Monday, January 26, 2015

The American way #1

Piyush “Bobby” Jindal the current Governor Of Louisiana is a son of immigrants from India. Piyush “Bobby” Jindal wants to be president of the United States and in exploring this great American opportunity has decided that if he is elected he would make gosh darn tootin’ sure that one of the first things to happen would be a Constitutional Amendment to deny same-sex couples the freedom and right to marry. Piyush doesn’t use his Indian first much anymore because well, you know it sort of has a connotation of not being a really good American name  and something like Bobby makes you feel like maybe he was a character from the TV show Dallas. Piyush has little regard for the 14th amendment of the US Constitution when it comes to “others” like those homosexuals (crusaders against Jesus the first president of the US), and wants to be very clear to the group of Neanderthals who just love to hate, that a Jindal presidency would ensure that self interpreted Christian values be heralded and honored. The 14th Amendment be damned cause it has no place in the real book of laws the 10 Commandments.

Sadly for Piyush if he would ever drive to the outer Parish’s of Louisiana in the dark of night without his Sate Police escort, he private citizen, Jindal might have to first face a loaded gun by some local sheriff sniffing around his darker then Caucasian skin asking questions like what is a Muslim like you doing in OUR neighborhood. If Piyush stopped for directions in a very white hooded and white robed neighborhood some of the locals might be fixin’ to lasso a noose around his neck. If Piyush, even for a moment took the time to reminisce, recall or remember how his family was first greeted to the shores of Amerika, perhaps Mr Jindal could understand the values of a country founded to provide the pursuit of happiness for all who came to these shores instead of arrogantly and ignorantly ignoring them. 

In America just a few decades ago, white only neighborhood existed with very rigid deed restrictions. During those decades you were either white or NOT. In America just a few decades ago, you had a choice to drink from water fountains for the Colored or not drink at all, ride in the back of the bus if you were not white or just walk. And the mere thought of anyone NOT white marrying a Caucasian was indeed so disturbing as to knock Jesus out of heaven and place a curse on this Christian nation. Piyush Jindal seems to forget the history of this nation and seems to think he is just what the good ole white boys of the T-Publican want and need. So without a mere idea of how UnAmerican it is to deny equality to other Americans “Bobby” Jindal is content to act the part of a bigot. Oh Piyush just imagine not being recognized as Governor of Louisiana as you stop by an all you can eat waffles and chicken road stop on the back roads of Louisiana. Just imagine what might happen, but take no offense, no harm meant when the white folk who are sure Jesus discovered America feel that their liberties have more weight than yours, because that is just the American way!

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