Friday, June 23, 2023

Isn't it about time

 Isn’t it about time, that the Democrats, stop reacting to the tantrums, and hypocrisy of the Republicans, and begin to just state out loud, the true facts about Trump, his actions, and his attempts at attacking democracy, and the US Constitution? Isn’t it about time, that the Democrats stop being on the offense and strongly become on the offense when it comes to the Republican's cultist adoration for a man, TRUMP, who has made it perfectly clear that he desires to become a Monarch, a Dictator, an Authoritarian, of the United States, removing any and all of the ideals as written in the US Constitution? Isn’t it about time, for the Democrats to call out, identify, and name, the crimes TRUUMP has committed and to name the enablers, of the GOP who have also decided that law and order are NOT a priority to govern this nation? 

PLEASE DEMOCRATS stop waiting for the next shoe to drop and START dropping your own shoes and let America and those who believe that TRUMP is somehow a disciple of Jesus and a son of George Washington UNDERSTAND, that TRUMP and his REPUBLICAN enablers only want and wish for FASCISM to become the form of governance for AMERIKA!