Friday, June 6, 2014


Bill O’Reilly speaking about Bowe Bergdahl’s father.”A. he absolutely looked like a Muslim. B. he talked in the language of the Taliban, and C. he thanked Allah," O'Reilly told fellow Fox News host Howard Kurtz. "I thought the appearance was totally inappropriate. I said it, I will stand by it.” "Okay, is he over the edge because of his boy? Maybe. And I feel bad for him if that's the case, but what he did and how he presented himself was inappropriate," O'Reilly argued.
Now Bill O’Reilly I will assume (as you so often do as you purse your face into an arrogant contortion, never really moving your lips but always raising your eyebrows) that even though you could have served in the military during the Viet Nam you were a Pacifist/Communist Sympathizer/a fearful lad or felt that US was not fighting the kind of war you liked because you never enlisted. I will assume as you so often do (based on nothing but your gut (in this case my well worn gut) that you have little respect for your children’s welfare because you seem to scoff at the sheer nonsense that Bowe Bergdahl’s dad would be placed over the edge  knowing that his son has been locked away for 5 years. I would assume Bill O, that you are a shallow individual more concerned about your audience then the lives of real Americans. And as you often times like to pontificate I will stand by that!.
Brian Kilmeade regarding Bowe Bergdahl’s father. “I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity. Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”
Now Brian Kilmeade, I had no idea who you were until a friend who frequents FOX News told me you are like the added laugh track to an already boring situation comedy. I turned on FOX and Friends and found that description quite accurate. I am going to assume (as you so often do while entertaining your audience of witch hunters) that even though you were of the draft age to fight not only one but both of the Cheney/Bush Iraq Wars you decided not to. I might assume (as you always do) that you DID NOT fight those wars because you were either a non Patriot, a Communist or just felt that these wars were beneath you. I will also assume Brian that as a father you have a very distant relationship with your two daughters and son as you seem to think any parent, like Bowe’s dad is C-R-A-Z-Y for missing his son and trying his damnedest to be one with him. I will assume Brian Kilmeade that you hate the family unit especially the kind where a father and mother pine for their son locked away in some mountain captivity by the enemy. As your Godfather at FOX Bill O often times pontificates, I will stand by that!

I will assume Bill and Brian (as you both do so often while entertaining a brigade of bigots) that family values are meaningless to you as you chide and deride the emotions of two parents desperately missing their son. I will assume that you both hate the Troops/the Flag/Families and of course the kind of love parents have for their children because when you mention any of the above you hover with hate and shiver with sinister.I will assume Bill and Brian that neither one of you has a conscience that permits you to anything but laugh at the truth and romance the fake,phony and false. I used to wonder how people like you could look in the mirror but then I realized ghosts shine no reflection. 

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