Friday, July 1, 2011

Dr. Marcus Bachmann

Last Summer, Marcus Bachmann, husband and political strategist to GOP Presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) appeared on a conservative radio talk show to explain his views of gay people:

We have to understand: barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn’t mean that we are supposed to go down that road. That’s what is called the sinful nature. We have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps.

Dr Bachmann describes his ‘personal mission statement’ as follows: ‘I believe my call is to minister to the needs of people in a practical, effective, and sensitive way. Christ is the Almighty Counsellor.’

Dear Dr. Bachmann. You do not know me, and perhaps in both our lives our paths will never cross and both of us will die having never kept the same company.

Dr. Bachmann I among other things happen to be a communal worker, a personal trainer, a father, a friend a son a brother, a partner, an American and human and oh yeah, Gay. I am not and never have been however a barbarian. I went to college, have taken many professional courses in my over 40 years of work, signed up for classes in the arts, creative writing, grant writing, drug counseling and have taken numerous classes to better understand the history, culture and religious beliefs of Jews. In my career in communal service I have had the opportunity to work with diverse minority groups such as Jews, the elderly, LGBT's, African Americans, disabled, and people suffering from Alzheimer's. My parents and family have always expressed to me that the world is made up so many wondrous parts, and that recognizing the differences to then find what we have in common is important. So, Dr. Bachmann I am educated in both the practical and theoretical.

I think about loving all people, I think about caring for people, I feel empathy for the poor, disabled, and downtrodden. I do go down that road because being human it is natural to do so. I go down that road because I have a conscience, morals and ethics.

All of what I do, what I feel, how I respond, how I communicate, and who I am is not sinful nature, it is human nature. My parents, the authorities in my life encouraged me to be compassionate, caring and with clear conscience. As a parent I have instilled these same human values in my children. Those I admire have encouraged my thoughts and actions knowing that being human is being inclusive not filled with hate, phobias, or bigotry.

Dr. Bachmann, you say Christ is the Almighty Counselor, even as you find pride in shaming, denying, refusing, and ignoring the people that God created in his image. You insist you are doing Christ's work even as you discriminate, alienate and diminish the spark of uniqueness in all of his creations. You promote anger, angst and fear and see some of us as Christ like and some of us as the demon. You are one of his creations yet you believe he has spoken to you teaching you how to divide and conquer.

Dr Bachmann, my grandmother used to say that those who complained too much about others were usually jealous of the others or too afraid they were too much like the others they said they hated. She said those who scream the loudest have more to fear. Why do you scream so loud about the LGBT community and what is it about yourself you have to fear?

Dr. Bachmann we may never meet in person and normally I would write you off as a self hating person and leave it at that. But since your wife wants to be the President of the United States, of which I am a citizen, thus she would be my President, and sine your wife insists that you are her closest advisor, I am very worried that your uneducated,nonreligious, barbaric beliefs may influence her actions if elected. This worries me Dr. Bachmann as you are a fool with no feelings and living quite the fantasy life.

We may never meet Dr. Bachmann, but you are a dangerous and disturbed man. It scares me, you scare me. Next time you pray to your God ask him how he feels about your pent up hate and self loathing. Compared to the many Christian friends I have in my life, all loving and inclusive, your actions and deeds seem quite the opposite, shame on you.

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