Friday, January 9, 2015

Amerika's New Congress

They call themselves America’s New Congress; the Speaker of the House, John Boehner standing in front of predominately male white Christian T-Publican Representatives with a scattering of female subservient white females at the ready to abolish abortion, same-sex marriage and any immigration to this country by people of the brown persuasion. Voted in by a sweet success of gerrymandered districts, Corporations are People slush money and a cadre of FOX propagandists, these self anointed Bible thumpers and revisionist Constitutionals want to make America even more privileged, Christian, Caucasian, Far Right and anything but a democratic society. Spouting we versus they, friends or enemies, our way or no other way, these hypocrites, paid for by even more selfish financiers and the fanciers of the bigoted and bias, brag about creating a society of haters, and hated!

First items on their agenda, dismantle social security, affordable health care for millions of Americans, environmental protections, and of course even more tax breaks for the one percent and their minions of Corporations are People. These shallow men and women pretend that trickle down economies really trickle down instead of up and try to rewrite the US Constitution to include voter discrimination, and a hatred for the average American. They swear that the Founding Fathers left Europe to establish a Christian only nation and to prove their point they have added the name of Jesus Christ as an author of the US Constitution. Buoyed by the absurd bullying of FOX News and Limbaugh Radio and the stupid who feel safer if they can create a scapegoat for their own human failings, this batch of fools known as the 114th Congress have great regard for the kickback and care less for those they kick in the ass!

Easy to be fooled by this batch of sinister liars. If you can identify a villain for your own failures instead of expending any effort into your own soul, your problems are solved. Too many Gays are destroying same-sex marriages, too many Hispanics are ruining the the opportunities for employment for the real white Americans of this nation. Too many women want to emasculate men by asking for fair pay. Too many blacks are uppity and expect to be treated as normal when all they really are, are thugs. Too many regulations to keep Capitalism alive and thieving. Too many non Christians destroying the kind of America Jesus stated would exist when he wrote both the Bible and Constitution.

They call themselves America’s New Congress…ever wonder what kind of America they represent?

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