Saturday, October 7, 2017

religious what

Religious Freedom, the ability to usurp the Constitution of the United States, break that wall between Church and State, and play another game of Christian hypocrisy, with the permission of the Republicans in Congress. Vote for the man who can grab women wherever he wants and whenever he wants.Vote for the man who discarded his own heterosexual wedding vowels, committing adultery and having a child out of wedlock. Vote for a man who has been proven a liar, a bigot, a racist. Vote for a Political Party whose values include licking the ass of the NRA, and ignoring the deaths of those murdered by gun owners or those whose lives have drastically changed by the lack of will to ensure any sensible gun law. Pretend that NOT standing for the Flag or the Anthem is a sin worthy of a trip to Hell, but ignore the freedom of speech, the politics of hate, and the inequality toward people of color, the LGBTQ community and women’s rights not only reproductive, but those as citizens. Religious Freedom, the ability to go to Church, pray to Jesus, and hate thy fellow American. Religious Freedom, the ability to lie to yourself, that all you are doing is protecting some apparently weak God, by denying other Americans the “…pursuit of happiness…”

For numerous reasons from the fact that Obama approved of contraceptive coverage, maybe the deal he made to keep the Evangelicals happy, or his sheer lack of respect for any one labeled a female, Trump has decided to eliminate  birth control coverage. All of this happening at the same time that Republicans, claiming to be the Party of Life, have NOT voted to continue the CHIP program, a health insurance program established for families on the cusp of poverty both on the negative and positive side. Religious Freedom, the right to open the back alleys for abortions, the right for women’s health to decline, and of course the right for poor kids to die, sooner and with more pain.

I have had enough of the Religious Freedom folks who feign Jesus, while all the time just being stupid, small minded, bigots, who despise the OTHER because all their own life they have been taught that HATE is a God given right.