Tuesday, June 27, 2023

429 Days

 “It ain't over 'til it's over, no matter how over it looks.” Yogi Berra

Mr. Berra’s quote regarding a baseball game, as mundane or maudlin or miraculous, as it may sound, has, for me, taken on the truest of meanings and the most nerve-racking intentions, for me, ever since Trump, I believe, had been hacked into office. (And I believe also, with the aid and support of the Russian government.)


Trump was not elected to a second term. He has been accused of espionage. He has been accused of plotting and planning a coup. He has been found guilty of paying hush money. He has been accused of inciting an insurrection. AND yet, he is not only running for the office of President, once more, but he is leading by double digits within a now very enemy of the state like the Republican Party.


Every day is like a YEA-BOO, kind of day for me. I hear more and more incriminating evidence against Trump, and almost as quickly I then hear about his rising poll numbers. Every day I read about the latest bombshell bit of evidence, and almost as quickly I hear about House Republicans trying to muck up any and all legal proceedings. Every day I hear more ex-Republican talking heads proclaim how evil Trump is, and almost as quickly there is a slew of current MAGA-Republicans declaring that in fact, Trump may be a disciple of Jesus!


We have 429 days to the 2024 election, (as I write my blog on June 27, 2023), and maybe then, some of “IT,” may be over, but what will “IT” then look like?


Until the next 429 days, we still have to deal with the fact, Trump could once again lose the Popular Vote, but win the Electoral College tally (how unfair for the premise, one person one vote. Until the next 429 days, states can still appoint Electors, but as in 2020, some states can decide they do not like the outcome. Until the next 429 days, voter restriction laws, and gerrymandered districts in various states remain in place. Trump ain’t in jail, even if Trump is in jail it seems just as easy for him to run for President and still be elected. “It ain't over 'til it's over, no matter how over it looks.” Yogi Berra