Tuesday, August 28, 2018


In 1973, the Department of Justice concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions. HOLY COW! Honestly, OMG! Has anyone taken a severe glance at the behavior of Trump, at his immature, irresponsible, and irreverent performance while sitting in the White House? For one moment has True taken, seriously his obligations as Commander-In-Chief and better yet does he even understand his responsibilities and the expectations of the job? Trumps while the intention was and is to undermine the functions of the Executive Branch of government. This man and his family and his corporation and his Cabinet have all been indicted, accused, caught in the act, of criminal activities. And we as Americans are supposed to pretend that any legal action would seriously undermine an already mentally unstable man like Trump from performing his duties! Let's stop pretending that Trump is above the law, he has managed to laugh in the law’s face his entire professional career, and WE THE PEOPLE must be stronger and more willing to stop the madness.

And regarding more madness, coming from an already unstable delusional, a narcissistic guy sitting in the White House, we have the Executive Branch ignoring a Federal Judges demand that the remaining 530 kidnapped chidden be returned to their families. Its been a few weeks and the Executive Branch has brazenly refused to make a move on reuniting families separated. Perhaps if FINALLY the someone was held accountable for this illegal and unlawful action, the families would be reunited. Maybe placing in jail the Director of Homeland Security and the Director of Health and Human Services until all families are reunited might be a perfect beginning!

And talk about undermining the Executive’s serious business of governing our nation, I suppose waking up at 5 am and tweeting about how Google is mistreating Trump, is normal? Mental illness, ineptitude, lack of understanding of the job, crime…and seriously we are supposed to believe by law we cannot at least indict Trump. COME ON AMERICA?