Sunday, April 15, 2018

seemingly so

So it seems, in America in the year 2018, you can be a white guy selling secrets to the Soviets, or laundering money for the Ukrainians, doing deals on the side with the Saudi’s, be a princess named Ivanka pretending to be an official of the United States government sans a security check, or sit in the Oval office and lie so often that the first lie is forgotten by the time you on the fourteenth lie…so it seems you be all of that shitty stuff, while being WHITE…BUT now not only if you are driving, or lounging, sitting on your porch and ALSO standing in a Starbucks, WHILE black you get arrested.

You can scheme , you can collude, you can launder money, you can be bribed and bribe, but since those are WHITE collar crimes, anyone WHITE committing those crimes is either given the benefit of the doubt, or completely left alone. But being BLACK, and doing almost anything can either get you arrested or killed.

So it seems in America in 2018, it is a scary thing to be anything but some jerk who wears a MAGA hat and longs for the good old days of the Confederacy!