Monday, June 16, 2014

groundhog day, again

"Are we about to be drawn back into a conflict in Iraq?" Smith asked. "The same people who 12 years ago told us this will be quick, this will be easy, this will be inexpensive, they will see us as liberators, it's the right thing to do, are now telling us, 'It's the right thing to do.' What's the endgame? Who's thought this through?” (Shepard Smith)
Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Dick Cheney all three men are insisting we go into Iraq again. History is of no concern neither are the lies woven into our Iraq War history that promoted America to stop that supposed mushroom cloud, those weapons of mass destruction. Its Ground Hog Day all over again. Little Lindsey Graham has stated that Americans are tired of war, but this time once again going into Iraq will keep us safer from the foes. It was Senator Graham’s warning of the fear of foes that helped foster an appetite to invade a sovereign nation the first time. John McCain,  believes that a handful of Troops had they been active in Iraq would have stopped a marauding group of terrorists from attacking a cowardly group of Iraqi soldiers. Dick Cheney, easily forgetting his non strategy for winning a war except making making money for Haliburton and of course gaining oil rights defines our president as inept and amateur. Its Ground Hog Day once again, the world is supposed to be as dumb this time around as we were then first time we invaded a sovereign nation.
We now witness horrendous actions on behalf of the newest enemy to sanity and justice ISIS. Worse then the most hated AlQeada or the Taliban, ISIS has taken the lead in dissecting the nation of Iraq into the good bad and ugly. The powerless yet graft riddled Iraqi government of Maliki at the ready for vengeance governing, the civil war mentality of Sunni and Shite to cut each others throats because of their belief in God, the encouragement of other governments to divide and conquer are issues never ever addressed by our nation. If ignored they are easy reasons for yet another war in Iraq. It is Ground Hog Day once again. 

Round and round, over and over, again and again, repeating without correcting, it is GroundHog Day in the US. You are bad if you don’t hate the enemy from a far. You are not a Patriot if you don’t fight wars. You must forget that we never won the war in Korea, or Viet Nam or Iraq or Afghanistan, but must remember that the mushroom cloud always looms large. Perhaps if we initiated a draft once again, where all Americans must bare the burden of fighting a war, we will have a better handle on Iraq. Perhaps if we actually saw a budget sheet on the cost of lives, the cost of materials the list of vendors and their supporters who gain from the war in Iraq we will have a better handle on a war in Iraq. Perhaps if we stop confusing incursion after incursion as the only way to find peace we will have a better handle on a war in Iraq. Perhaps if we realize that you CAN learn a lot from history  we will have a better handle on a war in Iraq. Perhaps if we just stop permitting Ground Hog Day from occurring and occurring and occurring we might have a better handle on another war in Iraq.

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