Sunday, March 18, 2018

What the Hell

It might be a game called What the Hell, the kind of board game, where a group of friends sit around a table on a weekend evening, drinking some fine wine, sharing memories from the past, while taking turns selecting cards, and then reading aloud news headlines of current events, deciding which are true, and which were just some potential episodes ideas from The Twilight Zone which never made it to television! The decisive winner of this game of What the hell, would be the person who was smart enough, or insightful enough or just casually lucky enough to shout WHAT THE HELL, knowing that even the strangest of the strange in Trump Land could ever be true. The hypocrisy, the hyperbole, the hysteria, the huge gap between you’ve got to be kidding and WHAT THE HELL have all diminished in America and with the Republican Party either blackmailed, bullied or just bought and paid for, it is hard to know if we are living in the USA, the USSR or the Twilight Zone. This shit is scary and this shit IS real. And for me, anyone, ANYONE who pretends to ignore it, ANYONE who pretends its just a phase, ANYONE who still continues to support anything Trump, of course along with the GOP are the true enemies of the state.

So, here a sneak peek at a few of the games cards to be read aloud, while participating in the game What the Hell. The Attorney General, Jeff Sessions along with his puppet master Trump have declared a war on the opioid crisis, with Trump thinking he is like the dictator of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, pledging to provide the crime of capital punishment to drug dealers, suggesting as Mr Duterte has already begun doing, killing some drug dealers. Lets remember, shall we that many opioid addicts begin their journey with pain killers by written legal prescriptions by physicians, who in turn are paid a hefty bit of cash from pharmaceutical companies. The same pharmaceutical lobbyists who bribe the Congress to NEVER provide regulations on their drugs. And one has to wonder, while playing this game, would Trump and Sessions consider the poisonous drugs that Putin and his team of henchmen serve former Russians and their families, to silence them forever as an opioid crisis? The title of this card would read Trump, deciding that he needs to divert attention from his cornucopia of corruption decides to wage a war on opioids. Is this a What the Hell, or true!

One more example of a card to be read while playing the What the Hell game, goes like this. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, persuaded by his own demon named Donald fires FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, insisting that part of the departure was due to the Deputy Directors inability to tell the truth. (Hopefully, when someone is reading this card, they have not had a mouth full of wine or food, because I am certain all of it would be splattered onto the other people sitting around the table) Jeff Sessions who had lied under oath three times, each time changing his story from the story before, swearing he IS not lying, but just forgot some facts, working for a man who has YET to tell the truth EVEN once, is firing a Andrew McCabe and telling the American public in doing so, he and Trump are making democracy safer. The title of this card would read, Trump pretending that he has a conscience, wants truth to be told! When does it end? How does it end? And why, as I write this does it seem that in the end Trump/Putin will win and the rest of us will only be able to mutter:What the Hell!