Thursday, June 1, 2023

Not Emails, Nor Age

 The GOP Propaganda machine is always working in overdrive and working to fill the American citizens with flawed information, incorrect information, and a whole bunch of Right-Wing lies. 

The GOP used this DISINFORMATION tactic during the 2016 Presidential Campaign when all we heard was the phrase, “BUT HER EMAILS!” Not only did the Republicans convince the Right-Wing Media that somehow Hillary had committed some kind of crime, but this infection of pure FICTION made it into the so-called Main Stream Media also, and they gladly participated in this folly.


Now the new version of “BUT HER EMAILS!” sounds like “BUT HIS AGE!” Somehow Joe Biden’s age has become a talking point, a talking point repeated and repeated by way too many so-called Main Stream Media News Outlets. Has the Media not learned any lessons?


By insisting that Joe Biden is too old to be President, every other Progressive/Democracy Oriented/Human Rights/Civil Rights/ Constitutional Rights/Women’s Rights/Voting Rights/Medicare/Medicaid/ACA/Trans Rights has been easily ignored. 


President Biden has pursued a doctrine of and by the average citizen. Stop assisting the GOP in their continuous slander and lies!