Monday, May 14, 2012


Distraction: To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert. To pull in conflicting emotional directions; unsettle.
As Sophia, the wise italian mother from the the TV show “Golden Girls” would say as she tried to provide Dorothy and the other housemates with a lesson on life, “Picture This...” One Republican/Tea Party majority run state legislature after another places into law anti female, anti worker, anti Gay law and when they are confronted with their bigoted actions, they say those opposing them are just causing a distraction. 
Women’s ability to control their reproductive rights, the working class to demand fair wages, benefits and working conditions, Gays wanting to legalize marriage are distractions? When did demanding Civil Rights become a distraction.WTF is going on in this nation.
Yeah, yeah, yeah its jobs and the economy, but what’s the meaning of those jobs and economy when we have a variety of demographics who are separate and many times not equal? 
It is the Republican/Tea Party who first insist that women, Gays, poor, elderly, workers give up any and all rights and when they are confronted on their own agenda the response is “...the only reason you ask these questions is to cause a diversion from the real issues of jobs and the economy.” HUH, no really HUH, a diversion from something you the Republican/Tea Party initiated.When a bully gets caught in the act of bullying the first reaction is to blame others for his/her actions.
Gays are shunned from jobs, poked at picked on when they hold hands with a partner of the same sex, denied the ability to adopt or visit their loved ones in the hospital and as all of that hate is happening the religious right  say we have the power to stop Jesus in his tracks. Gays want to marry join in a legal union, but those same Gays who just want to marry have the power to diminish the future wedding plans of heterosexuals and cause the Institution of Marriage to crumble. Somehow, the Gays are evil and so evil that they scare God. 
A distraction my ass! When the Republican/Tea Party get caught in their bigoted, racist and homophobic behavior, (the cowards they are) never want to own up to their creation of hate. so like rats or cockroaches run as he light is turned on they run to hide and blame their actions on someone else. 
Too many idiots have been heard via the Republican/Tea Party shouting ignorance, when will the smart, the intelligent, those with a conscience begin to shout louder and longer than the dumb?

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