Wednesday, October 20, 2010

to the bully in america...just because

To the bully in America, better watch out--- your days of insecure behavior, living an inadequate life blaming your mistakes on others, and immature articulation of the truth no more…I am tired of you…

I am tired of having to defend who I am to others…because of the many things I happen to be, I happen to be GAY

In 1963, I became a Bar Mitzvah and entered into adulthood as a Jewish male.

In 1965 I started working part time and began paying taxes to the city, state and Federal governments.

In 1968 I had to declare myself eligible to serve in the military in anticipation of fighting the war in Viet Nam.

In 1970 I registered to vote, granted the Constitutional rights of an American citizen to do so.

In 1972 I began working full time paying my way as an adult and contributing to this American life.

In 1976 because I identified as a heterosexual male I was, with no fanfare or protest permitted to marry, and wed.

In 1978 we had our first child.

In 1980 we had our second child.

In 1989 I came out as a Gay man and suddenly I had to defend my rights which prior to this were never questioned nor commented upon.

I am tired of having to defend who I am to others…because among the many things I happen to be, I happen to be GAY.

1966 – The Mattachine Society stages a "Sip-In" at Julius Bar in New York City challenging a New York State Liquor Authority prohibiting serving alcohol to gays.

1978, California Proposition 6 was an initiative on the California State ballot on November 7, ,[1] and was more commonly known as The Briggs Initiative.[2] Sponsored by John Briggs, a conservative state legislator from Orange County, the failed initiative would have banned gays and lesbians, and possibly anyone who supported gay rights, from working in California's public schools.

1978– Robert Grant founds the Christian Voice to take his anti-homosexual-rights crusade national in United States.

1981-The Moral Majority starts its anti-homosexual crusade.

1993Brandon Teena is raped and murdered for being found out as Gay.

1993- the Don't ask, don't tell policy is introduced into the US armed forces.

1996- DOMA Defense of Marriage Act passed by the United States Congress.

1998Matthew Shepard is murdered

I am tired of having hate and bigotry, bias and religious dogma released to hunt me down because among the many things I am, I happen to be GAY.


Asked to elaborate on a statement he made in an earlier debate about gays in the military, Ken Buck Tea Bag/Republican Senatorial candidate from Colorado said he believes “sexual orientation is a choice.”

Buck went on to say, "I think that birth has an influence over it, like alcoholism and some other things, but I think that basically you have a choice."

Carl Paladino Tea Bag/Republican Gubernatorial candidate from New York added that he thought gay people “would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family,” than being gay.

Children should not be “brainwashed” into thinking homosexuality is acceptable he added.

People are created in God's image. Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It's an identity disorder," Christine O’Donnell, Tea Bag/Republcian candidate in Delaware.

Tea Bag/Republican Sharron Angle believes the clergy should be allowed to endorse candidates from the pulpit and opposes laws allowing gays to adopt children.

All purpose spokesperson for the Tea Bag/Republican candidates, Sarah Palin: Homosexuality Is a Choice.

I am tired of lunatics, haters, ignoramuses, morons, unpatriotic people running amok speaking for God, speaking for the Constitution, speaking for their own lack of self esteem, calling me out because among the many things I happen to be, I happen to be GAY.

I may happen to be Black, or Hispanic, or Disabled, or Old, or Agnostic, or Muslim or Asian or a Woman, or Poor or Gay, among the many things I just happen to be. But I am still an American and unless it is understand that I am I make sure to vote to keep those who hate out of office, what I take for granted as ‘just happens to be’ will BE used against me and I will suffer the consequences.

I am tired of being on the defense because I happen to be GAY, and I will no longer accept hate from anyone. A bully is only as strong as I permit and I no longer permit it. Bring it on…

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