Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Bad History

 Electoral Count Act of 1887

The ECA has not been updated since its enactment more than 130 years ago, and it is rife with gaps and ambiguities that make it confusing. Critically, the imprecise language allows for multiple interpretations of key terms. For example:  

The ECA sets a national election day per the Constitution, but the law is ambiguous as to what sorts of exceptions could allow states to choose their electoral college members after Election Day. 

The ECA makes it too easy for individual members of Congress to try to throw out a state’s results.  

The ECA supposedly allows states to resolve their own election results and contests but has no enforcement mechanism to protect those resolutions. 

The ECA does not have a clear and concise process for resolving disputes if Congress deadlocks when it meets every four years to tally the electoral votes. (CLC)


State of Georgia Indictment of 2023

The indictment also focuses on the so-called fake electors — people who signed a certificate falsely declaring that Trump won Georgia in the 2020 election and that they were the state’s official electors. "The false documents were intended to disrupt and delay the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, in order to unlawfully change the outcome of the November 3, 2020, presidential election in favor of Donald Trump," the indictment says. (NBC News) 


FAKE ELECTORS. ATTEMPTED COUP D’E.TAT  ( A sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government.). CHARGES OF CONSPIRING TO DEFRAUD THE GOVERNMENT. We have witnessed this, and we are still suffering the consequences of this. Those with the power to change any or all of this, still seem to have their own heads inside their own asses. 


YA WANNA MAKE CERTAIN, NO OTHER WANNABE AUTHORITARIAN TRIES TO OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT, THEN WHY NOT FINALLY CREATE A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR DIRECT NATIONWIDE ELECTION BY ELIGIBLE VOTERS????? Too many people in this nation want to ignore history. Our current history, as of almost 4 years ago, is right in front of our faces, but it seems that too has become TOO CRITICAL.