Monday, May 7, 2012

terribly trite

It seems so easy in the past few years to never seek the truth for the concerns of the voting public. It seems much easier to avoid finding an answer and replacing that with creating fault. Nothing is ever serious but always feels so trite and meaningless...
“The baby with the bath water”....
The newest state to punish women is Arizona where Governor Jan Brewer signed into law abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from receiving money through the state.  So cancer screenings, health check ups, family planning become unimportant and those who think their shit don’t smell feel powerful and righteous in telling others how they should live and lead their lives.
The joke is that supposedly it is all about less government intrusion in our lives, but more government involvement when based on bogus religious hatred. If you are a poor woman, a frightened female, a person in need of sound education and choice making the governor in Arizona has little need for you. She and her Republican/Tea Party legislators, are the only people you need to have to act as your moral and values conscience. 
“As American as apple pie”...
It has suddenly become more American to provide large oil corporations with tax subsidies then to even consider a fair wage or benefits for teachers. The red, white and blue glow bolder and bigger when American tax payers support the uber successful oil companies, and the flag is somehow tarnished when those commie, low life teachers try to earn a decent living.
Capitalism somehow succeeds when the wealthy become more wealthy, but diminishes in stature and purpose when those who educate our children want a bit of the American dream. Capitalism is vulnerable if we don’t drill baby drill, but when we want better schools, a relevant curriculum, to improve educational standards, Capitalism is on the chopping block ready to turn into Socialism.
“Take my ball and go home”...
John Boehner never one to say what he means or mean what he said, now wants to renege on the budget deal he and the Republican/Tea Party agreed upon to keep the government from closing down last year. If the budget was not going to be balanced then cuts for the safety net programs as well as Defense would automatically be made. But that was then and this is now, and after all John Boehner had his fingers crossed when he made that agreement.
Now Mr. Boehner wants more money taken from programs to aid those living in poverty, while not decreasing any budget items from the Defense Department. The poor are a drain on the good citizens of this nation, plus the poor don’t have the same kind of money that Lobbyists for the Defense Conglomerate do to bribe politicians like Boehner. Remember America must rule the waves, the air and be the conquerers to keep democracy least for the wealthy.
“I am but what are you”...
The newest answer to the questions about the divide/gap of wealth in this nation, which as grown wider and wider is now being marketed as a bit of jealousy from the poor to the rich. No one wants to answer the why’s and wherefore’s of how the rich get richer and the poor languish, they would rather just blame it on the selfish need of some to want to eat, work and live at more then a mere existence. Mitt Romney has made it very clear form statements like borrow money from your parents, not everyone should go to college, to you envy me because I am rich that the have nots deserve to have nothing while he and his clan of have a lots deserve to have more.
Poor people, disabled individuals, seniors, are just a bunch of whiny folk who never give but always want to take. They don’t how lucky they are to have people like the Romney’s to set standards, to provide the menial jobs and menial safety net. It is simple if you don’t want to be poor then don’t. Ann Romney said if she and Mitt could have lived off of their stock investments when times were tough ANYONE else who is not lazy can do the same.
In this election year the trite rules. The Republican/Tea Party folk talk about the sanctity of family but when it comes to a healthy Mom, a family that plans those are no real family issues. When the Republican/Tea Party insist that what makes this nation free are less to no rules or regulations on Corporations but more punitive measure for people like teachers, one has to wonder about our future. When the Republican/Tea Party insist America must be the strongest nation on the globe and have disregard for those living in this country, you have to wonder why be so strong when many of the population becomes weak. When the Republican/Tea Party showcase wealth and limit the access to success for anyone else and it plays to those who nothing to begin with it blows your mind.
When did nonsense become the guide post and the criteria by which we even consider electing people into office to run this country of ours? Oy!

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