Tuesday, June 6, 2023

JUST copy cats

 Be it DeSantis/Haley/Scott/Pence/Christie/Hutchinson or any other Republican politician running for the office of President from within the Republican Party until any one of them says that Black Lives Matter/Trans Kids are human beings/the GLBQ community are equal, Women own their reproductive female parts/Immigrants are people/this Nation was not founded as a Christian nation/Voting is a Right for EVERY AMERICAN/banning books is bull shit…all of them might as be identified as DONALD TRUMP! 

Bull Shit remains Bull Shit while being tossed around by any and all GOP potential presidential GOP candidates until ANY or ALL of them disavow HATE/BIGORTY/MISOGYNY/ANTI-SEMISTISM/XENOPHOBIA/HOMOPHOBIA/ISLAMAPHOBIA and decry the rise of CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM and WHITE NATIONALISM. Just saying some of those HATEFUL phobias are WRONG, and not DECLARING that all of them are ANTI-AMERICAN, just makes you like DONALD TRUMP!


And all of them must INSIST that the whole REPUBLICAN, PR crusade called ANTI-WOKE is nothing more than an excuse to ignore the real issues of America, which deal with the matters of HEALTH/NUTRITION/EDUCATION/POVERTY/ECONOMICS/EDUCATION/HOMELESSNESS/QUALITY OF EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN’S LIVES/FAIRNESS/EQUALITY and the great divide between rich and poor.


As I see it, you either make a statement that we all matter, or you are actually a copycat version of DONALD TRUMP.