Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what is it all about?

In another move that will raise further questions about Christine O'Donnell's embellishment of her education record, she claims she studied at the University of Oxford -- but a look at her actual record shows this is at best an exaggeration and at worst an outright falsehood.

O'Donnell's LinkedIn bio page lists "University of Oxford" as one of the schools she attended, claiming she studied "Post Modernism in the New Millennium." But it turns out that was just a course conducted by an institution known as the Phoenix Institute, which merely rented space at Oxford.

What's more, the woman who oversaw Phoenix Institute's summer program at Oxford tells me O'Donnell's claim about studying at Oxford is "misleading."

By itself, O'Donnell's Oxford claim might not matter too much. But the larger context is that O'Donnell has already been nabbed fudging her education record not once, but twice. She claimed for several years to have graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson Unversity, but she actually obtained her bachelor's degree last summer. And in a lawsuit she suggested she was trying for a Master's degree courses at Princeton -- but subsequently acknowledged she hadn't taken a single Princeton graduate course. The Plum Line.

Here we have a darling of the Tea Bag/Republican Party, protégé of Sister Sarah, (what serve out my tenure as Governor and be found out to be a fool sooner than later) Palin fabricating yet again the truth. Yet on the Rush Limbaugh Propaganda for the Dumb Radio show, he and his legions of haters say nothing about the lie, but go on attack that Democratic women only earned their place in society via their husbands, cue in the names of Hilary Clinton and Michele Obama. Mr. Cigar smoking, drug stealing demon of deceit is on the offense and never once interested in the facts or the truth. He, like his cronies from the RNC, don’t want to talk about the incompetency of Christine O’Donnell but would rather make others the victim of what is bad in America. And it works.

Those who can’t pull themselves up from their own bootstraps, those who like to scapegoat others for fear the scapegoating will come their way, those who feel safer bullying others then talking to people who seem different, those who take no responsibility for their failures and need to blame others just to cope, think that the liberal media is picking on an honest hard working woman. The subject changes from the fact that Christine O’Donnell a potential Senator LIED and suddenly it is all about why is education so important anyway? With the efforts of the Tweeting queen, Sister Sarah, to the harangues of Limbaugh in ignoring the basic fact that O’Donnell lied to the public and making it a personal attack, the minions of the mindless are rallying behind a lying liar.

Instead of the public wondering why O’Donnell needed to embellish her resume, or the fact that a candidate for Senator will try and do anything to get elected, (whether honest or not) the dishonest agents of LIES Palin and Limbaugh ignore the real issues and supplant them with more fabrications. OY! And the racists, the homophobes, the disingenuous, the disgruntled, the loons are acting as if those with any conscience, any morals, any ideas of right and wrong are out for blood.

This IS NOT just about Ms O’Donnell, this is about Sharon Angle, John McCain, Ken Buck, Jan Brewer, Joe Miller, Sarah Palin, people who disguise the truth for personal gains, people who want to divide the we from they, people who dislike honesty, people who pray on fear, people who are very un-American and people who interpret the Constitution as their own piece of the pie created with their particular prejudices in mind.

This IS about the Independent voters who still haven’t decided who to vote for. This is about the Democrats who want to teach the politicians in their party a lesson and not vote this time around. This is about Republicans who permit the Tea Baggers for setting the priorities. This is about the future of this country. This is about allowing lies, discrimination, demonization, religious dogma and hate take precedent.

People like Christine O’Donnell are not the darlings of politics. They are scary people who want to make the United States into a place only they can call home. If you run from the press, refuse to debate, deny your own words as shared on audio and video, incite hate filled speeches and lie, what place should you , would you, or could you have running the government in this country?

Still undecided as to who you want to vote for? Wasn’t it enough that we had eight years of deceit and we still have not recovered, eight yeas of promises to the poor while the rich got richer, eight years of greed and gluttony? And now for many, we want the same clowns running the circus? Really?!

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