Wednesday, January 14, 2015

if not me

If it ain’t full of hate, it just ain’t worth it! Democracy is now dressed in a white robe and hood, straddled by a bunch of Crusaders at the ready to murder for Christ, surrounded by a lynching mob with tar and feathers and a noose in hand, gerrymandered into office  by inciting fear, fright and a desire to replace Washington’s picture for Jesus on the dollar bill. Democracy is just too much for the inbred folks when it wants to include all of the people. And the mere mention of equal under the laws just makes a whole bunch self loathing, hypocrites cringe worried that somehow the gun totting/bigoted/God they worship is weaker then the love same-sex couples have for one another. Forgetting any history, if they even read it, forfeiting the real reasons this nation was founded, and farting in the wind at the near mention of justice for all a bunch goons, elected to office thinking they must serve a select group of the electorate want to bring back the days of white’s only and this case heterosexuals ONLY!

"An Act relating to the funding, issuing, and litigation of certain marriage licenses," also known as HB 623, the Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act, filed by Republican state representative of Texas, Cecil Bell.
"The State is not subject to suit in law or equity pursuant to the eleventh amendment of the United States Constitution for complying with the provisions of this section, regardless of a contrary federal court ruling.” (NCRW)

The state of Virginia is set to pass a law which would allow anti-LGBT business owners to bar gay people, purely on the basis of their sexuality. The Virginia Bill states that anyone seeking or holding a business license from the state of Virginia in the state can refuse service or entry to gay people, on the grounds it “would violate the religious or moral convictions of such person with respect to same-sex “marriage” or homosexual behavior.” This would make it lawful for LGBT people to be barred from hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and any other premise where a good or service is exchanged by someone who dislikes their sexual orientation:(Huffington Post)

Not a homosexual kind of person, so this sounds too silly for your attention. But maybe you are a woman, and want freedom regarding your reproductive rights, or a retiree hoping that all the money you paid into retirement will be waiting for you. Or perhaps you kind of sort of like affordable health care. And then maybe just maybe you actually think Black Lives Matter. When the flock is fooled by false prophets, and self anointed soldiers for Christ begin to arm themselves with vitriol and venom, no matter who YOU are, you had better watch out. If not now when, if not me who?

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