Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The hoods have come off

The hoods have come off on FOX News. Proud and open, the anchors, entertainers and self identified experts on race in America, have decided that the 1950’s white robes and hoods are so yesterday, replacing them with Armani suits and Channel dresses of the 21st century. Why mess up your hair with an oversized hood, or not be able to show off your well preserved white bosom wearing a one size fits all white robe. Nobody likes a Klan member who dresses in the past, nope, todays racists need to sound snazzy and look jazzy. Nothing says hate better then a coiffed babe and a tanned man. No need for breaking a nail over a heavy noose, when your own biased God Bless America words can cut off the blood to the neck of those whose skin is any shade of brown or black. What is wrong with America is anyone who is not of the discriminated and decimated Caucasian race and their anti American need for equality and justice. George, Thomas, Ben and Jesus were all white for God sakes and after all aren’t they the ones who established this nation!

"That's my question about these guys because if we know they were speaking unaccented French and they had, you know, ski masks on, do we even know what color they were?," Bream asked. "What the tone of their skin was," she tried to clarify – as if that were less racist. "I mean what if they didn't look like typical bad guys?” Fox News anchor Shannon Bream, a former corporate attorney and graduate of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. (NCRM). Ms Bream a rather new Klan member of FOX Noise was certain anyone would have immediately known those people with darker skin were definitely the enemy. The color of skin, being between any shade of brown to black is a certain give a way to knowing who is good and who is bad. Ms Bream a Klanette with golden blond hair and skin glistening white understand privilege, and is certain to ascertain if the skin ain’t white it ain’t right!

From Tucker Carlson who stated that it is black men like Eric Holder who are to blame for the shooting of African American men and boys by police, because they dare to not defend the police, to Bill O’Reilly who scams about white privilege to pronounce how uppity black folk can become, to Megan Kelly insisting that both Jesus Christ and Santa Clause were and are white, the FOX News branch of the Ku Klux Klan has emerged sans robe and mask and has taken on a more sinister and perverse fashion. Blatant and buoyant these highly paid white men and women pretend that all that is wrong in this world is a bunch of uppity blacks, Muslims and very lower class of browns. and Never, NEVER EVER anyone white who is truly a son or daughter of the American Revolution has a bigoted bone in their white soul. The hoods have come off on FOX News and these real identities of the bigots is even more terrifying!

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