Friday, June 20, 2014

monsters in America

Somehow self prescribed men of God never quite get it right when it comes to defining freedom. They often times quote scripture (of course scripture from their own personal selection of Bible) to emote that God has always been particular as to whom it should to enjoy freedom. Then to mystify the masses who are self taught to hate by the generations before them, the self proclaimed messengers of God become mediums who have channeled the wishes and wants of the Founding Fathers of this nation. Pontificating from stacks of soap boxes kept afloat by hatred and lies, these procurers of bigotry insist that history should be ignored, except for the annotated parts they have chosen which always seem to prove a very shallow point.
Fox News host Mike Huckabee on Thursday compared the effort to prevent LGBT people from having equal marriage rights to fighting against Nazi Germany. (Huff Post) The Grand Pastor Pu-bah Huckabee like so many of his ill educated faux Patriots (he loves to scare the pants off of self described true Americans, like the FOX News entertainers, the we love Palin grizzlies, the Rush Limbaugh blow hards) Huckabee is the man who  by inciting those scary words Nazi/America/Hitler/ and of course Obama thinks he has won the argument about almost anything.Mr Holier than thou went on to say “Nothing threatens your personal liberty more than the notion that you would bow your knee to the court system apart from the ultimate rule of the Constitution,” “And all of the branches of government, all of which are not there to tell you what you cannot do, but to guarantee the freedoms that you are always empowered to have.”(Huff Post) This crusader for a Jesus unrecognizable by most Christians is always A-Feared-for his life and of course his freedoms. According to the I am the PR firm for J. Christ and Co. freedom should never ring true in the USA for anyone not like me. Freedom has always been a select gem, not everyone should get to wear it and of course flaunt it. This snake oil salesman of a preacher cites states rights as a true sign of American democracy, the same kind of states rights which did not want women to vote, have integrated couples  marry and of course slavery to be abolished.
And yet Mike Huckabee is considered a contender in the ill conceived list of T-Publican candidates for president. And yet flocks of sheep praise this man for seeming so astute in how Jesus discovered America, had a few brews with the boys who wrote the US Constitution, and of course the history of the Nazi’s. And yet as the great denier of freedom, Huckabee lies, fabricating his homophobic rant and is still considered a voice worth listening to. There is need to worry about a man like this who speaks to the most unintelligent,uninformed bigots using their lack of understanding of both religious and American values as reason to fear the homosexual. (For those who don’t want to be bothered with the so called homosexual agenda just remember after the Homo’s there are the Non Christians, Non Whites, Poor, people with vaginas and anyone speaking with an accent) As the religious right like to say there is a war of morals in this nation but sadly the enemy lies within the ranks of men like Huckabee. He is a scary American made monster and one the townspeople seem to prefer.

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