Monday, October 11, 2010

come out come out wherever you are

National Coming Out Day. It is supposed to be a day to stop hiding from the truth and tell yourself and the world in which YOU live, who YOU are. It is a day when hopefully YOU will look around and discover that YOU are not alone, others care, and life offers more in common than we are told.

But why is today only for the closeted LGBT community to come out? If more non LGBT people came out than there would be less places to hide. As long as others give reason to hide THEN... as long as they remain silent... as long as they look the other way... as long as they refuse to defend human rights...coming out will go on and on and the cycle will never end.

Do you have to be Gay to say I am who I am and I like it? Do you have to be Gay to say I have dreams and I want to make them come to fruition? Do you have to be Gay to say I like myself? Do you have to be Gay to say I respect you, so please respect me? Do you have to be Gay to say I am your daughter, your son, your brother, your sister, your father, your mother?

National Coming Out Day is a day that should permit those who hate without fact, those who have been told by religious leaders (acting as humans not God) to hate, those who think they need someone to scapegoat so they can feel superior, those who have followed the gyrations and machinations of parents whose knowledge of the world is no greater than the four walls in which they live, those who fear who they, themselves, are TO COME OUT and admit it is their problem and they can help find a solution to homophobia.

An LGBT person is asked to come out to combat the fear and loathing others have helped placed in their psyches. An LGBT person is asked to come out so he/she do not have to hide in the shadows and closets of self loathing. An LGBT person is asked to come out to smell the air of freedom. As long as there are those who build the closets and the shadows some will still find it necessary to remain hiding.

National Coming Out Day is a day for any true human to free him/herself from their own self denials, their own superstitions their own inability to love unconditionally. If I admit I am Gay I want you to admit why you think you need to hate me because I happen to be Gay.

Time for truth on National Coming Out Day, truth is a fierce enemy, but once realized it is as gentle as a kitten.

Come out, come out wherever you are!

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