Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I am afraid

So, a Swedish reporter, just as Trump was about to dismiss the press, had the audacity to ask a question regarding, HIS worry about the Russian meddling in America’s last election, and if so what might has done to assure this nation that the Russians won’t interfere again, or at least with the same success as was witnessed after the 2016 elections. I happened to be watching this moment, on Cable News. My house my quiet, the day was gray, and somehow my living room took on a shade of foreboding, like the background shadows in a horror movie, right before the Demon or that Supernatural creature is about to appear. The camera did a focus directly onto the face of Trump, for a second, (either in reality, or in my imagination), the picture became a little fuzzy (it zigged and then zagged, with a panorama of colors like red and orange, the camera focused once again and there was Trump, read to answer the question. My stomach was already queasy (a feeling I used to get during W spoke to the public, but this kind of queasy feels like both a pain in my heart and a sharp bit of indigestion) and Trump began to move his lips to answer. The light in my house suddenly seemed to fade into nothingness and I watched perhaps, again for the first time exactly how Trump responds and I SWEAR I saw how his lie is created from his bowels, bypasses his heart or soul or conscience and travels directly to his lips and spreads out from his mouth like a zombie virus.

Trump, when he lies, which has become more and more often, never ever moves  the lids around his eyes, but the pupils in his eyes seems to implode, then with the same burst of energy widen, his lips move, but barely, and EXACTLY at the sometime he begins to speak there is of course a hand gesture, which I now believe is similar to the guy who says pick a card any card, trying hard to distract your attention, so he can continue the con. Trump, assured the reporter that everything good was being done toward the midterms, but, and this is where there was some activity in his face, as he smirked, moving his lips oh, maybe a few mili-inches, he was certain there was nothing to worry about. It was like watching someone having a seizure. His answer, his eyes closing and widening, and the twitch of his lips too sudden to really see, but moving just enough that if you were paying attention you WOULD notice.

As in most horror movies, once the entity drifts back into the attic, or the basement or the walls, the light resumed it brightness, and as Trump left the podium, the smell of something evil this way comes wafted into the ozone. Trump is a liar, the Republicans are his enablers, the journalist and reporters just seem too unwilling to push him, and Trump gets a second and third chance. We have a dangerous person in the White House, I have known this and still believe it. But on Tuesday, March 7, 2018, I KNOW I honestly saw how the monster works…and I am AFRAID!