked, recited verses and chapter from the Bible, you have made accusations, and for the most part, Mrs. Palin none of you statements were ever based on fact.

And when push came to shove Mrs. Palin, you denied making false remarks or told anyone who questioned you they (all remarks) were all taken out of context. And Mrs Palin when you were shown audio or video of your comments,( you even denied that what we heard came from your lips), and began one of your long winded idiotic rants about being a victim of the media.

I wonder Mrs Palin do you have a conscience? Do you realize with your star status millions of Americans turn to you to supply them with advice. You have convinced your minions that you are just the girl next store, the Moose killing, hockey skating mom who is here for them.

And then you lie to them. And somehow it seems to me that you could care less about the lie. because if that lie is found out there are more lies. Have you even read the Obama Administration" paper on Health Care? If you have, Mrs Palin, then highlight, underline, make in bold, the part where the Obama Health Care Legislation is going to insist on ending the life of old people or people like Trig.

Make us all learn the truth Mrs. Palin about the "downright evil", you have uncovered, from what, innuendo, suggestion, wishful thinking?

If you had any conscience Mrs. Palin, you would understand that your politicking, you self promotion, your self importance above all else is costing the quality of life for many Americans who need a Health Care Plan sooner than later. People who follow you, who have very little savings, or no job, or who hardly make ends meet. they do need quality health care you know the kind you and all the Palins have.

You never seem to realize the consequences of your actions do you Mrs. Palin?

It is easier for you to walk away, blaming anyone but yourself for your actions.

You managed to walk away from your pregnant teenaged daughter Bristol. You insisted she abstain, never telling an active teenager that abstination would be preferred but if she should have sex at least have protected sex. Nope politics and playing to the religious right were more important and Bristol got pregnant. And now she is a baby having a baby. And had you followed through with your parenting skills you might have been able to prevent something you so vigorously promoted, no premarital sex.

And when the accusations of wrong doing in Alaska, while your were Governor, got too much or overbearing, you walked away. You of course became the martyr, and said you walked away from office to save the Alaskans time and money fighting a politically motivated set of charges against you.

Once again, 15 different indictments or charges of corruption, unethical actions, and fraud are being leveled against you and not one is true, according to you. And once again you walked away with no conscience as to the mess the Alaskan citizens will face.

Mrs Palin. you seem to be void of consciousness and consequence. You never seem to look in the mirror and see your own reflection. you rant and rave filled with vile conjecture, assumption, innuendo, mischief, and mayhem. And when you are finished never proving a point, and fingers are pointed to you to tell the truth, you blame others denying you said or did anything in the first place.

So, now your daughter Bristol has to raise a baby in her teenaged years, the people of Alaska have a new Governor who must complete your unfinished tasks, and all those lemmings who count on your for leadership, will not receive any kind of beneficial health coverage because anything they select from the Obama list of choices is "downright evil".

Do you sleep at night? Do you ever wonder what God is thinking about you?

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