Thursday, August 24, 2023

Send In The Clowns

 Don't you love farce?

My fault, I fear

I thought that you'd want what I want

Sorry, my dear!

But where are the clowns

Send in the clowns

Don't bother, they're here. (Send In the Clowns/Stephen Sondheim)


Wednesday, August 23, 2023, on FOX, the clowns dressed in the costumes of Republicans, were on stage in full view of the world. Some are more clownish than others, but all ready to jump through hoops, wag their tails, honk their clown horns, and digress to the lowest denominator of depravity to win the hearts and soulless souls of the GOP base of voters.


The circus never packed up their tent, after Trump’s attempted COUP,; the CLOWNS scattered like a virus of contempt and depravity to try and plant their CLOWN seeds, never disavowing words like WOKE or DOMESTIC TERRORISM or FASCISM or HATE, or TREASON.


There must still be an audience for this GOP ANTI-AMERICAN CIRCUS, a sad sack group of people who love to shoot themselves in their own feet!